FreeDuch and DrewDad
FreeDuck wrote:If only they needed a doctor to become sexually active. I know! We could sew them shut!
Why is it that males always want females to be solely responsible for pregnancy? Males are equally involved in pregnancy, some through rape, intimidation, seduction, etc. In most cases, the pregnant female is abandoned.
Why not require predatory males to be "sewn up" and required to wear chasity belts design to make it impossible to have sex. It's men who cannot control their sexual urges who are largely responsible for the problem.
Until men take responsibility for the behavior of other males and create social pressure to reform their attitudes and to take responsibility for their own sexual urges, females will not be safe from them. To blame the female is to blame the victim in most cases.
I agree with Phoenix regarding involving a judge's decision when a minor girl fears seeking abortion consent from her parents, gardians, or adults with whom she lives.