Fri 11 Apr, 2003 07:41 pm
I caught sight of this link today and thought I would post
it here, to see if anyone else is interested in using it.
There is a petition and some other information about
enviromental issues. If other members would be willing
to add more links along similar lines, petitions to sign,
emails to our representatives, the president - this would
be great also. In this way, perhaps we can all get together,
in helping each other find new movements taking action
against further environmental damage. Thanks! Babs
You're dreaming, babs. This admin neither listens nor cares when it comes to the general population. You'll have to excuse me - tonight I'm feeling quite negative; tomorrow will be better.
Then we need to get organized!
We have the basis for it with this "Anti-War" movement, now all we need to do is forge this into a force.
I know you're right. But now, Gale Norton has proposed setting off only a few parts of the country as protected areas, opening up the rest to development. And Orrin Hatch is "relieved."
I also saw where Tokyo was threatening to go dark, trying to implement greater use of nuclear power for energy.
This country, it seems, talks a lot about modern methods when it suits them, but sticks to the tried and true - oil drilling, etc., when it can benefit the small, elite club running this country. I can't think of anybody in the present admin who is really interested in our wildlife areas, in our forests, our streams, our rivers. Did they all grow up on streets and sidewalks, where exposure to nature consisted of stepping on an ant?
Organized groups demonstrating is good, but it has to be large and universal....
Thanks for your replies, I WILL continue to hunt around
for links about various issues involving environmental
protection .. with some even having the way to get the
direct email to your reps in Congress.
Thanks. I will read them tomorrow. Remember Watts? Under Reagan. And Norton was a protege!!!
Babs - well, actually, I thought it looked a little like GWB. ears and expression, you know. And right now I'm on an avatar kick.
Been thinking about a lot that's going on - not just environmental, but a lot else. And I lay so much of it at the feet of greed. I think that is the motivating factor in everything this admin does. I know greed to a certain degree built this country, but what we have here - now - is personal greed in caps. And it is disguised in many ways by some very cunning PR and ad people. So maybe one way out is to out PR them.
It is!!! It is all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
This is no war for peace for some oppressed nation.
This is a personal war for Bush, Inc and family fortune.
I'm certain that ANYONE who is in Wash DC lobbying
for their causes - is also ALL about money. There is no
honor in our country anymore. There is less and less
freedom in our country. Now every time I go to the
doctor I have to sign a new page of papers about
who my medical information may be divulged to and
it looks extremely suspiciously that Bush, Inc are
sliding ALL KINDS of bills right past us, while he keeps
the eyes of our country glued to The War Movie on the
TV - he is up to NO GOOD, NO good at all!! In fact I
hear that environmental protection measures have
been shot down all over - lobbyists are making sure all
the right palms are getting greased up there in Wash
DC. in our nation's XXXXX rated movie of Presidency.
Oh yes Mama, by the way - you DO have that
silly, kind of stupid grin on your face there, and a better
caricature of Bush couldn't be found. Good work.