Atheists... Your life is pointless

Frank Apisa
Sat 8 Dec, 2012 09:03 am
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5188680)
Obviously you are not man enough to acknowledge that you were wrong in what you wrote.


Did you not notice the "stupid"? Obviously you're marking your own homework again.

Yes, I did notice the word “stupid”, Spendius. You used it in the following sentence: “I have already qualified what I said in the light of you pedantically taking advantage of my stupid assumption that viewers would know what I was referring to….”

So the “stupid” was being used to insult your reader's comprehension abilities (probably mine, in particular)…not really to call yourself stupid.

Fact is, your earlier post asserted that I claimed a woman had the right to do whatever she wants to do. That simply is not the case. You could have been man enough to acknowledge that you perverted what I said (created a straw man)…and been done with it. But instead you are trying to make it seem like you were attempting to save typing three or four extra words.

C’mon, Spendius…nobody intelligent buys that nonsense. Even you can see it is just an attempt at face-saving rationalization. Save yourself the embarrassment and just say that you perverted what I said.

And I wouldn't bother loving me old boy. I'm a lazy-assed good for nothing shagged out old has been much like you and you should know that like poles repel.

Well, I am not lazy-assed or good-for-nothing...but I am old. If you truly think so poorly of yourself (I hope you don't), YOU certainly have reason not to love yourself.

But I still will. If you are like me (as you suppose) you are well worth the love. It means you are a decent, reasonable, personable, caring individual (see, I have a much higher opinion of myself than you do of yourself)...and well worth any love that comes my way.

You are a fellow human being, Spendius, making your way through life. We both are living and contending with the disappointments--and delighting in the many good aspects of the trip.

Sat 8 Dec, 2012 10:12 am
@Frank Apisa,
Fact is, your earlier post asserted that I claimed a woman had the right to do whatever she wants to do.

Well--she does. I don't see what you're moidering about. It was a stupid assumption on my part to use a bit of shorthand thinking that everybody would know what I meant. I might use the expression "Fiscal cliff" without having to explain what it is everytime.

How can you not think a woman has the right to do anything she wants that is within her power? If you are using the word "right" to be one derived from a USSC decision in the 70s with a 7-2 vote in one particular jurisdiction then you should have said so. I took that to be what you meant in the context as I assumed others would so why can't you take what I said to be including the words I saved myself from typing out?

In any intellectual discussion the word "right" applies universally. You perverted the word "right" but nobody whinged and whined about it and don't think I didn't notice its loose usage. The sense that only what goes on legally in the USA at this time constitutes a right.

A woman has the right to wait until your asleep and cleave your skull in half, or as near half as she could manage I suppose I ought to say in case you get a weighing machine on the job, with a lumberjack's slashing axe. A few women have exercised such a right.

Love away--it's just another of your slippery tricks. Especially from the point of view of a 34 week unborn kid who you assent to being offed for any reason on a strict interpretation of your statement.
Frank Apisa
Sat 8 Dec, 2012 10:33 am
Well--she does. I don't see what you're moidering about. It was a stupid assumption on my part to use a bit of shorthand thinking that everybody would know what I meant. I might use the expression "Fiscal cliff" without having to explain what it is everytime.

Are you making fun of the way we from New Jersey pronounce "murdering?"

Be that as it may, I see you are continuing to pretend to be using “stupid” on yourself, but actually using it to insult your readers. Tough habit to break, Spendius.

Now…if you think the following two thoughts are the same…perhaps the word “stupid” does apply the way you are pretending you used it.

A woman should have the right to terminate a pregnancy occurring in her own body if she chooses.

What else have you except claiming a woman has the right to do what she wants?

They are not the same…not even close. In fact, that sentence of yours was part of a further rampage that included, “An American posed the question of ingesting bleach and other chemicals in order to produce freaks. And we have seen a few examples of having to take the roof off houses to get an obese person to the hospital using a crane. The selectivity function of abortion is already in use. Selecting for sex or for more convenient times.”

Own up to the fact that you attempted to pervert what I said so you could make fun of your perverted characterization. Stop trying to weasel out, Spendius, because it simply is not working.

Love away--it's just another of your slippery tricks. Especially from the point of view of a 34 week unborn kid who you assent to being offed for any reason on a strict interpretation of your statement.

I WILL continue to love you, Spendius. Thank you for understanding. And I will continue to defend that a woman should have the right to terminate a pregnancy occurring in her own body if she chooses.

I certainly am happy you decided not to go through with your assertion that you were not going to discuss the issue with me. The discussion has been fun so far…and I am here for you as long as you want to pursue it.
reasoning logic
Sat 8 Dec, 2012 06:56 pm
@Frank Apisa,

I WILL continue to love you, Spendius. Thank you for understanding.

How can you continue to love an old shagged man such as spendius? You must be some sort of radical empathic person who is willing to forgive anyone for their own ignorance. Very Happy
Sun 9 Dec, 2012 12:56 am
@reasoning logic,
I still can't understand how that is love...Or how it is continuing...2 Cents
reasoning logic
Sun 9 Dec, 2012 02:33 am
I'm just playing around with Frank is all.
Sun 9 Dec, 2012 03:25 am
@reasoning logic,
I know you are mate...I however, really do not understand it...but it is not my business...so I will pipe down now...
Sun 9 Dec, 2012 04:29 am
It's just urban paradoxical irony with menace. There's an example in An American Dream after Rojack beats up Shago Martin, takes his girl off him and throws him down the stairs.
Sun 9 Dec, 2012 05:30 am
So you are saying that Frank is speaking well understood, contradictory, Ironic words while being a pest to you?
Sun 9 Dec, 2012 05:43 am
He's not a pest to me. He has enabled me to make a case for the unborn kid to anybody who wishes to take notice.

Not as strong a case as I can make but I have to take account of certain sensibilities.
0 Replies
Sun 9 Dec, 2012 06:32 pm
SpadeMaster I said I don’t believe in god or the devil but it is obvious to everyone that religious cults do exist. God and the devil exist only in the minds of religious cult members. Henry Ford imagined an automobile and he built it, the Wright brothers imagined an airplane and they built it. Religious cult members the world around have imagined gods of all sorts since the beginning of time but they have yet to build one.

Man’s imagination is nothing more than a tool that can be used or misused. Many people must escape into a world of fiction because they can’t deal with reality.
Sun 9 Dec, 2012 06:47 pm
Do you think that Scientology enables people to do this as well? Or is it different to you?

It is harder to try to remain moral based upon something that may not even be...Because it gives you responsibilty...And selflessness...Then it is to do whatever you wish all of the time...with no moral consequence for personal actions...

Not sure how you think that makes people enabling fiction because they can not deal with reality...

In fact, it is just the opposite to me...Without morality...There is no telling how much more evil the world would be...
0 Replies
Sun 9 Dec, 2012 08:02 pm
Why did you say that the Devil is a man of peace?

They can't build a God, because you can't build one...And if you think you can build a God...Then you may be building a philosophy that you may think will work...But it is not a religion, and it is not a God...It is a form of atheism with perks...And closer to what atheism actually is in my opinion....
Mon 10 Dec, 2012 07:36 pm
SpadeMaster L Ron Hubbard is indeed a fascinating man, a prolific writer, who involved himself with international witchcraft. Scientology is definitely a cult but more of cult built around the personality of a man. This particular cult has the same aspects as most religious cults but the subject matter is different. I read Dianetics long before I knew it had anything to do with the cult of Scientology. In any man’s life he is likely to encounter some truth and anyone can pass that knowledge on. But most truth is buried in a mountain lies.

Dianetics does carry a few shred of truth, people are like a movie camera in that they do record far more than they recall. A tape recorder records sounds, and a movie camera records sounds as well as pictures but a human records, not only sound and pictures, but smell, taste, touch and emotions. Incidences that are life threating are no doubt recorded in the emotional mind. Some people even believe there is a cellular memory. The emotional mind is in fact quicker than the intellectual mind and it is the emotional mind that kept our ancestor alive.

The example Hubbard uses in his book is plausible. A woman severely beaten up would remember the experience both consciously and unconsciously and her unconscious memory may be much more vivid than her conscious memory. Her unconscious mind would alert her to the possibility of similar danger when in fact she was not in danger.

The rest of Hubbard’s theory about becoming a clear where a person could purge all painful memories from the unconscious mind by talking about them represent much of the prevailing psychological theory of his time. Hubbard does not acknowledge that physical mental illness exists Hubbard believed all mental illness can be cured by talking it out. Hubbard belief that no mental illness exists that cannot be cured by becoming a “clear” is an attractive idea to the egos of those who have an obvious mental illness like Tom Cruise.

Hubbard is a product of the time he lived but he promised the Holy Grail to those that followed him, perfect mental health.

If you follow Hubbard life it is more than likely that Hubbard himself was a functional Manic Depressive. Hubbard disappeared into seclusion in the desert for the last 5 years of his life, is reminiscent of Howard Hughes decent into madness. The fact that he wrote over 300 books indicates a manic level of energy.

Hubbard never claimed to be a god just to see the path forward clearer than most.

SpadeMaster history makes a liar of you. How many gods can you count other than the one you chose to believe in? If only yours is real than all of those others are manmade gods and as for the people that don’t worship your god and that is by far the majority of the world’s population, they believe that yours god is manmade. The only reason that you believe in your god and not some other is by the accident of birth. If you were born in India you would be a Hindu, born in China you would be a Buddhist. It will always be impossible to take someone serious when you know the only reason they worship a particular god is where they were born.

By the way there is hope for the world after all the Atheist and non-religious are growing in numbers now up to 1.1 billion. It is only a matter of time before ignorance is eliminated for good.
Mon 10 Dec, 2012 09:30 pm
@ your last statement: I'd be satisfied if theists would just lose control of governments and militaries. The current front-runner in the upcoming presidential elections here in Korea is open about being atheist, and it's not even a topic of discussion during the campaign or the televised debates. Oh, and she's also a woman, fwiw.
Tue 11 Dec, 2012 12:17 am
I don't follow the God I embrace because of the history of religions...When I was converted, I read up on every potential God that exists till I found the one who was calling me...And all the religious scriptures they have each written...

I don't think it is fair to claim that I do this...Just because some theists do...

When I do not think you understand my beliefs, or why I believe them...

But if you man-make a God or self create a God and philosophy...It doesn't really seem to have a reason why it would work either...If you think that people man-make Gods...Because then it comes at the descretion of each individual...And they could argue that what they are doing is best for this God, and philosophy...But another could argue it is harmful...At the time being...

These other theologies...Whether you think they are false or not...Have things that are univerally agreed upon, and agreed are correct, and incorrect if done...theologies may not be perfect...But as I have said before, this is the only way these notion would work...Even if people do not do them, and do the evil things...Or even if these Gods are not real...

If you think you will by-pass these problems you see, by self creating a religion, and God, or philosophy...Then I would have to say I think this is incorrect...
Tue 11 Dec, 2012 12:33 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

I don't follow the God I embrace because of the history of religions...When I was converted, I read up on every potential God that exists till I found the one who was calling me...

I find that statement a little unusual, SM. Would you mind elaborating on that?
Tue 11 Dec, 2012 12:45 am
By the way there is hope for the world after all the Atheist and non-religious are growing in numbers now up to 1.1 billion. It is only a matter of time before ignorance is eliminated for good.

Or what you are saying is that you belief it will be purged of ignorance...Because you can't prove that it will be...And if the world is worse than people are screwed....It is a problem that atheists self create when they say that they do not have beliefs that Gods are evil...And then some thinking that if they self create one, it would be different...When they have beliefs about Gods...And can't see the self contradictions...They create...

Or thinking that people can't deal with reality and self create Gods...When the fact of the matter is I do not say this because I can't deal with reality, but because I personally care about the world once I am gone, and do not think I will cease to exist forever...Where as atheists are willing to do this to the world, because they think well if the world is worse, it won't matter I will be gone and it will be others problems to sort out, that we all contribute to ourselves right now...

It is this lack of selflessness...Or carefree attitude that bothers me...about atheists...

And why what they do and say is damaging...though they do not ever wish to rationalize how they could be, because they seem to think that only religious are ignorant...

You can call that hope, I call it a gamble...
0 Replies
Tue 11 Dec, 2012 12:49 am
I am not interested in elaborating about it....Sorry, but I will say that my path to God, was not because of where I was geographically born....
Tue 11 Dec, 2012 02:05 am
Cool. Didn't mean to pry. I know that sort of thing is very personal.

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