@cicerone imposter,
Yes my God is, Seeing what God has done in fulfilling prophecies in the Scriptures,and sending his only-begotten Son into the world to help man to understand and become acquainted with the Creator, certainly we must say that God is love. From the way Jesus taught us and the way the inspired Holy Scriptures teach us we can realize that God is Love. But what a difference there is when it comes to the things that men teach us today about God! In view of such teachings of men and seeing that God has done so much with our eternal blessing in mind.
You are led to ask: If God is love, how could there be went he has he allowed so many terrible things to happen to people all through history? If he really cares about us, why does he permit wickedness and suffering to continue?
Thinking people ask those questions. And with good reason, because for centuries the human family has suffered so much from horrible wars, food shortages, poverty, crime and disease. Injustice and oppression have caused a great amount of grief too. So have calamities such as floods and earthquakes. Quite often, innocent people suffer through no fault of their own. Is all of this proof that God does not care about what happens to us? Is there any genuine hope for a better world, a world where we can really enjoy life on earth to the full, free from all these troubles?
So looking to humans for answers will never be satisfying, and to say that God does not exist only makes the problem worse. Believing that this earth and its marvelous forms of life just happened is to ignore the facts. (Proverbs 28:26)