Hamas Leader Mash'al: Islam Will Sit at the Throne of the World
Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al at a Damascus Mosque: The Nation of Islam
Will Sit at the Throne of the World and the West Will Be Full of
Remorse - When It's Too Late
[ The following are excerpts from an address by Hamas leader Khaled
Mash'al at the Al-Murabit Mosque in Damascus. The address was
delivered following the Friday sermon at the mosque, and was aired on
Al-Jazeera TV on February 3, 2006. To view this clip, visit:
http://www.memritv.org/Search.asp?ACT=S9&P1=1024 ]
To view this Special Dispatch in HTML, visit:
http://www.memri.org/bin/opener_latest.cgi?ID=SD108706 .
"We Say to This West... By Allah, You Will Be defeated"
Khaled Mash'al: "We apologize to our Prophet Muhammad, but we say to
him: Oh Prophet of Allah, do not be saddened, your nation will be
"We say to this West, which does not act reasonably, and does not
learn its lessons: By Allah, you will be defeated. You will be
defeated in Palestine, and your defeat there has already begun. True,
it is Israel that is being defeated there, but when Israel is
defeated, its path is defeated, those who call to support it are
defeated, and the cowards who hide behind it and support it are
defeated. Israel will be defeated, and so will whoever supported or
supports it.
"America will be defeated in Iraq. Wherever the [Islamic] nation is
targeted, its enemies will be defeated, Allah willing. The nation of
Muhammad is gaining victory in Palestine. The nation of Muhammad is
gaining victory in Iraq, and it will be victorious in all Arab and
Muslim lands.
'Their multitudes will be defeated and turn their backs [and flee].'
These fools will be defeated, the wheel of time will turn, and times
of victory and glory will be upon our nation, and the West will be
full of remorse, when it is too late.
"They think that history has ended with them. They do not know that
the law of Allah cannot be changed or replaced. 'You shall not find a
substitute for the law of Allah. You shall not find any change to the
law of Allah.' Today, the Arab and Islamic nation is rising and
awakening, and it will reach its peak, Allah willing. It will be
victorious. It will link the present to the past. It will open up the
horizons of the future. It will regain the leadership of the world.
Allah willing, the day is not far off.
"Don't you see that every act of deceit they contrive is being turned
against them by Allah? Don't you see that they make every effort to
defeat us militarily, but fail to do so? Israel and the occupation
forces in Iraq are supplied with the entire Western military arsenal,
yet they fail and are defeated.
"Don't you see that they believe they are capable of using democracy
to deceive the people, but then democracy is turned against them?
Don't you see that they are spending their money in efforts to block
the way of Allah, to thwart Hamas, to defeat it, and to help those
whom they want, but that [this plot] is turned against them? They are
not acting reasonably.
"They do not understand the Arab or Muslim mentality, which rejects
the foreigner. Our Arab forefathers, before the advent of Islam,
rejected the aggressors and the foreigners.
"I bring good tidings to our beloved Prophet Muhammad: Allah's
promise and the Prophet's prophecy of our victory in Palestine over
the Jews and over the oppressive Zionists has begun to come true."
"I Say to Europe: Hurry Up and Apologize"
Mash'al: "I say to the [European countries]: Hurry up and apologize
to our nation, because if you do not, you will regret it. This is
because our nation is progressing and is victorious. Do not leave a
black mark in the collective memory of the nation, because our nation
will not forgive you.
"Tomorrow, our nation will sit on the throne of the world. This is
not a figment of the imagination, but a fact. Tomorrow we will lead
the world, Allah willing. Apologize today, before remorse will do you
no good. Our nation is moving forwards, and it is in your interest to
respect a victorious nation.
"Our nation will be victorious. When it reaches the leadership of the
world, and controls its own decisions, then it will prevent this
overt interference [in our affairs], and its pillaging of natural
resources, and will prevent these recurring offenses against our
land, against our nation, and against our holy places - then you will
regret it.
"Before Israel Dies, it Must Be Humiliated and Degraded"
Mash'al: "Before Israel dies, it must be humiliated and degraded.
Allah willing, before they die, they will experience humiliation and
degradation every day. America will be of no avail to them. Their
generals will be of no avail to them. The last of their generals has
been forgotten. Allah has made him disappear. He's over. Gone is that
Sharon behind whose back they would hide and find shelter, and with
whom they would feel relatively secure.
Today they have frail leaders, who don't even know where our Lord
placed them.
"Allah willing, we will make them lose their eyesight, we will make
them lose their brains.
"Their weapons will be of no avail to them. Their nuclear weapons
will be of no use to them. They thought that they had hegemony over
the region with their nuclear weapons, but suddenly Pakistan popped
up with Islamic nuclear weapons, and they are afraid of Iran and
several Arab countries have some chemical weapons.
"Israel has begun to sense that its superiority has come to an end.
Its army, which has superior conventional weapons - the air force,
the armored corps, and the missiles - there are no longer wars in
which these are used.