"The rabbit is not tall, certainment, but Lowen has simply the practice"
I cannot even contradict that!
I believe that runts are simply the smallest of the litter, no? It could be a tallish litter....
litter being the key word.........
As any intelligent person knows, runt in this context refers to a small, annoying person . . .
No woman to follow
The world is all mine
And i love none so well
As i love the moonshine . .
Does this mean you're giving up night stalking women, as a New Year's resolution??? And taking up booze instead?
Last time i ever entrust you with my deepest secrets . . . sheesh . . .
Yes . . .
. . . 'Tis . . .
Is there an undergarment the bunny should perhaps be putting on, to prevent droop.
Droop is rawther unsightly in aging bunnies.
Ya rabbit, time to give up the love beads and tie dyes and face up to the march of time.
That was an order to Setanta to DROP!!!!!
Shoulda been clear.....
orders to Setanta often go awry for one reason or another
perhaps bifocals for the bunny?
Soon ....sigh....
Oh, dammit I forgot!
Mind yer business, Canajun!
(speaking of sight, I have a new phone which takes bad pictures. As soon as I figure out how to do it, I can email 'em - not sure if I can post 'em here?)
I, personally, am capable to the worst pictures with the finest of equipment . . . your phone's got nothin' on me . . .
No, doofus, you are thousands of miles away....fetch!
Lawsy, if I had money, I'd just get y'all together to fight this out.