Questioner wrote:queen annie wrote:God can not lie.
He can do anything he wants, who would stop him?
Himself, most likely. I would think any worthy God would be of the highest integrity. Anything else renders God just a being of some sort.
Quote:God does not create waste (in the sense of 'in vain.')
Really? So Bundy, Dahmer, and Hitler were all part of some plan of his?
Quote:Quote:God is astoundingly efficient.
Right, it only took him how many years to realize that his experiment down here was far beyond salvaging so he had to move to plan B.
Who says anything is far beyond salvaging? A human sense of hopelessness or futility is relative to the human condition--due to limited perspective.
Quote:Quote:God is perfectly fair and just.
No, he's jealous and vengeful. The christian God is above reproach, above judgement, so saying he is 'just' is a misnomer.
I don't know the 'christian' God. Or any other race/culture-partial ethnocentric God. I only know of one God who made all people of all flavors.
IMHO, I'd rather God take care of the vengeance--mankind is not qualified for judgments like that, being emotionally driven. That's just me.
The descriptions of God in the OT are not God's literal words, but man's perception of God. And considering the general idea of what a god was and did in those days, those words are not unusual.
Quote:Quote:God does not play tricks, favorites, or russian roulette.
Horsepucky. The bible outlines exactly who 'his people' are, 'his line', etc etc. And you claim a lack of favoritism?
It is only for the purpose of bringing the whole world to the knowledge of God. Which describing as 'incomplete' at this point in time is a gigantic understatement.
'Israel' are not a people or a physical lineage--they are messengers and not many who are Israel have ever been recognized as such. The UN declared nation of Israel is not anything to do with what I'm talking about.
That's the actual horsepuckey, to be honest. All those who claim God chose them above others are delusional and probably riddled with insecurities they are totally unaware they possess.
The idea of judging God by the bible, or by the people who claim to 'know' Him is giving humans far more credit than I would think warrants, considering how closely the god most 'believe to be', even if not 'believing in', resembles man, himself. It is far more likely that the bible is misunderstood and abused as a tool for oppression.
Another possibility is that the common view is so far off track that the prophecy in Revelation chapter 13 is actually truly being fulfilled, under our
noses, for the last 1600 years. The image of the beast that all the world bows down to is perhaps not the dreaded Old Scratch but man's religions and man-made gods--a reflection of man's thoughts in the form of the 'christian' god or the 'judeo christian' god, and all forms thereof.
Looking at it that way makes far more sense, from what I have observed.
Too much sense to just write off in the way the atheists do, and too much sense to be ignored by the kingdom of the Abrahamic religions.