Lovatts December Big No.154- The Demon

Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 05:22 am
Hi Butterfly

Thank you so much for that, I agree entirely with you, after double checking your suggestions.

Had not done my homework properly as I had discarded the word "report", and leant towards "revert" which I could link up to reverberate. (which is an echo of noise etc)

I had the word "rateable" on standby, after I sent you my request, as I could link that to apportion and was anxiously awaiting your findings which now confirms it.

Butterfly you've earned your spurs today, relax and enjoy the rest of your evening. Thanks again for your research and assistance. Very Happy

Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2006 06:35 am
Hi Dutchy,

I hope you've had a good day.

I have a big "SOS" that I am hoping you can help me with!

'Julksy' has asked me for help/confirmation for 2 clues from the 'January Bigcash' competition, but I have already sent in my 'Bigcash' and 'Big Bonanza Coupon' (which has the clues on the reverse side), without having made photocopies of either one- I don't have anything before me to go by! Sad

I was just writing this message as your reply to Julksy went through! Laughing

Thank you so much for your help Dutch, much appreciated! Very Happy

Enjoy the rest of your evening.
Talk to you soon.
Take care.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2006 06:55 am
Hi Butterfly

Nice to hear from you again. Had a busy night answering various calls plus doing my own puzzles. About to call it a day. Rolling Eyes

Tell me, how do know that my message to Julksy was going through, whilst you were writing your reply?

Whilst I have your attention I have one query for you. Can you verify
299a in Colossus 102 Cashwords for me? The clue is natural attrition, and as answer I have "windage", however connecting the two is a bit of a headache.

Look forward hearing from you.
Regards Dutchy.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2006 08:43 am
Hi Dutchy,

Thank you so much for helping 'Julksy'! Very Happy Very Happy

I was worried about letting Julksy down, as I didn't have the grid or the clues for reference, having already posted in my entries. Sad

I was the last person to post on Julksy's thread before you sent your answers, therefore the 'e-mail alert' came to me just as I was posting you my "SOS" on the speed dial. You must have ESP! Laughing

re:Colossus Cashwords 102

289D. Consequently. I have 'Thus'

299A. Natural attrition. I have 'Wastage'

Collins English Dictionary 4th Australian Edition definitions:

natural wastage n another term for attrition (sense 3)

attrition 3. Also called: natural wastage. a decrease in the size of the workforce of an organisation achieved by not replacing employees who retire or resign.

Let me know what you think.

Have a nice day.
Talk to you again soon.
Take care Dutch.
Warm regards and many thanks, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2006 02:28 pm
Hi Butterfly

Many thanks for that. For 289d I had "then" hence my query about "windage". Now I see the light with "thus", silly me not searching a bit further after "windage" made no sense.

Butterfly you are worth your weight in gold, I'm so pleased I can call upon you for assistance in times of desperation. Very Happy

Have a nice day, talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2006 04:29 pm
Hi Butterfly

E-mailed Lovatts yesterday re "Puzzle Pack". Received reply this morning with no information other than referring me to the "Puzzle Player". Already had a look at that after you told me about it. No indication as to wether the old "Puzzle Pack" is to appear in a new format. Just have to wait and see what's developing I guess.

Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Jan, 2006 02:13 am
Hi Dutchy,

I already miss doing the Puzzle Pack- hope they're going to bring it back again soon!

It's been very humid here today, but a lovely southerly wind arrived a short time ago and has cooled things down considerably now.

Hope all of your competition entries are going well.

Know I will have to call on your expertise very soon- getting ready to tackle that new wily Colossus Stinker! Laughing

Have a nice evening.
Talk to you soon.
Take care Dutch.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Jan, 2006 02:38 am
Hi Butterfly

Nice to hear from you. I looked at Lovatts site this morning and it is now official, the monthly Puzzle Pack is history, in place, you have the various daily on-line puzzles on this site called Puzzleplayer. There are no prizes on offer at the moment but they promise there will be in the future, so we will just have to have a bit more patience. Crying or Very sad

Presently all my puzzles are up todate so I have resorted to buying the "Woman's Day" this morning which this week has a special puzzle section with some interesting prizes. Laughing

Talk to you soon. Have a pleasant evening too.
Regards Dutchy.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Jan, 2006 07:08 am
Thursday, 12/1/06 12am

Hi Dutchy,

I too, am sad over losing the Puzzle Pack. I thought it was great as it was and really enjoyed all of the competitions they had on offer. I went in tonight and deleted the 'Puzzle pack Player' from my computer Crying or Very sad

I'm glad they have now put up an explanation for its absence on their website, as I'm sure many other people have been wondering why they haven't been able to download the latest pack.

It made me smile tonight when I read your post re: 'Womans Day puzzles', and brought back a few memories!
Many years ago, (6 or so) I used to do the crosswords in the 'Womans Day' and 'New Idea' magazines every week without fail- I'd get stuck into both puzzles and finish them in one sitting, then spend the rest of the week anxiously awaiting the next issues- wasn't getting my 'fix'! Laughing Thats when I first discovered Lovatts "Big" and ended up in crossword heaven! I haven't done the crosswords in either of those magazines since then - Lovatts filled the void nicely and still does! Laughing
I wish you the very best of luck in those competitions and will keep my fingers crossed for you! :wink:

I hope you have a nice day.
Talk to you again soon.
Take care Dutch.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Jan, 2006 03:25 pm
Hi Butterfly

You had a late night! Laughing

One of my other interest on the Internet is the following Australian site:

Just a bit of fun to begin the day with.

Have a nice day. Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 12:34 am
Hi Dutchy,

I'm a bit of a night owl! Laughing

I had a look at the website. Wow, you're doing very well in BP- thats a very long list and you're almost at the top! Congratulations! Cool

I have completed all of the Big Demon, except for one answer.

87D. parasitic creature (7)
I have E?I?O?N

Do you have 'Epizoon' as your answer by any chance?
Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Have a nice evening.
Talk to you soon Dutch.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 01:08 am
Hi Butterfly!

I have Epizoan - interested to see what Dutchy comes up with.

Have you noticed how long this thread is growing - amazing!

Good to see you out there playing some of the other games too!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 02:29 am
Hi Butterfly & Lezzles

That list of Bluey's Poker is only the first fifty, I've been told there are over ten thousand participants. Been doing it for 3 or 4 years now and as I said just for a bit of fun. I think you can win prizes on the site with points you accumulate but I've never bothered about that.

Now for the Big Demon question " parasitic creature", I have gone with you Butterfly, EPIZOON, because it is noun.

Lezzles submission is classed as an adjective in the books that matter, see below:

n : any external parasitic organism (as fleas) [syn: ectoparasite, ectozoan, ectozoon, epizoan]

adj : of or relating to epizoa [syn: ectozoan] n : any external parasitic organism (as fleas) [syn: ectoparasite, ectozoan, ectozoon, epizoon]

Yes, Lezzles this thread is getting pretty extensive, but how else can we communicate? I think it works very satisfactory, we're all cruciverbalists and find the answers to our puzzles here.

Have a good night. Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 06:02 pm
Hi lezzles,

Thank you for your assistance, much appreciated as always!

Yes, I agree this thread is growing very long! Laughing

I was very shy for a long time about participating in any of the many 'word games' threads, but have gradually started to build up a little bit of confidence over time, and am enjoying the challenge they bring- some of them move on very quickly! Laughing

I have managed to finish the 3 Sudoku competitions for this month- took each one very slowly and carefully.
I will put your idea of a 'practice grid' to good use Lezzles, thanks for that.
It will stop my competition entries looking like war zones! Laughing

Have a nice day.
Talk to you soon.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 06:57 pm
Hi Dutchy,

Sorry it has taken so long for my reply to your post! I tried to go into A2K last night once I realised I had received several e-mail updates, but every time I tried to go in it came up with 'this page cannot be displayed'. Every time I checked thereafter, it was exactly the same. I tried several other websites on my 'favourites' list, but they were all ok.
I was expecting the same response again this morning, but thankfully everything seems fine now! Have you ever had that happen before?

I had been trying to toss up between 'epizoon' and 'epizoan' for what seemed like ages! Thanks for your help Dutch, much appreciated!

This thread is getting very long, but I am very thankful for it and would be totally lost without it! Laughing

Hope you have a nice afternoon.
Talk to you again very soon. (Fingers crossed that I can sign in!)
Take care Dutch.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 07:25 pm
Hi Butterfly

Yes, I experienced the same problem after I posted my last message to you. My guess is the problem lies with the ak2 site, they are either overloaded with requests and can't handle the volume of traffic or are updating their site, and going offline for a while. This is the 2nd time I've seen this with ak2. I'll have a look at their information pages perhaps I can find the answer there.

Butterfly you didn't indicate whether you are going for 'epizoon" or "epizoan", are you still undecided? Smile

I think we'll keep the "speed dial" going it has been very helpful, and obviously read by a few more Lovatts fans. :wink:

Thank you for verifying Suse's cryptic answers this morning, no doubt she'll be a happy customer and come back for more. Laughing

Going shopping right now, as my lawnmower has broken down.
Have a nice afternoon, talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 06:22 am
Hi Dutchy,

Hope you were able to fix your lawnmower today.

I am going to stay with 'epizoon' for the Demon, but I think Lovatts may accept either 'epizoon' or 'epizoan' as the answer to 'Parasitic creature'. See below.

re: Infoplease Thesaurus
Synonyms for Epizoon
1. ectoparasite, ectozoan, ectozoon, epizoan, epizoon, parasite.
Usage: Any external parasitic organism (as fleas).

re: Infoplease Thesaurus
Synonyms for Epizoan
1. ectoparasite, ectozoan, ectozoon, epizoan, epizoon, parasite.
Usage: Any external parasitic organism (as fleas)
1. epizoan, ectozoan.
Usage: Of or relating to epizoa.

Both 'noun' definitions are identical to each other, and their 'synonyms' also match. I am hoping Lovatts will put this clue in their 'Judge Sums Up' page and let us know if both answers are acceptable. That way, we can file it away for future reference!

Hope you have a great weekend.
Talk to you again soon.
Take care Dutch.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 06:53 am
Hi Butterfly

Thank you for the information, it will be interesting to see, what the judges will accept. I'm inclined to agree with you they may perhaps accept both words. Certainly a tricky one. Smile

Butterfly, anng put a thread on the board for difficult words, a very good one, unfortunately it only leads you to the letter T.

I have added a message advising interested people to look at the main site which you can find here: http://phrontistery.info/
See what you think.

Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 07:11 am
Hi Dutchy,

Thanks for telling me about Anng's recommended website- I went in and had a look and have added it to my 'favourites' list. I need all the help I can get! Laughing

In the Colossus 102 Stinker I have the following answers and was wondering if you could double check them for me?

112D. US pro-guns group (1,1,1)
I have 'NRA'

151D. Batch of wine (5)
I have 'cuvee'

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

I still have more than three-quarters of the stinker left to do, so I'm going to get stuck into it over the weekend. Don't go far Dutchy! Laughing

Enjoy the rest of your evening.
Talk to you soon.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 07:33 am
Hi Butterfly

Re 102 Stinker

I also have NRA for 112d .
The initials stand for National Riffle Association.
See www.nra.org

For 151d the word cuvee is the right answer. See definition below.
Cuvee - The blend of different grapes that make up a specific wine. A French term for 'vat'

Hope this put your mind at ease. Enjoy your weekend. I won't be to far away, so if you're stuck use the "speed dial".

Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy.
0 Replies

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