Finn d'Abuzz wrote:I could be mistaken, but the Texas sodomy laws recently struck down by the SC were on the books for quite some time, just as they were in virtually every other state. Again, I could be wrong but I bet there are still some sodomy laws on the books in states other than Texas.....the Texas laws were almost never enforced.
I don't see any significance in the fact that some other states besdes Texas had anti-sodomy laws. All that means is that the Right was able to keep them on the books in states other than Texas. I don't see how your argument is supported at all by this-I nefver said all conservatives live in Texas.
Finn d'Abuzz wrote: .... incorrect to suggest that these laws were regularly, or even occassionally used to oppress sodomites.
There are any number of old laws that might be objectionable or ridiculous, but which are there, never enforced, because people forgot about them. That is not the case with the Texas sodomy law. Attempts to get it off the books were shot down, and the state fought to keep it on the books in earlier fights with the Supreme Court.. The lawmakers in Texas in were fully aware that those laws were still on the books, and they took pains to keep them there.
Moreover, those laws WERE enforced within the lifetime of most people. About fifteen years ago I remember reading an article by a journalist who was covering police in Texas in the late sixties. He saw them bug an apartment of a homosexual teacher to listen in on the sex parties with other teachers. This was a police investigation, and the purpose was to arrest these teachers. How much longer the practice went on I don't know, but that is not so long ago.
Why would lawmakers keep laws that weren't enforced for a decade or two on the books? Rather obvious. A significant percentage of the lawmakers are just waiting for a change in the political wind to start enforcing them again. If the laws are taken off, getting them back on might take some effort. If the laws are kept on, all it would take would be a couple of sheriffs to decide to start enforcing the laws again. That's why.
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:Some people who believe that sodomy is a sin did find the SC ruling objectionable
[/color] Or, put another way, virtually everyone who opposed the Supreme Court ruling did so because they thought sodomy was a sin.
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:Some conservatives objected to the ruling on the basis of States rights.
Want to bet the correlation of those who think sodomy is a sin and therefore should be made illegal, and those who oppose the Supreme Court ruling on states rights grounds is near 100%?
The "states rights" thing is just an excuse. I doubt very seriously there are many people who think, "I don't think homosexuality is sinful, but I truly oppose the Supreme Court striking down the anti-sodomy laws because of states rights grounds." Face it-the sinful thing doesn't play as far as they would like, so they throw in the states rights angle.
kelticwizard wrote:So she is hardly an isolated kook. There are many on the Right who share her beliefs.
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:And there are many on the Left who share the beliefs of left-wing kooks.
[/color] So you freely admit that there are many on the Right who share her beliefs. Good. Then you cannot characterize her as just a kook, for you admit she represents a fair percentage of conservatives. Which is my point.
Finn d'Abuzz wrote: And please don't try and tell me that the Left is incapable of all sorts of nasty deeds you find to be common fare for the Right, for if you do I will be forced to evoke the names of Lenin, Stalin, Mao-tse-dung, Pol Pot, and Mugawbi.
[/color] Funny, I don't see the name of a single American on that list you made. This thread is about an
American lawmaker, elected to an
American state legislature, who put forth a bill which would prevent lesbians from in vitro fertilization. Please keep your off topic observations about Russians, Chinese, Cambodians and Zimbabweans, none of whom had any stances on in vitro fertilization, to a thread where they might be more appropriate. Thank you.