No idea who OECD is but they sound like a group of American Republicans that inherited a business from their father and never worked a day in their lives.
People that are fairly young (or in some cases old) feel a perverse sense of enjoyment making other people labor and watching them. One of the reasons I get angry over the holidays is because the post office doesn't deliver my mail every day of the week. I alway feel better after the holidays when I see people driving to work in the morning.
What OECD should really say is that when people retire they should have something they love doing. I hate it when I hear someone in retirement say " Oh, I have something to keep me busy."
Only a wretch says something like that, a person with low esteem implying they are so unworthy of being on Earth the best thing they can do for the rest of mankind is to stay out of the way, stay out from underfoot by: "KEEPING BUSY"
I'm an old man and I joined a band on Wednesday night. I play trombone and I am not playing that axe just to "KEEP BUSY" rather I know I am going to meet new people, I am going to draw lovely women that go for the trombone man. The tall, lean guy that looks just like Stan Kenton did.
As I progress I am going to establish a brass quartet. The Night Bugs will be the name. We will be appearing in upscale night spots throughout the county.