On SF gathering, CI, I cannot be there until the afternoon of the fourth. Will stay at least til the morning of the seventh, and maybe longer.
There are two threads going on this right now that I know of, one under Travel, called the Three Continent A2K Meeting, and one under North America, called Poll - San Francisco, which started out not primarily about the meeting, as I remember, and has moved into some planning talk..
Will be back with links.
Following....C.I., I like the direction your thread has taken. It is very helpful when planning thread links are included.
Between osso and I, maybe we can continue this linkage. I'm trying to post something every week, so the forums don't die a inactive death. c.i.
Gee, has a whole week passed by already? I think most are now looking at the forum, San Francisco, California. c.i.
Reincarnation post only. c.i.
For those interested in the San Francisco Gathering to be held in April 2004, please refer to the forum, San Francisco, California. There are some information on possible venues, hotels, and transportation. c.i.
Having had this year's first "mini-gathering" here a fortnight ago (Steve (as 41oo) and wife), the next one will be the next week (FionaB and McTag).
Enjoyed the Boston gathering yesterday...(my second). A number of pix were taken and will be popping up on the thread in the next few days i think.
I'm also planning on going to SF 4/04 gathering and would like to attend the next Florida one if the dates work. Gotta do something to spend my vast assets ...otherwise they just keep piling up.
(yeh right!)
I also like the notion of 'mini-gatherings'. when I was in Seattle Piffka showed me around. I guess you could call THAT a 'mini-gathering'.
I don't know of any others on A2K from Rogues Island but am open to a little 'mini-gathering' with A2Ker's who may be passing through. ( think Providence , Think Newport). Just thought I'd mention it.
Where will they meet in Texas?
jjorge, I thought I was the only one with asset accumulation problems. Glad to see somebody else has the same problem.

Snood, I'll be back in a minute with a link.
Most of the gathering topics are now under north america, but that will change as a2k changes...geez, I'd love to meet in italy...japan....brazil. Well, never mind. Anyway, let's keep this topic going, so there is a base place to check.
Snood, we're meeting in Austin. It's shaping up to be a very nice group.
There will be a large/long gathering 10/10-10/13 and a small one meal gathering on 7/25, place and time to be decided later. See the following link for the thread to post too. I really want to meet you snood, please be there!
cicerone imposter wrote:jjorge, I thought I was the only one with asset accumulation problems. Glad to see somebody else has the same problem.

I'm making headway on my assett accumulation problem -went on a diet and am getting more exercise.
Who knows, if I lose enough weight my assetts could devolve into an
jjorge, There's always more than one way to increase your ass-ets. c.i.
increase? no-o-o!
I'm going the other way C.I.
jjorge, If there's a way to increase it, you can use the reverse to decrease it.