fm wrote-
Quote: If everyone wrote like Joyce, Im afraid the emergency rooms would be full of crash victimes who'd just finished trying to muddle through some of Joyces mental masturbation.
Had I got as far as "victims" I would have stopped. I wouldn't have tried to lay my disapprovel, had I had such,which I don't,on the reader.The simple scientific fact that-
Quote:If everyone wrote like Joyce, Im afraid the emergency rooms would be full of crash victimes.
would suffice. I would allow my readers to draw their own conclusions.
Not that I ever would say anything like that mind you.
I think if everybody wrote like Joyce the conversation at the bar would be a distinct improvement on the shite I have to listen to most nights. Not every night-just most.
Do you not think I write "straightforward declaritive sentences" then fm?
"Nobody" seems a bit extreme. It even includes yersen mi worship.
You can nearly garuantee that a first novel will not be worth the paper it's wriiten on before too long. It's like looking for a gold seam in Broadway.
Better looking in them thar hills which have been there a long time. More chance.