Sun 9 Oct, 2005 04:30 pm
also suggests that if we assassinate the leader of a sovereign country, the sacrifice may make a savory aroma to the Lord and we'll be spared.
I've been listening to pricks like Robertson my whole life. The litany never changes, and nothing ever happens out of the scheme of things.
Religious charlatan. I could never understand how people could be so ignorant as to follow such as he.
It's because you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, au1929.
The crew that runs the federal government at present has figured out how to use people such as Robertson and his followers to keep themselves in office.
i think it's true, but then i interpreted the title as meaning pat robertsons very existence means the end times can't be far
two taquitos short of a combo platter....
Personally, I'm looking forward to the day when all these wacko's will be lifted off the earth to whatever they envision as Paradise. I'll be happy to be left behind with the sinners if the alternative is spending eternity with nut cases like Pat.
I don't know, I could have a lot of fun if Pat Robertsons' heavenly mansion turned out right next door to my Celestial double wide.
....and people give this guy money to rant and rave like this?
Considering that the Antichrist is running the country, he could be right.
Nostradamus predicts the apocalypse (World war III) and the end of the world between 2005 and 2012. 2012 is also when the Mayan calender ends. Why. I don't think they know. Also revelations looks alot like today and the Verichip just hit the market. Soon we won't have to carry a wallet around. Well live in a cashless society. Everything about you will be in the verichip. Criminal record , finances, Identity. Some people are already getting it. It goes in your arm. I'm going to cash out my 401K and go on a 5 year spending spree. Then when I'm in the bank claiming bankruptcy 5 years from now and they ask why I did it i'll tell them I thought the world was going to end.