Wed 9 Apr, 2003 09:38 pm
I am saddened, not just for the death of this Iraqui child, but for the loss of innocence of this young American soldier who should be home having a beer in a sports bar or at a movie with his girlfriend instead of having this haunting experience which he already seems hardened to.
forgot the link and don't know how to edit my post. Sorry.
BPB, One of the many reasons why I was against this war. The reasons keeps adding while the jusitification for it keeps dropping. c.i.
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I support the troops, but I still haven't figured out why we're in Iraq.
Montana, WELCOME to A2K. It's gonna be very pleasant to see you around A2K. Frequent visuals of good look'n gals makes my day.

Thank you Cicerone Imposter. I'm flattered ;-)
Saddened at death
i'm also sad for the death of the child and the young service people, but if it's not done over there then, you could be setting in that bar having a beer with them and someone blows up that bar.
Here or there we have to stop them, and talking won't do it.