blatham wrote:So, why not behead them too?
I've nothing against eventually beheading senior members of al-Qa'ida, but only after they suffer a
very long and painful ordeal.
Actually, I mentioned drawing and quartering, and that involves beheading at the end (though the guy is dead by that point).
blatham wrote:What would the 'fun' torture be? I mean, what is it you imagine doing to these people?
I like the CIA's "cold room/cold water" thing.
More than once I've drifted to sleep in a warm bed while enjoying the pleasant thought that at that very moment Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was somewhere undergoing sleep deprivation in a very cold room.
blatham wrote:Do you do it for the gratification which comes from being vengeful?
Yep. That is 100% why I feel that way.
blatham wrote:As al quaida and other folks will have similar detestation (sincerely experienced) for perhaps even you, is it OK for them to have the same values?
I do realize that if they had their way, I'd have to choose between "conversion to their twisted version of Islam" or "death".
I don't know that "OK" or "not OK" really applies. They feel that way about me and I feel that way about them, and that's just the way it is.
blatham wrote:Could you flesh out your opinions and give honest careful answers to those questions?
I always try to give an honest answer about my views.
However, I don't know how much I can really expand on my view that "they've really pissed me off and now I want them to suffer and die".