Hey! as a Canadian you should know better;
We eat Beavers!
That "s" took every ounce of control!
That "S" is crying with pain. ssss. Ahhhhhhh. Look it's had a set of quads. I wonder who the father is ? "Q" Why, It's old man Q
Wife to husband "Bring the laundry in from the clothes line dear
Husband obediently does as he is told, (bloody wimp)
On his return with heavily laden arms , wife says "Is it still wet dear"
Husband "No dear it's dry. You should of said you wanted it wet , it's starting to rain"
Wife admonishes husband with a thick ear and grounds him for a whole week.
Moral to all Husbands, look dumb, but act smart.
Old Army trick, always look busy. Carry a notebook or clipboard and a very sharp pencil everywhere you go
thanks for the advice on husbandry!
I'd see right through that act ;-)
You CAN'T see through an act - it is a concept, not a material reality!
Yes I can! No it's not! Yes it is!
Er - you cannot argue without taking some sort of POSITION, you know - what is it to be?
was that an answer to dlowan, or sozobe?
(waiting breathlessly)
You sooooooooo can't, Montana!!!!! Will ye, or nill ye, ye ha'e a position.
You WERE noticed, Sozobe! That zoom is not perfected....
Hey bunny;
stop berating her and give her a chance to answer my question!
I'll even give her the option of "lying"!
My money is on her just uttering another contradiction......
Do YOU want a good berate, Bo Go Wo?
you have come to the right place!
No thanks, I've already eaten!
I was responding to dlowan and she knows it ;-)