Why should theists and atheists debate?
Let's see:
1. religious fundamentalist terrorism
2. stoning, beating, burning, raping of people who violate religious laws
3. parents who let their children die because they think prayer is better than medicine
4. church leadership that wallows in luxury while millions starve, but still have the gall to preach charity and universal compassion
5. religion-based hatred/fear of and violence against gays, lesbians, members of other religions or none
6. organized, malignant resistance to science, reason, secular education and secular governments
...and most of all...
6. religious people aren't satisfied with benign belief, but instead try to foist their fallacy-ridden thought system on others.
Plenty to debate. I like getting right to the point: there are tons and tons of evidence to support the scientific worldview. None whatsoever for the existence of anything supernatural.