Wed 16 Nov, 2005 07:25 am
If the Dems get Congress back in 2006, can you imagine the investigations, meetings and testimony in front of the Senate that will take place for the remainder of beavis and buttheads term?
Man, that would be lots of fun.
(heh-heh, you said testi...)
You mean we will finally investigate those disgusting disgraceful Democrats like Hillary and Chuckie and Charlie Rangel and...oh the list is endless just looking at New York State alone.
A very solid and serious motivation for the folks now in power to maintain that power will be to avoid exactly those sorts of investigations. If Washington turns Dem, I think the local lakes and rivers will overflow, what with the displacement from hard-drives sinking towards the sludge.
I am very much afraid that Blatham( because he is in Canada) is not aware of the findings of Fair Vote, a non-partisan organization which presses for electoral reform, which found that because of the intense gerrymandering undertaken by both the Democrats and the Republicans, no more than 30 House seats can be said to be competitive in Nov. 2006.
Of course, Democrats have every right to be hopeful and earnestly pray that the present administration's political fortunes decline even more precipitously.
Based on my readings on the subject, I am quite certain that the Democrats will be unable to win enough of the thirty seats referenced by Fair Vote.
I will be on these threads in December 2006 and I promise that I will not gloat over the fact that the Republicans will be the majority party in both houses of Congress for the last two years of President Bush's term.
He has already left his mark with his nomination of Judge Roberts. and Judge Alito, who will be appointed in January. President Bush has also made the splendid nomination( now appointment) of Dr. Ben Bernanke for the ALL IMPORTANT post of Fed. Chairman. Dr. Bernanke, who promises to follow in the footsteps of the Maestro, Alan Greenspan, has served as one of President Bush's Economic advisors.
All that is left now to complete President Bush's excellent nominations is for another Supreme Court vacancy( Stevens?) to open up.