Frolic wrote:But its almost the only country in modern history that enlarged by the means of war.
And what about South Kuril Islands and the Kaliningrad (Königsberg) area annexed by the USSR after the WWII? I have never heard that these were returned to respectively, Japan and Germany...
And what about Eastern Prussia and Pomeranien annexed by Poland?
And, by the way, the West Bank and Gaza Strip have never been annexed by Israel, and they are not parts of it. Just like the Sinai Peninsula. If there is a real prospect for peace, even the cold one (but without terror), these may be returned to the Arabs. Right now they are being used as a bargaining argument for the future permanent solution negotiations. Settlers constitute several percents of the overall Israeli population, and if the decision is made, they will be evacuated forcefully by the IDF and police, just like the Sinai Peninsula settlers were.