Thu 24 Nov, 2005 06:57 am
For those of you who havent read my other posts, my relationship went downhill with my bf when he started going to uni in september.
we broke up in october and then got back together when he started texting me again, and then he started treating me like rubbish again, so we have broken up again.
only think is the other night he text me saying he was out and it wasnt the same without me. so i got in a stress with him, and sent him an email telling him to stop it, because he is messing me around. Hes very confused at the moment, and he knows i still like him. i just want to know why he is being like this, why cant he text me nice stuff when we are going out, not just wehn we arent. Its stupid.
The Pentacle Queen - I have no idea why your boyfriend is acting this way, but I do know a few things. He is obviously very confused right now. He is also manipulating you. You need some time and distance from this boy, and I do mean boy. This guy is NOT a man yet, and he is behaving like a kid.
If it were me, I would tell him to stay away, and not keep any contact. I know it is difficult, but one thing that you don't need, is a guy who ties you up in knots, emotionally. Good luck, and stand your ground!
He is not helping you at all, and, since you said in another topic that you're undergoing treatment for depression, isn't it, well, doesn't it strike you as problematic that the person who should be most understanding is being such a pain in the rear?
Sever the ties, the relationship is over and right now it's just gamesmanship. You're not going to heal as quickly while this nonsense is going on. You're a smart person. Take charge of the situation and tell him to get lost.
I agree with the two wise women above.
Plus - he probably hasn't gotten laid in awhile and knows you are a likely source for nookie.
He is probably finding it difficult to find a new women and he wants to keep you sweet as a back up incae he wants nookie.
If he texts you to say he still likes you then he will think yuo wont go out with anyone else then he can 'use' you whenever he wants.
Maybe you need to develop a sexier image.
I dont know.
I do miss him, but i dont know what for.
I want nearly as upset as i thought id be when we split up the second time.
I kind of wouldnt mind just having him as a shag pal. lol. we still get on as friends, and we still fancy each other. who knows.