OCCOM BILL wrote:Joe, my point is eat Brunch in another neighborhood.

Parking is pretty bad all over the north side. Plus, the Wrigleyville neighborhood is centrally located for all of us except
Swimpy, for whom
nothing is centrally located (except maybe Rockford). Furthermore, I think it's a good idea to find a place that's within walking distance of the park, just to cut down on the amount of time spent on public transportation. But if everyone wants to eat somewhere in Hyde Park or Sauganash or Oak Park, I'm fine with that.
wandeljw wrote:i am no good at this sort of thing and shouldn't complain....
but the midway airport solution would result in an extremely long public transportation trip for swimpy
That's a disadvantage. But the advantages are that the "L" station is connected to the parking structure (no chance of getting lost) and she'd avoid all of the downtown traffic congestion (and all of the opportunities to get lost there as well). These are all considerations that should be weighed. That's why I suggested two options.