Lovatts December Big No.154- The Demon

Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 02:07 am
Hi Dutchy,

Thank you for your help with 'logan' for 137A. 'Rocking stone', much appreciated! Very Happy

My Oxford Dictionary Of English definition of 'logan' is:
Logan- (also logan stone)
Arrow noun. another term for Rocking stone
- Origin mid 18th cent: from logging ( from dialect log 'to rock').

I thought this might help to put your mind at ease, as you said this was the hardest clue to find justification for.
Answers never seem completely correct to me until I can practically match the clue word for word to the definition or reference, so I know the feeling! Laughing

I saw on the news tonight that Adelaide went past 40 degrees today - hope you were able to stay cool Dutch!

I'm hoping to finish off the 'Demon' tonight, fingers crossed :wink:

Hope your 'Do-It-Yourself' grid is coming along nicely.

Have a nice cool evening.
Talk to you very soon.
Take care Dutch.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 12:04 am
Hi Butterfly

Thank you for backing me up re Tuesday's queries. Another hot one in Adelaide today but a cooler change is predicted for tomorrow.

Dear Butterfly (K) I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve and wish you Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Happy puzzling Smile

Talk to you in 2006
Regards Dutchy.
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 12:14 am
Hi Dutchy,

Thank you for your well wishes! Very Happy

Hope your cool change comes through and you have a wonderful New Years Eve!

Mine will be very relaxed at home! Laughing

Did you see my last post before this one on the 'speed dial' - re: logan?

Happy New Year My Friend!
Talk to you soon.
Take care Dutch! (D)
Warm Regards, Butterfly Very Happy
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 01:23 am
Hi Butterfly

My apologies for not acknowledging your input re Rocking Stone, I had certainly read it but the "heat" must have gotten to me I think Laughing

Have finished my "January Big" in it's entirety. Have one word in my D-I-Y puzzle that bothers me though, "ethnogeny", I don't know yet how to condense it into an understandable clue. Confused

The word means 'the study of origins of ethnic races' but to turn it into an acceptable clue is another matter. Any suggestions?

This is the only word I can make from the letters I have got so I'm forced to use it. Have time to think about it though. For the moment my clue reads: Study (origins of races), does that makes sense to you?

Take care Butterfly.
Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy.
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 02:07 am
Sorry for butting in
ethology:1 .study of natural or biological character
2. The scientific study of animal behavior, especially as it occurs in a natural environment.
3. The study of human ethos and its formation.
Hope it helps
Enjoy the changeover form 05 to 06
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 02:46 am
Hi farkha

Thanks for your input, however I feel your word is somewhat different to the one I'm interested in, compare the definitions and see if you agree:

ethnogeny study of origins of races or ethnic groups

ethology study of natural or biological character

Also mine is a nine letter word and yours is eight.

As I put it to Butterfly, I have to condense "study of origins of races or ethnic groups" into a presentable crossword clue.

Have a Happy New Year.
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 01:36 pm
Hi Farkha and Dutchy.

Farkha, you're not butting in Laughing , it's always great to talk to you!
I hope you had a lovely Christmas and I wish you all the best for the New Year! Very Happy

Dutch, "Ethnogeny" was a hard word to track down! Laughing -I could only find it in one of my many reference books.

Collins English Dictionary Fourth Australian Edition Definition:
Ethnogeny n the branch of ethnology that deals with the origin of races or peoples. Arrow ethnogenic adj Arrow ethnogenist n

'Origin/s of races (study of)'
'Origin/s of peoples (study of)'
'Origin/s of ethnic races ( study of)'

Sorry I'm not much help Dutch!

Hope you both enjoy your New Years Day!
Talk to you soon.
Take care.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 03:16 pm
Hi Butterfly

Thanks so much for your input, I will certainly make use of your suggestion, it seems so much clearer than mine.

It is 7.30am on New Years Day and I'm working on my usual Sunday paper crossword.

When I got home this morning I saw Bubble78 attempts to post some questions to this forum, I remembered the clues and was able to provide the answers.

I also read your answer and advice to her just now. Well done Butterfly, she should be right the next time. This is what I sent her earlier this morning in case you didn't read it:

"Hi Bubble78 & others.

Bubbles questions re "bible passage & fresh steed" refer to questions from Lovatts Colossus No.101 Stinker crossword.

201a bible passage = pericope

256a fresh steed = remount

Bubble78 I hope this helps. Please be more specific when submitting questions to this forum in future, there are many people willing to help you, but you must frame your questions so people can understand them.

A Happy New Year to you all"

Have a nice day, talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy.
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 07:05 pm
New Years Day, Sunday, 1st of January, 2006 11.30am

Hi Dutchy,

Hope You're having a relaxing New Years Day and enjoying your 'Sunday' crossword! Post if you get stuck and I'll do my best to help you Laughing

I saw your post to help 'Bubble78' Dutch, well done! Cool
'Bible passage' and 'Fresh steed' sounded like familiar Lovatts clues, but where to find them?
It was amazing that you were able to trace back and find out which Lovatts book, number and puzzle they were from with very little information to go on - 'needle in a haystack' stuff!
Great detective work, Speedy Gonzales! :wink:

Speaking of 'SG', I am in awe of the fact that you have finished the Do-It-Yourself grid so quickly and have also completed all of the other January 'Big' crossword competitions to boot- wow! Cool

Hope you have a nice afternoon.
Talk to you soon.
Take care Dutch.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 07:41 pm
Hi Butterfly

Steady with the accolades I might get a complex Laughing I would like to show you my completed D-I-Y but that's impossible with a2k.

Once I get my hand on a magazine it is usually full steam ahead until I complete the lot. By the way have not been able to lay my hands on the latest Starhunt issue, as I recall, you already have this copy, isn't?

Things starting to cool down at the moment with some much needed rain falling after those hot days.

Talk to you soon
Regards Dutchy.
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 10:04 pm
1/1/2006 2.45pm

Hi Dutchy

The accolades are most sincere and well deserved- enjoy!

Hmmm..., seems strange that your newsagent has received 'Big', but not 'Starhunts' as yet, especially as both issues came out on the same date -they must be shipped separately.

Glad to hear you're enjoying a bit cooler day with some rain.
We were 41.8 degrees at 1pm. I've been doing some competition crosswords in the near vicinity of the air conditioner for the last few hours- pure bliss! Laughing

Have a nice afternoon.
Talk to you soon.
Take care Dutch.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
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Reply Sun 1 Jan, 2006 06:38 am
Hi Dutchy, Butterfly. Hope the calm of normalcy has returned to your lives. Just have a wonderful year and a wonderful rest of your lives.
Dutchy, I apologise for missing an alphabet in your querry--the answer is as you wrote:study of origins of races or ethnic groups.
I have also finished almost all of the Big and am in the closing stages of the Collection (our date of submission is 2Feb06). I have to post my solutions at least 12 days before the due date to cater for post delays etc. Eagerly awaiting the next issue. Cheers.
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Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 10:42 pm
Hi farkha & Butterfly

Yes farkha life has returned to normal including the weather, a pleasant 25 degrees today. Tell me, why do you have to send your entries at least 12 days early, do you submit them to Lovatts in Australia?

Butterfly how come you overlooked Cashwords 101 in the Colossus, Christmas blues? Laughing You'd better work overtime as you have less than 9 days to closing date.

Guys I had a small windfall today! Went to 3 different Newsagencies to obtain my Starhunt 36, however none had received any copies. On coming home I emailed Lovatts direct and asked them what was happening?

A few minutes ago their marketing manager phoned me at home thanking me for bringing the matter to their attention, apparently they are having distribution problems. He further stated he had posted me a complimentary copy. How is that for a PR exercise? I most impressed.

Have a nice day. Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy.
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 01:49 am
Hi Dutchy, I subscribe to the UK Lovatts. It normally takes five days from post to delivery. BUT to be on the safe side and catering for floods, earthquakes, tornados, ice floes, postal strikes and the like, I play it safe! I hope you appreciate the logic in my answer
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 03:04 am
Hi Farkha and Dutchy

Farkha, thank you for your kind words! Hope you are well.

Dutchy, would you believe I thought I had already completed the "Cashwords 101' grid! Lucky I checked it today, or I would have had a mad scramble on Friday- talk about falling down on the job! Laughing

Everything else from '101' is completed, so I will race and try to get 'Cashwords' finished ASAP and get them all posted by Friday this week.

Was going to ask if you had gotten your 'starhunts' ok! Laughing Glad it's now on its way to you Dutch. It's unusual for Lovatts to have distribution problems- they are usually so good.

I keep checking online for the new 'Puzzle Pack 31', but its not there as yet.

'Sudoku no.8' and 'Colossus 102' arrived in the mail this afternoon.
We have got an entirely different grid to Farkha's this time- all of the clues are different to the ones Farkha posted recently. Laughing
Didn't recognise any of them.

Despite being so far behind on my 'Cashwords 101', I dove straight into the new 'Cryptic' competition and managed to complete the grid, but one question is still partly baffling me:

45D. Gives in and escapes deadly sin somehow (6)
I have Y?E?D?

'Gives in' = 'Yields' fits perfectly, but I don't have any idea how the rest of the clue leads me to that answer!
Your help gentlemen, would be greatly appreciated!

Have a nice evening.
Talk to you soon.
Take care Farkha and Dutchy.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy

PS- Phew....., that was a long one! Laughing
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 03:24 am
After all that, I forgot to mention for you to post if you need any help with any of the new 'Cryptic' clues! Laughing

Regards, Butterfly Very Happy
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 06:14 am
Hi Butterfly

Just as well I checked the "speed dial" otherwise I would have missed your last mail. A2K did not notify me this time??

Butterfly that was very clever of Lezzles the way she explained the clue for "yields" to you, another smart lady to help us solve those tricky clues. Laughing

I note besides the new Colossus you also get the "Sudoku" magazine, I have not tried them, they appear to difficult to conquer Laughing

Have also just checked for Puzzle Pack 31, in vain, the December issue is still on line. Must be running behind schedule as prize-winners for last month won't be announced until January 10.

Will no doubt call on your expertise later on this week for the Colossus Cryptic, fancy being a different one to farkha's, I had printed out all the clues and answers to assist me. Mad

Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy.
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 09:10 pm
Hi Dutchy

Still no 'Puzzle Pack 31' as yet.

I am so thankful to Lezzles for her help in breaking down the rest of the cryptic clue for 'yields'- she is brilliant!

I am very new to 'Sudoku'- still learning as I go along! Just decided to have a go one day and have been hooked ever since Laughing
I had thought at first that they were 'maths' puzzles, but you solve them with logic- you don't need any mathematical knowledge! They have several levels of Sudoku to choose from in the book, starting with 'novice' (me!), and working up to much harder grids when you want more of a challenge.

Keep all of the clues and answers that you printed out from Farkha's cryptic Dutch, I'm sure that puzzle will turn up here in one of our future books, somewhere along the line!

Have a nice afternoon.
Talk to you soon.
Take care Dutch.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 07:27 am
Hi Butterfly, Dutchy, heres a long shot at answering Butterflys question
Yield: Synonyms:relent, bow, defer, submit, capitulate, succumb
escapes deadly sin somehow: you could succumb to anger, covetousness, envy, gluttony, lust, pride and/or sloth. The close meaning of all these words somehow make you escape the 7 deadly sins????????????
Loooooooooooooong Shot!!!!!!!!!
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 06:26 pm
Hi Butterfly

Just obtained my Colossus No.102 and Crossword Magic No.3 from my Newsagent. Is that you amongst the winners of the Colossus 100 Britannica Quizmaster CD-ROM? I'm not sure if the suburb is right.

Puzzle pack 31 still not on line as of 1 minute ago. Mad Will start the Giant Cryptic shortly, so stand by, you may get a call or two Laughing

Have a nice day, talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy
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