Yeah, true, but in this one, is the building curving around him? very like-able photo.
CI, I remember taking the el to Chicago with my friends and their parents and going to see a U-Boat (submarine) that was installed there, rather in the way of the Queen Mary at Long Beach, may she rest in peace (I used to love the 'then' big ships). I was, probably, twelve, thus it was quite a while ago. I don't remember anything else about Navy Pier then but that submarine, and how cramped the spaces were. Would have been about '54.
Thanks for the new wonderfull pics!!!
cicerone imposter wrote:Taking a picture of Walter taking a picture is very common; he has a camera in front of his face about 60-percent of the time.

And the other 40% no two (additionally my Nikon N 80 for black & whites

The museum built a special room for the submarine, and painted the exterior blue - really ugly. I'm not sure who's idea that was, but they ruined the whole effect, and made it into a disney attraction.
Ooooh, icky pooh. I saw it when it was just the as-is submarine, not in a building.
Walter Hinteler wrote:Thanks for the new wonderfull pics!!!
it's easy when there are good subjects. :wink:
I am overwhelmed by the photos of buildings, people,..
Thanks for sharing.
More to come... Presumably Walter's from the Friday architecture tour will turn out, and I should find out the good or bad news on mine tomorrow (have a lot of work going on at my house and need to do errands for it - the black and white photo place is across the city); I know CI took a bunch. We may 'building' you all to smithereens.
satt_fs wrote:I hope to see more..
I'll start separated threads about my impressions of Chicago and New Mexico (Colorado) as well as Albuquerque later this week in the 'Travel' cathegory.
I'll post some pictures while waiting for Walter and others to post more. ITMT, please provide what these pictures represent from the archi tour.
I like angles, and pictures that tell about Chicago.
I like perspectives.
This is a French Chateau next to the Robie House.
Two young girls sitting on the sidewalk on Michigan Avenue.
If you're interested, Satt, I might add more data re my photos of buildings.
Chicago seems to hum in pleasure about its buildings. The history is short and very rich. I bought a book, Chicago's Famous Buildings by Franz Schulze + Kevin Harrington, quite good. But there are layers and layers to delve through if you're interested.
A site I followed before I moved and got discombobulated in my own life is ArchNewsNow - they do a newsletter. I had a thread going on landuse/planning/architectural issues here on a2k for about a year, or perhaps more, stopping when I moved. Will get back to it one of these days. Anyway, ArchNewsNow was one of my sources.
They are allied with a site called ArcSpace (I think it is, will double check the name). One doesn't just link to that ArcSpace's photos, they are primo and they protect them, although the site owner did at one point give me permission to link here, after some discussion - I'd just rather not abuse the permission, even as a conduit. Their photos are state of the art, in my opinion; you can look up different architects on the site for serious looks.
That's a french chateau? oh, wait... that's not the chateau next door that I remember, but damn, memory flitters.
Dolphins at the Shedd.
This is Chicago to me.
This too!
Home of the 2005 World Champs.
More architecture in Chicago.
Like all of those photos, CI... hey, the Goldberg River City....
The dolphin one is delicious.
Central Chicago -- Google Earth Image
Chicago Habor and Navy Pier.. (Google Earth Image)