Thu 10 Nov, 2005 11:23 pm
Why do people express themselves bad about God?
Personnally Gods never spoken to me.I think people resent being told how to live their lives by other people that belive in God.
eh, i don't hate God. I am just not particularly fond of that literary character. Raskolnikov was a richer, more complex, layered character than the two-dimensional God.
It's not a God that's offensive, but the acts of those who profess to believe in a God. If you folks would calm down and let the rest of us alone, there would be no problem.
It is revealing about the mindset of the god squad, though, that if you ain't fer us, yer agin us. If you don't believe in my imaginary friend, you hate god.
What a sick crew.
It's organized religion that I have a problem with.
I would like to answer this knowitall from the point of view of some one who does believe in God.
I think you are confused. I don't know anyone who hates God. There are many who do not believe in God, but that does not equate to hate. How can you hate something you don't believe in?
I have noticed that there are many people who do not believe in God that seem to hate Christians though. My guess is that most really do not hate all Christians just hate those that try to impose their beliefs on them.
I think the most important thing is to develop a mutual respect for one another - whatever you believe. How else can you understand the other if you do not respect their beliefs? I think you can believe in different things and still get along as long as you can agree to disagree without being condensing and being considered of the other person's beliefs. I have seen on both sides of coin here on A2K those that are mean and condensing simply because of their belief.
Re: Why do people hate God so much? Are they blind?
knowitall2005 wrote:
Why do people express themselves bad about God?
First, there are many people who don't buy into a myth of a God.
Second, over the centuries, the most heinous of acts have been committed in the name of one God or another.
Personally, except for the fact that there are some people who would run amok without the fear of a God to rein them in, I think that the world would be a much better place if the entire concept of God was erased from the face of the earth.
I believe in God but am against organized religion and have on occasion even said those dreaded words "I hate you God." Why? Because in times of crisis and anger or any extreme negative emotion the natural bent is to react and to blame. Now if God is the all powerful and all in charge then God must be responsible for all my sorrow and pain; therefore, God becomes the baddy and I decide that I hate God. At those moments I cannot fathom the idea that everything is happening for a reason and that somewhere in the future that reason will be explained to me (not here; but, in the next world).
The truth of the matter for me is that I do not hate God. I am at times angry towards God and bearing judgement against God; but out and out hate is not something I can do after all God has given me so much already, and so much more than I ever could have expected or deserved. Yes, even the sad times, are good in the sense that they help me better appreciate the wonderful moments.
Where is FrankApisa now? This is a grand topic for Frank...
I totally agree with what Linkat posted. It isn't God that people hate, or at least I've never met anyone who outwardly hates God. Its the presumption of knowledge based on personal faith and the self-righteous hypocrisy of many Christians that I hate.
Are we allowed to kill christians out of hand when they knock on the door to annoy us, or is that still against the law?
dagmaraka wrote:eh, i don't hate God. I am just not particularly fond of that literary character. Raskolnikov was a richer, more complex, layered character than the two-dimensional God.
I like Creation Myths with a little flexibility and taste.
I think most people don't like God because he doesn't fit their pre-conceived notions of what God should be like. The perfect God, in their mind, would think like they do, act as they would, and certainly would never do anything they wouldn't do. Essentially, he would be their exact doppleganger, heart and soul, just with super powers.
Unfortunately, the God of the Bible, as well as other gods, don't live up to that expectation, and consequently must be rejected.
Some eventually conclude that they themselves, are the closest thing to god that they will ever find that meets their expectations. These folks become atheists. Others forever continue the futile search...these folks become agnostics.
Maybe he just gets a bad rap from the clergy:
Martin Luther wrote:Common sense and natural reason are highly offended that God by his mere will deserts, hardens, and damns, as if He delighted in sin and in such eternal torments, He Who is said to be of such mercy and goodness. Such a concept seems wicked, cruel, and intolerable, and by it many men have been revolted in all ages. I myself was once offended to the very depth of the abyss of desperation, so that I wished that I had never been created. There is no use trying to get away from this by ingenious distinctions. Natural reason, however much it is offended, must admit the consequences of the omniscience and omnipotence of God....If it is difficult to believe in God's mercy and goodness when he damns those who do not deserve it, we must recall that if God's justice could be recognized as just by human comprehension, it would not be divine.
Re: Why do people hate God so much? Are they blind?
Phoenix32890 wrote:
.... over the centuries, the most heinous of acts have been committed in the name of one God or another.
Did you sleep through the atheistic Communist bloodbaths of the 20th century?
They dwarf all others by comparison (and that is saying a lot, obviously there have been acts that have been carried out under a religious pretext that were abominable. Would those acts have been draped with another excuse if religion wasn't in existence? What do you think? Would humans stop striving for power, money, fame and control if there were no religions? Well, the example of the Communist regimes again shows that the answer is negative).
msolga wrote:It's organized religion that I have a problem with.
My church is relatively unorganized. We like it that way.
I'm kinda' with you phoenix
Where is FrankApisa now? This is a grand topic for Frank...
Seriously! I love to read that guys stuff...
Let's discuss flocks...
I always had a problem being a follower. Flocks remind me of sheep, sheep remind me of followers, followers remind me of blind trust which scares the hell out of me. Particularly when the blind trust is being spoken by a human who claims to have a direct line to God's intent.
MA, I'm not trying to pick on you here, but when you called yourself one of the Flock, my radar alarms started screaming. It's the concept of flock that bothers me about organized religion, or at least that's one on the things that trouble me.
Anyone else?