chinmayee_s wrote:
I havent noticed if my heartbeat really goes up - but my legs ache a lot (the calf muscles) while climbing stairs. But i manage to climb 5 floors quite rapidly - so i thought it happens to everyone...
You'd notice. It's like a freight train coming through your chest. And the large muscles in the front of your legs (thighs) are the ones affected so you don't seem to have those issues. Again, these 2 symptoms did not show until almost 2 years after my first elevated thyroid test.
But to me it sounds promising that you do not have a thyroid problem.
Keep plugging away and don't let ANYONE tell you there is nothing wrong.
I went to another doctor this morning and he told me that I do not have a thyroid problem. But he said im suffering hormonal fluctuations, which could occur, he says, because of many problems including stress.
He said he would give me a detailed report tomorrow. I'm not sure if he is right. But i;m feeling the same. And over the last 1 week, i'm hungry but i dont eat much. I've become thinner.....
Chinmayee_s: I'm sorry to hear you still haven't found the answer to your mystery illness,yet. Depending on the reports tomorrow,ask your doctor to check you for "chronic fatigue syndrome". It may be hard to diagnose,but if that's what you do have,at least you can start on a course to feeling better. It concerns me that you say you aren't eating much now. To avoid making yourself even sicker,please try to eat at least 3 meals/day,plus snacks.If you can't manage solid food,please consider liquid nutritional suppliments.
Have you ruled out depression, Chin? I'm sorry you're so run down.
i am also feeling similar weakness...i sleep fine, or so i think, i eat lots but am losing weight (that i don't have to lose!) i can't do my normal activities...not sure what's going on. my thyroid was checked once, but that was normal. maybe i'll have it checked out again.
chinmayee_s wrote: Hi
I went to another doctor this morning and he told me that I do not have a thyroid problem.
Good news!
chinmayee_s wrote:
But he said im suffering hormonal fluctuations, which could occur, he says, because of many problems including stress.
What does this mean? That you are experience all this from stress? I know that stress effects your body and mind but....this seems a little off to me.
chinmayee_s wrote:
I've become thinner.....
Why my thyroid stuff started over 2 years ago, I was losing weight at an alarming rate...enough to scare me. And I wasn't hungry at all. I was barely surviving on Cream of Wheat, crackers and water.
It sounds like
something is wrong.....what, I don't know....but persist until someone figures it out.
This doctor only had so much to say. He had performed a hormone test and he told me that although all my hormones are within the normal level...quite a few them, including cortisol fluctuate quite a lot..he's telling me insulin levels are fluctuating too and i'm often hypoglcemic for short durations..which is when i start craving for fatty foods/sugar...
he said it's becuase i probably have a stressful job (he does not know any personal details about me)
He asked me not to work long hours..i'll try doing that but i dont know how helpful that will be..i'm still not convinced....
oh and i'm back to eating a LOT. and the worst thing is i'm always hungry despite eating so's quite diffuclt to work..with this level of hunger....
I am still convinced it is your thyroid but I am not a doctor opinion doesn't count for much. The fatty food/sugar cravings, the eating and still being hungry, the weight loss....all point straight to your thyroid. I would just watch things and keep a record of all your symptoms and follow up with your doctor in a month or so. Good luck and feel better!!!
Me Too
I'm a 51 year old GrandFather and I have the very same problem, not sure what it is. I did or do have chronic Lyme Disease in my body & brain. I also had 2 of the co-infections and out of control yeast. I was treated. I was feeling OK for the summer, but now for the past month I've been very weak and tired like CFS. Could be cancer, who knows. I do live under stress. I have a wife and 19 year old step-daughter and most of the time they just want me to die. My wife doesn't talk to me, shop for me, cook for me, wash my clothes or clean anything. I'm not allowed in the kitchen or to use the washer, so I have to do it when they are away. I'm locked away in a little room. Yes, I'm abused and she should be in jail, but it's all I have. I'm ill and can't get away. So death coming soon would be OK. I just hate this suffering day after day, year after year. I want to feel well, I want to be loved. I want to talk with another human being. I haven't used my voice in so long I had to start talking to the TV and other things in my room.
Hockpooh, I suggest you start a thread for yourself. I am sure others will speak with you and perhaps offer specific advice and support.
Chin, I also thought of lyme, but I don't think you have that in India. There is also chronic fatigue syndrome which is thought to be viral. I don't know if there is a test for it, but you could do a little research and see if the symptoms fit your situation.
are you on birth control?
I am having the same type of problems and no doctor has a clue what is wrong. They have done lime tests and many others. My legs feel like spagetti and i can't seem to shake it. if you figure anyhting out please let me no. this is brutal.. so your not alone
sounds like Thyroid. I had hyperthyroidism and that is the way I was.......I can't believe u get good sleep. I was so wired, I couldn't sleep. Thought I was going crazy. I am thinking my meds are off now, cause I am feeling VERY tired and low of energy.
If im not wrong, im sure there is something wrong with the air that cause all this. Do you guys feel that the sky level is dropping? If what i say is true, there might be less oxygen in the air which trigger our body to be feeling tired. Do you guys think it got something to do with the 2012 story of the galactic plane alignment?
bent :
if you need a whiff of extra oxygen , try some of the oxygen sold in 7-11 stores in japan :
and breathe deeply !
Hi Saki
Well, these are some things that come to mind:
1. Sleep Apnea: You may not be getting enough oxygen in your system due to chronic obstruction of your air ways.
2. Depression/Anxiety: These two combined can make a world of symptoms that make a person feel sick.
3. Diet/Exercise: Try exercising more and eating more whole foods. Maybe switch to a whole foods diet for a couple of weeks.
4. Pregnancy test
I have the same condition but have diabetis insipidus. A good explanation for the was you feel could be low sodium. I do not know if you had this done or not. Feeling flused all of the time could be your sympathetic response from you sympathetic nervous system. I had all of the test you had done but I have had ups and downs with feeling this way for 10 years. Please email me.
[email protected]
I am sorry to hear this, you are not old. I wish I could help you as you do not deserve this kind of treatment. The fact is it is the conditions you are living in.
Please feel free to contact me if you want to talk.
[email protected]
@Bella Dea, really interested in your comment about the hyperthyroid. my mom jst got diagnosed with it and i was wondering if you had any advice for us. she feels weak and tired all the time now.
Hi there
Reading through all these posts, i got pretty convinced that you have depression. I was volunteering at a place for the aged... and the ones with depression were constantly hungry even hough they had a big breakfast an hour or two ago ! You don't necessarily have to feel sad.. Depression is different. search it and see.
Of course the fact that you don't put on weight and muscle weakness seems like hyperthyroidism.. But you said the numbers are normal.. soo...
Well.. check out depression too and tell us news when you find out what it is

Good luck !!