Well, well - I guess they got a kangaroo at the Sydney Zoo!
Come to Adelaide, and you'll find, we've got one too!
Really, would you let me in. Actually I think we should save for the NYC trip.
New York City it is. Looking forward to meeting and feeding everyone from Australia. But, tell me, if you're continant is upside down, will you all be walking on your hands?
Margo - your presence was ASSUMED!
settle down now, there there.
Exactly, Margo you are not left out not at all.
But then you were not a chat last night, see what happens!
I got to chat an hour late but brougt Cobalt123 with me. She and I plan to do it again next week too. So I will be there if you are we can chat about the trip to NYC.
a state of mind attributed to certain diggers who've had one too many . . .
Now the bunny with the fag can commute to her new job as a playboy bunny....
er...do the playboy clubs EXIST anymore?....
No? ....well then let's see... I've got it! dlowan's used to fast company.
She can work at any of a number of dog tracks.
I am SOOOO not a playboy bunny!
Lord forgive him for he knows not what he says!
Now the entire Oz contingent is staying with you for the weekend!
so's this is where's you's guys is hanging
We be happy to see you here!
Youall come back now, d'ye hear?
Hey - whose place we gonna sundown first?
Deb xxxxxxxxxx
Doesn't sound anything like the land down under to me!