Wed 19 Oct, 2005 12:36 pm
Quote:A District Court judge on Monday ordered a 15-year-old boy arrested after a fight at Capital High School two weeks ago to remain in custody at the county's youth jail.
District Judge Michael Vigil expressed concerns that Nick Mendoza might be subject to retaliation because of possible gang connections to the fight Oct. 5 and said he wanted to see how the school decides to deal with Mendoza at a hearing scheduled for today. Vigil ordered that Mendoza be brought back to court Monday for a hearing on his detention status.
Mendoza, charged with battery of a police officer and resisting arrest, remains the only person arrested in the lunchroom fight, which police say at one point involved about 200 students as participants or observers . The fight began after one student threw a Frito pie at another, according to witnesses, and a security guard was injured after being hit with a rock or bottle.
Only in New Mexico, nowhere else has Frito Pie.
Haute cuisine in New Mexico. The gangs had the right idea--use them as weapons.
Wanna hear something totally unfair? Dys loves Frito pies. I can look at them and gain 10 pounds--not that I would really want to eat one, never, never, well, maybe once in a while...
What is it? a commercial product?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm...Frito Pie!
cuisine of the southwest, an equal mixture of chili and fritos (with or without beans)
Oooooh, serious salt feast.
so they're like those things that show up at every office potluck
Osso, if I remember correctly, you sat across the tabel from me at the Route 66 diner while I ate Frito Pie and you had a cheeseburger with FRIES. large platter of FRIES.
Somewhere, I've got a 'recipe' where you pour the chili into an open bag of Fritos - single serving or for the gang.
That's the real frito pie, ehBeth. The one on a platter is a counterfeit.
actually roger has this one nailed, in the day, we would go the the A & W and they would tear open a bag of Fritos and ladle in some chili, served in the bag with a spoon, (and a root beer)
so now were taking fine cuisine advice from a rat.
farmerman wrote:so now were taking fine cuisine advice from a rat.
excellent source of protein
And that is a problem because. . . ?
They could carry this outside, as Ivrea does with its orange hurling...
This is definitely not a New England dish (first of all it isn't boiled) but it sounds interesting.
in canada we have a fine dish called poutine, french fries, gravy and a certain type of cheese curd
Dys...does your Frito pie have chopped onions and shredded cheese on top? That's how they make it 'round these parts.
Here in Houston, we stick to the basic recipe.