Wed 26 Oct, 2005 05:55 pm
Ok so we have lost the war in Iraq, now the question is how to get out. Bush has his own problems and no longer needs the Iraq issue on his plate. The simple answer, a tried and true answer, is to declare victory ala Nixon "peace with honor" and immediately bug out. The dys prediction is that this will occur in less than one year (more likely less than 6 months) All the issues of bringing democracy to the ME will be forgotten. We will, of course, maintain military presence (via contracts with private corps) in Iraq to protect oil interests.
From your mouth to God's ear.....................
We have got to get those men and women home.
This has been nothing less than an idiot's folly.....
While we are dreaming. And Bush will resign al la Nixon.
I hope not. I hope he is impeached and all his dirty work exposed.
I hope we try harder to win in Iraq. The idea that a difficult problem amounts to a loss sounds like loser talk to me.
Quote:I hope we try harder to win in Iraq. The idea that a difficult problem amounts to a loss sounds like loser talk to me.
Brandon, we have already won.
We won the battle but lost the war, I think the troops should come home as soon as possible.
Then we can think about rebuilding what WE have destroyed.
freedom4free wrote:Brandon9000
Quote:I hope we try harder to win in Iraq. The idea that a difficult problem amounts to a loss sounds like loser talk to me.
Brandon, we have already won.
We won the battle but lost the war...
Actually, we didn't lose the war, although I know that's kind of a wet dream for you. We found the war to be difficult, which is why we should try harder and get creative. Should we succeed in helping the Iraqis to form a democracy, will you be sorry that you advocated not doing so?
Brandon, the left is so used to loser talk, that's all they have anymore. There is no room for discussion with them anymore, just the whine of losers.
Bush and Cheney have already won the goals of the Iraq war. We now have fourteen bases in Iraq with which we can control oil in the region.
When the continuation of the war becomes a threat to republican election victories will be the signal to declare victory and depart. Bush will thank the families of the dead for their sacrifice and immediately forget them as he plans his presidential liabrary and reinvents his legacy.
Right on the money BBB - Exxon will build a statue to Bush, the hero of their campaign for even more wealth. The plan has indeed come to fruition. Bush has done his job for those who control him. He will be remembered fondly by them.
We won, indeed, just as we did in Vietnam.
Quote:Actually, we didn't lose the war, although I know that's kind of a wet dream for you. We found the war to be difficult, which is why we should try harder and get creative. Should we succeed in helping the Iraqis to form a democracy, will you be sorry that you advocated not doing so?
Try harder? Don't you think the military is giving all the got? What do you mean by "try harder"?