SpadeMaster L Ron Hubbard is indeed a fascinating man, a prolific writer, who involved himself with international witchcraft. Scientology is definitely a cult but more of cult built around the personality of a man. This particular cult has the same aspects as most religious cults but the subject matter is different. I read Dianetics long before I knew it had anything to do with the cult of Scientology. In any man’s life he is likely to encounter some truth and anyone can pass that knowledge on. But most truth is buried in a mountain lies.
Dianetics does carry a few shred of truth, people are like a movie camera in that they do record far more than they recall. A tape recorder records sounds, and a movie camera records sounds as well as pictures but a human records, not only sound and pictures, but smell, taste, touch and emotions. Incidences that are life threating are no doubt recorded in the emotional mind. Some people even believe there is a cellular memory. The emotional mind is in fact quicker than the intellectual mind and it is the emotional mind that kept our ancestor alive.
The example Hubbard uses in his book is plausible. A woman severely beaten up would remember the experience both consciously and unconsciously and her unconscious memory may be much more vivid than her conscious memory. Her unconscious mind would alert her to the possibility of similar danger when in fact she was not in danger.
The rest of Hubbard’s theory about becoming a clear where a person could purge all painful memories from the unconscious mind by talking about them represent much of the prevailing psychological theory of his time. Hubbard does not acknowledge that physical mental illness exists Hubbard believed all mental illness can be cured by talking it out. Hubbard belief that no mental illness exists that cannot be cured by becoming a “clear” is an attractive idea to the egos of those who have an obvious mental illness like Tom Cruise.
Hubbard is a product of the time he lived but he promised the Holy Grail to those that followed him, perfect mental health.
If you follow Hubbard life it is more than likely that Hubbard himself was a functional Manic Depressive. Hubbard disappeared into seclusion in the desert for the last 5 years of his life, is reminiscent of Howard Hughes decent into madness. The fact that he wrote over 300 books indicates a manic level of energy.
Hubbard never claimed to be a god just to see the path forward clearer than most.
SpadeMaster history makes a liar of you. How many gods can you count other than the one you chose to believe in? If only yours is real than all of those others are manmade gods and as for the people that don’t worship your god and that is by far the majority of the world’s population, they believe that yours god is manmade. The only reason that you believe in your god and not some other is by the accident of birth. If you were born in India you would be a Hindu, born in China you would be a Buddhist. It will always be impossible to take someone serious when you know the only reason they worship a particular god is where they were born.
By the way there is hope for the world after all the Atheist and non-religious are growing in numbers now up to 1.1 billion. It is only a matter of time before ignorance is eliminated for good.