phippsy27 wrote:Sorry, could someone translate into Latin for me...
To my Princess
My love for you grows day by day, you are so special to me...
I miss you when your not near and I know that a piece of me is always were you are...
You are so beautiful, even a thousand stars could not compare...
Forever I will be yours and I know we will be so happy together...
I love you so much sweetheart,
Many thanks for the Italian and the French though...Will come in very useful and Iknow she will appreciate it
Meae principissae
Amor meus in Te ex die in diem crescit, sic mihi egregia es...
Desiderio Tui teneor, cum Tuus prope non sim sed scio partem mei semper ibi esse, ubi Tu es...
sic pulchra es, ne mille astrorum quidem comparari possit.
Semper Tuus ero et scio nos tantopere laetos una fore
Magnopere Te amo, carissima mea