Lovatts December Big No.154- The Demon

Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2005 07:07 am
Hi Dutchy,

thank you for your quick reply!

Still plodding on with the Colossus stinker, not much to go now- hoping to finish it tonight! Laughing oops! I should say early this morning!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Talk to you soon.
Take care. Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2005 07:22 am
Hi Butterfly

Sorry, I forgot to qualify my answers. Here is the first one for "emery"

Main Entry: 2abrasive
Function: noun
: a substance (as emery or pumice) used for abrading, smoothing, or polishing called also abradant

I have to follow this up with a second message about "domesday" because I will lose this one, once I change pages. Rolling Eyes

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Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2005 07:31 am
Hi Butterfly

Fixed. This is why I chose "domesday" for 278d:

Domes·day Book ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dmzd, dmz-) also Dooms·day Book (dmz-)
The written record of a census and survey of English landowners and their property made by order of William the Conqueror in 1085-1086.

This makes it complete. I'm trying to emulate your precise answers when dissecting the "Cryptic" clues. Laughing

Enjoy Sunday.
Talk to you again soon.
Regards Dutchy.
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Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2005 07:41 am
Hi Dutch!

I was just typing a reply to you , when your next message came through! Laughing

Thank you for your very 'precise' definitions. They answer my queries perfectly and put my mind at ease!

You're the best! Very Happy

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Talk to you again soon.
Take care. Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 04:20 am
Hi Dutchy,

I have finished the Colossus Stinker, but just want to double check an answer with you.

117D. Do a moonlight flit.
I have 'decamp'.

2. To depart secretly or suddenly; abscond. ( this was the closest definition I could find to the clue)

Is 'decamp' right?

Hope you've had a nice day.
Talk to you soon.
Take care. Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 06:40 am
Hi Butterfly!

I hope its correct - it is what I put.
No doubt Dutchy will confirm.

All the best to you both.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 06:46 am
Hi Lezzles,

It's nice to talk to you again, hope you had a nice weekend!

Thank you for your reply to 'decamp', much appreciated! Very Happy

Did you go with 'mumps' for the cryptic?

Talk to you again soon.
Take care. Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Dec, 2005 06:47 pm
Christmas Day, Sunday the 25th of December, 2005. 11.30am

Dear Dutchy,

I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas Day with all of your family and friends, and that Santa was very good to you! Laughing

I just wanted to say a very sincere thank you to you Dutch, for all of the crossword help and support you have given me since I joined A2K, and for always answering my 'SOS' calls on the "speed dial" Very Happy

Your help is always greatly appreciated!

Merry Christmas my Dear Friend!
Talk to you soon.
Take care. Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy

PS. "Speed Dial" will be running hot when the New Lovatts Year begins! Laughing
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Reply Sat 24 Dec, 2005 08:15 pm
Hi Butterfly

Very kind of you to think of me on Christmas Day. Right now I'm relaxing after an "extended" breakfast with my neighbours, if you know what I mean :wink:

Yes, I'm also glad I joined A2K, because now I can get those tricky Cryptics completed, thanks to you. Very Happy I'm very indebted to Butterfly and always pleased when I can return the favour.

Looking forward to next Thursday when Lovatts Big January and Starhunt's are on the shelves. Then the "speed dial" will be running hot I guess.

Dear Butterfly enjoy the rest of the day with your family, friends and don't forget if you have a drink, don't drive Laughing

Kindest regards, talk to you soon.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Dec, 2005 02:49 pm
Hi Butterfly

Just a quick note to see how you pulled up after X-mas day. Did you enjoy the festivities? Mine was an extremely long day but very relaxing and enjoyable.

Much to my surprise "People" magazine was available yesterday, normally they're not available on Public Holidays, so I have something to tie me over for the next couple of days.

A warmish 38 degrees today, so a good day to play Norm, watch the cricket with a "coldy" whilst doing the Lovatts Maxi. Laughing

Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Dec, 2005 08:57 pm
Tuesday, 27th of December, 2005 1.50pm

Hi Dutchy,

I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas Day! Very Happy

Mine was lovely- very relaxed and carefree! Not a crossword in sight for the whole day! Laughing

Wow, 38 degrees- you've got a scorcher there today!
Hope you're enjoying watching the Test Match- McGrath and Hussey did a great job bringing up our run tally!

I'm glad that you were able to get your 'People' magazine early- public holidays usually slow the deliveries down! Post if I can help you with any clues, I'm always glad to help you! Very Happy

Have a nice afternoon. Stay cool! Laughing
Talk to you soon.
Take care Dutch.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2005 03:42 am
Hi Dutchy,

Our posts to help 'Tuesday' for Colossus 101 cryptic must have crossed each other by seconds! We both posted within the same minute! Laughing

Hope you're having a nice cool evening.

Talk to you soon.
Take care. Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
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Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2005 03:58 am
Hi Butterfly

This is amazing. Two "great" minds think alike Laughing

I looked at the time of both messages and they're exactly the same!

Next I intended to point this out to you, and low and behold, your "speed dial" already sent me a similar message.

Yes, we are enjoying a cool evening, after the thunderstorms hit us late this afternoon and there is more to come tonight.

Just completed Lovatts "Memorial Lane" on line. Won that one a couple of years ago, still have my coffee in a lovatts mug.

Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2005 12:56 am
Hi Dutchy,

Sending our messages within the same minute was uncanny! Laughing

Were you able to get the new 'Big' and 'Starhunts' early (today) ?

Mine arrived in the post late this afternoon. I'm just about to start off with the Demon now, and see how much of it I can get done tonight. Have got you on 'speed dial' as always! Laughing

Hope you have a nice evening.
Talk to you soon.
Take care Dutch.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2005 01:45 am
Hi Butterfly

Yes, I went to Westfield's this afternoon and bought Big. No.155, unfortunately Starhunts was not on the shelves yet.

Have started the "Do-It-Yourself" puzzle, a real time consumer and a difficult one this time round.

Get in touch if you're stuck with the "demon" Twisted Evil

Have a nice evening, I'll talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy
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Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2005 08:26 pm
Hi Butterfly

Just a quick note to let you know I have completed the January "Big" Demon, so if you're stuck "dial" this number. Laughing

Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2005 07:30 am
Friday, 30th of December, 2005 12.30am

Hi Dutchy,

Thank you for your offer of assistance with the 'Demon', much appreciated! That was lightning fast- will have to call you 'Speedy Gonzales'! Laughing I am about one third of the way through the Demon grid at the moment.

Completed all of the 'Big Bonanza Coupon' Puzzles last night.

Do you always enter the 'Do-It-Yourself' competitions in 'Big' each month?

Hope you have a nice day.
Talk to you again very soon! Laughing
Take care Dutch.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2005 07:52 am
Hi Butterfly

You must have just come on line, because I checked 10 minutes ago, and your mail wasn't there.

Someone in England is wanting some help with their Cryptic 169. I leave that to you because you are brilliant when it comes to Cryptics. I don't think we've seen that puzzle here yet.

Yes, I always enter the "Do-it-yourself" competition, it is a challenge to me, although I find it very time consuming.

Take care Butterfly.
I'll talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy alias "Speedy Gonzales" Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2005 08:11 am
Hi Dutchy

The Do-It-Yourself competitions are a massive undertaking, they take lots of hard work and loads of patience- I know I couldn't do them! Laughing
It must be very satisfying when you complete each one! I take my hat off to you Dutch! Cool

I'm having a look at the Cryptic clues now for Verso to see if I can help, thank you for letting me know!

Take care Dutch!
Talk to you soon.
Warm regards, Butterfly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2005 03:57 pm
Hi Butterfly

As always I'm very impressed with the cryptic solutions you offered to "verso" this morning, your reputation is growing every day. Smile

Those answers plus the ones you supplied to "farkha" earlier this month will make our next Colossus Cryptic so much easier to do. Laughing

Don't forget to use this "dial" when stuck with the "Big" demon. I found 137a, rocking stone, the hardest clue to justify. Answer, "logan", incase you are still looking.

Talk to you soon.
Regards Dutchy
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