Priests urge stem cell opposition

Reply Wed 30 Nov, 2005 10:06 pm
As we learn more about life, how it works, and how to use elements such as stem cells to heal, the Church loses influence. We no longer need to "have faith" in "GOD" to explain what is before our very eyes. It only makes sense the Church would advocate against anything which reduces their power over the ignorant.
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Reply Thu 1 Dec, 2005 04:23 am
Right on the button Stevepax. It's always been that way.
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Reply Sun 4 Dec, 2005 02:20 pm
Gee guys. You mean stem cells explain the big bang and how the universe was created. The more I see of science the more I understand just how little I (we) understand. Religion gives many people good feelings. The fact you dont believe makes not the least difference to me. Science is the study of life, not the answer to it. Untill we have exhausted all the scientific answers I wouldent knock religion. It shows just how little you truley understand.
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Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 09:21 am
Religion is just a wish and a dream and has no basis in fact.
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Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 09:28 am

Remember science for one has brought many advances in medicine and cured many of the ills that have plagued mankind. Whereas religion has only brought divisiveness, war and etc.
Can you name one thing that religion has done to the benefit of mankind.
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Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 05:27 pm
au1929 wrote:

Remember science for one has brought many advances in medicine and cured many of the ills that have plagued mankind. Whereas religion has only brought divisiveness, war and etc.
Can you name one thing that religion has done to the benefit of mankind.

lol You seem to have forgotten that science also brought us gunpowder, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Science, in some cases, CREATED the ills that have plagued mankind. Plenty of religions have also brought about periods of peace and prosperity.

Try using your brain instead of just parroting nonsense.
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Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 05:37 pm
Never has religion brought about periods of peace and tranquility. Religion has only brought divisiveness, prejudice, war, massacre and all measures of evil. I suggest you open your eyes and take a good look at the evil that permeates from religion.
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Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 05:53 pm
au1929 wrote:
I suggest you open your eyes and take a good look at the evil that permeates from religion.

The only 'evil" I see comes from nutcases that spew simplistic nonsense.

Your chin strap seems to be coming loose.
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Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2005 06:16 pm
I will tighten the chin strap if you can show how and when religion fostered peace and tranquility. History would certainly put a lie to that statement.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2005 01:45 am
au1929 wrote:

Remember science for one has brought many advances in medicine and cured many of the ills that have plagued mankind. Whereas religion has only brought divisiveness, war and etc.
Can you name one thing that religion has done to the benefit of mankind.

Irish monks preserved much of the science of the Greeks and Romans during the Dark Ages.

Religion has comforted countless millions during times of suffering.

Religion is like science. The benefit or harm that flows from them is determined by the individuals who practice and use them.

The concept of tax-exempt status for non-profits is sound, but the practice is not. Reform is needed.

Black churches have been a stabilizing influence in a stressed community (chalk one up for religion), and they have a long history of advising their congregation not only on political issues, but on political candidates. Many of the people who would love to see the Catholic Church taxed, would never suggest applying the same rule to Black churches.

The hierarchy of the Church (with precious few exceptions) should be utterly ashamed of the way in which they dealt with pedophile priests, but the extent of the problem has been exaggerated. This is not to excuse the Church, for it deserves no excuse or pardon, but the notion that the Catholic priesthood has been teeming with pedophiles just isn't true.

Pedophilia is a particularly heinous crimes in light of the innocence of the victims, but it is that much more heinous when it occurs within what should be the safe confines of a Church. The extent of betrayal is enormous.

In many minds, it is a betrayal that can not be exceeded, but this is because so many people have bought into the very deliberate effort of the Catholic Church to cast priests as supernatural beings, superior in so many ways to mere mortals.

In reality, what is the perfidy of a pedophile priest to the betrayal of a pedophile parent?

Actually, there has been a very limited, and relatively small number of offending priests, and there have been far more alleged victims than these perverts, no matter how promiscuously predatory they may have been, could possibly have assaulted.

Again, this in no way minimizes the sins of the Church, but it does speak to two points, one interesting and one dull.

The dull one first: There is a group of people in this world who are as fanatical in their hatred of religion as they accuse the followers of religion to be. They identify themselves whenever they attempt to argue the case that the extent of pedophile priests proves the Catholic Church is an, obscene, puss filled, and utterly corrupt institution.

The interesting one: What motivates someone to come forward and allege that he or she was sexually assaulted by a priest - many years after the alleged event? In many instances it is to obtain justice, and in some instances it is to profit, but what about those instances where the allegations are born entirely of the latter day revelation of so-called repressed memory? The number of plaintiffs who based their cases against priests solely on the basis of restored memories is quite large. If we can agree (and I'm sure we all cannot) that the concept of repressed memory is at best very rare, and more likely, entirely bogus, we still need to figure out why people are capable of convincing themselves that they underwent humiliating experiences, and announcing them to the world.

In any case, the Catholic Church does not equal religion, nor do the Crusaders who slaughtered every man women and child in Jerusalem in the 11th century, nor do the jihadists who blow themselves up to kill as many innocents as is possible, and nor does The Inquisition.

Hiroshima does not equal science, nor does Chernobyal, or the experiments of Dr. Mengele.
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