Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 01:07 am

There are Demons in My Coffee

Here sit I,

a self-proclaimed coffee-shop

want-to-be-writer geek.

I come here for many reasons:

to scorn others like me, but who are not

as yet well-practiced;

to advertise the appearance of a soul in conflict,

hastening to write down new revelations

as though the mind's precious ink were to disappear readily;

I come here to listen to the types of ideas

that are given to the nature of a conversation

which lasts the depth of a mug, or two.

A few others, they come to read,

and that suits me just fine.

I with them, we form a steady colour, a backdrop

against which all coffee-mug conversations stand out.

Usually, these brief interchanges are of

the financial planning-pyramid schemes; or

Evangelical, or "Am-I-Right-To-Feel-

This-Way?" varieties;

things that I relish to despise,

I feel like a spy, though not as noble,

my pretense at writing perhaps my disguise;

more likely my shield.

Then, there is her, one of

my compatriots in backdrop.

Her eyes smooth out the pages

tended by her compelling hands.

She near the corner, as always,

a bishop's move away,

guarding the diagonal between us, knowing

I've no right nor reason to this space transgress

other than to her approach.

I think not.

But I can dream, yes

and in fancy fashion many tales

that would satisfy my growing hunger

with the notion of some connection between us.

I long ago started this by thinking about

her and my cup,

Tingling with excitement at the mere thought

that my draught tonight may be an offer

in the very chalice her lips did grace

only the night before.

No measure of sanitation could have cleansed

all traces of her presence left behind.

This cup, then, could be the only thing

between her lips and mine.

If our timing were perfect, night after night,

I would continue to intercept the cup

by her last sipped, still ripe with her touch.

How easy it is, really,

to construe intimate connections between us

across grounds not yet considered, yet

must be powerful enough, if my awareness

lends to their power,

and in weaving such threads may

pull tight in reality, making true

that which I've not summoned the courage to do.

Though I've no knowledge of her directly,

would we still count ourselves as strangers

if some common acquaintance parleyed us?

I will measure in this manner, then,

the intimacy of our connection.

I will send word through all of my closest,

and, forwarding only to their closest,

see how long it takes to reach her.

I've read that coast to coast, this same experiment

no more than 10 messengers interceding

did take to connect perfect strangers.

I would like to travel the shortest of such

people-paths between me and her; who knows

who intercedes between us? Perhaps even

Britain's Queen, or Rome's Holy Pope.

Already enamoured, I am much emboldened

by this newfound intimacy.

There are so many things we share:

perhaps the change she deals out

at the counter, next finds itself in my hand.

(I pay with large bills just to increase my chances

with this treasure.)

We breathe the same air;

Perhaps even my last bath did contain

pearls from her own;

water droplets which I embrace

may recently have cleansed her nude form.

A few droplets? Nay,

I will conjecture that, through a reversal

of Probability's Laws (which have not my sanction)

my entire bath is a composition of water droplets

which have all kissed her surface

at some point in time.

I must be her lover, for none else

can claim such proximal sense

of awareness, nor feel it's true power.

I wonder, as I look across,

does she excuse my excesses?

Her composure betrays nothing of the kind:

two arcs, crescents over constellation eyes,

dark brows pointed down, her thoughts

sure to join there and, gathering speed,

run the slope of that royal ridge

to the pages, splayed.

Her mouth, waiting to be discovered

behind this veil, sometimes practicing spells,

now crouches in a smile.

Maybe she's clever, just tests my faith

and all I've to do is discover

how we truly connect.

This is like being in a book, at a place

where you cannot see the end

yet it fires you to know

the end exists in the pages you hold,

and in the time you read,

cannot be rewritten.

All right, I'll charge on from here

emboldened again with the sure

knowledge there is an end.

If only I could shut out

the hive's activity around me -

infernal racket!

A trio of young men, recent additions,

have confounded my space;

delight each other in soft speech.

One points out, and with hands clasped the others approve:

"Oh, look at this! There's a rainbow in my soup!"

A rainbow, how (sickening) sweet it must be...

take it as a token

of your evening's good fortune

I'll stick to the demons in my coffee.

Ah, the demons in my coffee!

Now there's something that makes sense...

From what alternatives

Would my mind's paces have found origin?

Many, perhaps, but none that beguile me

Like the enchantments of the mystic.

As I brood, night after night,

The wicked spells concoct themselves

The elements disguised as coffee, sugar, and milk.

And her? Her nearness is an influence,

A catalyst to the reactions

Borne in my cup.

A catalyst? Nay, the affinity between her

And the magic wreaking havoc on me

has more the nature of witch and brew.


I must hold on to this image, this idea,

For of all indulgements, this one tastes the best,

Though I fear that somehow

the communion of my visions of her

By my pagan fantasy affair

Corrupt and tarnished will be left.


Too late;

past the point of no return am I

seized and paralyzed by the potency of her spell.

As she reads, mouthing silent incantations,

Her hands carelessly stroke her cup, and from

Across this room her fingers have lighted on

The potion in my own.

She wills the timing of the mix;

Her hand guiding the fluid boundary between the ingredients.

Little demons, dark and of simple form,

Like an electric spark,

Between her fingertips and coffee are born.

She wills them into being, and assisting her

In the dance they willingly comply.

They move in complicated arcs,

Drawing the mix into their fray.

I feel captive to the dance, whether participant,

Priest, or sacrifice I cannot tell,

Though long ago it must have been

For us, this ceremony was held.

From where I cannot move, I can see

The frenzied fragmented mass

Chanting and dancing around the fire,

On some high temple in the American jungles.

In my vision

Her, the high priestess, holds sway over them all,

As in a hollowed-out log over the fire

Coffee beans are crushed and burnt.

They port new offerings in bags of leaves,

And every addition elicits an ecstatic shout.

In union are the sounds, and my very breath,

No longer under my command, is compelled to move.

In a night without the moon's light

She casts terrible over us all,

Snaring my fate, dooming me in all lives to come

To remain her captive.

Through her spell, she has ensured

Beans that are broken and burnt over the fire,

Cast in the same magic that held me bound,

Into my cup have now been found.

Across land and time, there will for me

Always be a cup such brewed.

This that I taste

Shall again seal my fate…

Sitting in this coffee shop am I

all to eager to submit.


But, Except, there is the doubt

That if I partake, no spell will take me,

Better to not be disappointed.

Besides that, I think my coffee's cold.


Sean Harasymchuk
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 01:13 am
Coffee Muggers
by Larry Stevens

The Coffee Muggers, Wake Up With Me, and Wake Up and Smell the Coffee are three of the creations of artist Larry Stevens. His full gallery is visible at the Fulcrum Gallery.

The Coffee Muggers

Wake up with Me

Wake up and smell the Coffee
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 01:16 am

Coffee Wisdom 7 Finely-Ground Principles
by Theresa Cheung

Principle 1 - Reheating Causes Bitterness

About Coffee: Coffee should not be reheated. Every time you brew a cup, it needs to be fresh. Make only as much as you plan to drink.
About Life: Don't rehash the past. Your past is the reason, not the excuse. Let go of what is gone.

Principle 2 - Start with Fresh Grounds

About Coffee: Do not reuse grounds. You'll only end up with bitter and unpleasant tastes.
About Life: Learn from your mistakes, don't repeat them.

Principle 3 - Use the Correct Grind

About Coffee: Use the correct grind for your coffee maker. If you grind too fine, this will cause bitterness. If your grind is too coarse, the coffee will be watery.
About Life: Put right what you can, and accept what you cannot.

Principle 4 - Use High-Quality Beans and Fresh, Pure, Cold Water

About Coffee: Use fresh cold water. Water is around 98 percent of every cup; to ensure you get the finest taste, consider using a water filter or bottled water. Choose top-quality beans. For your cup of coffee to be top quality you need to make sure you get the main ingredient right.
About Life: Celebrate your uniqueness.

Principle 5 - Get the Proportions Right

About Coffee: The proportion of coffee to water is vital. Experts recommend using tablespoons (10 grams) of ground coffee for each 6 fluid ounces (180 ml) of water. Regardless of how much coffee you make, you need to keep these proportions consistent. Proportions can be adjusted according to taste, but using less coffee makes for a thin, bitter-tasting brew.
About Life: Challenge irrational thinking.

Principle 6 - Boiling Destroys the Flavor

About Coffee: Boiling causes bitterness, so never boil coffee. It should be brewed between 195°F and 205°F (90°C-96°C).
About Life: Check your stress levels. Balance your body, mind, and spirit.

Principle 7 - Drink It While It's Hot

About Coffee: Drink you coffee soon after it is made. Coffee can be kept warm for only about fifteen minutes over a burner before the flavor becomes unpleasant.
About Life: Live in the present with an attitude of positive expectancy.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 01:22 am
Coffee as a Natural Dye
by Lura Lee

Coffee is a natural dye, though it is used very infrequently any more for this purpose. However, it is perfect for creating an artificial antique or aged effect. In this article, I'll describe my recent use of coffee to dye a feather and a cotton shirt in order to achieve an aged effect.

Dying an Ostrich Feather

You may never have a need to do this in your lifetime, but if you do this information will come in handy. Ostrich feathers are easy to purchase, but they may not be available in the color that you need. For example, I needed ostrich feathers to decorate a hat. I wanted a natural ecru/beige color. I couldn't find natural color ostrich feathers. All of the ones that were commercially available were either bleached a stark white color, or were already dyed bright jewel tones. So I purchased the stark white feather and set out to return it to a more natural color.


Make enough double-strength coffee to cover the bottom portion of a bowl. Ideally, the bowl should be as long as the feather, but if you don't have one that is as long, the feather can be dyed in portions.

Unlike fabric, feathers don't need to be pre-wetted prior to the dye bath. Simply submerge the feather (or a portion of it) in the bath long enough for it to pick up the color. The feather will dry a slightly lighter color than what you see in the bowl, so adjust your dying time accordingly. For example, since I wanted an ecru color, I submerged the feather portions for about 5 minutes.

Use a hair dryer on low heat, low velocity to dry the feather. If you do not use a hair dryer, the feather will not resume its fluffy quality.

Dying Natural Fabric

Natural fabrics, such as cotton, hemp, and wool accept a natural dye. Man made fabrics do not work well with natural dye. Considering the color that you'll achieve with a coffee dye, this is not the dying method that you should choose if you want a deep, chocolate color. The maximum color change for a stark white fabric is a sienna color. What coffee dyes are used for commonly now is to give fabric an aged look. Some people describe coffee-dyed fabric to have a mellowed appearance.


Collect a few days worth of discarded coffee grounds, so that you have about 1-2 cups of coffee grounds. In general, the darker the roast and the more quantity, the darker the dye. Makes sense: dark = dark. My ratios were 1 cup of spent coffee grounds for 1 gallon of water.

Add water and coffee to a large pot of water. Bring the water to a boil. Then turn off the flame and let the coffee mixture steep.

Thoroughly wet the fabric that will be dyed. Wet fabric accepts dye better than dry fabric.

At this point you can make a decision. If you want to shrink your fabric, you can decide to add your fabric to the hot water, otherwise let the coffee mixture cool down to room temperature.

Decision #2: You can strain the coffee grounds, or leave the coffee grounds in the solution. If you are trying for a deep color, I suggest keeping the grounds.

When the mixture is cool, submerge the fabric in the coffee dye solution. Stir occasionally to ensure that the fabric is dyed evenly.

The fabric can be left in the dye anywhere from 5 minutes to overnight, depending on the desired color. Keep in mind, however, that the color outcome is partially determined by the color of the solution, not merely the amount of time that the fabric was in the solution. The final color will always be about two shades lighter when the fabric is dry.

Set the dye by one of the following methods, then let the dye set for about 15 minutes.

Add two teaspoons of alum to the solution.

Add two tablespoons of vinegar to the solution.

Add soda ash to the solution (follow the instructions on the package).

Rinse the fabric thoroughly, then dry the fabric.

When you go to wash the fabric for the first time, be careful. This method of dying is not as stable as modern commercial dyes. The color will fade over time.

One final word of advice: I strongly recommend dying only virgin fabric - - fabric that has not been worn. Once the fabric has come into contact with body oils, it will not accept the dye evenly.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 01:30 am
Coffee Gift Wrap Paper and Bags
by Sandi J. Holland

Hand-designed Coffee Wrapping Paper


White paper sack, white craft or postal paper or white gift bag

Craft paint of your choice

Unused (new) coffee grounds

Fresh-brewed coffee or soaked coffee grounds, enough to drip onto paper in a random pattern

Rubber stamps of your choice

Wide flat aluminum or foam pan to hold paint

Brayer to spread paint in a flat layer or brush to brush paint onto rubber stamps

Gel pen or marker in color of your choice

Elmer's glue


Gently pull apart the paper bag and flatten, or cut craft paper to size desired. Lay centered on a flat surface. Drip coffee over paper, allowing it to splash/splatter. Do not rinse, drain or otherwise remove puddles of coffee. This ensures that your splash patterns will dry distinctly.

When dry, if you want more splashes, repeat process, dripping more coffee onto paper and allowing to dry.

Once satisfied with pattern, spread paint in pan or dip brush in paint. Press rubber stamp into paint or coat with paint from brush and begin to apply pattern to paper. Allow to dry.

A second color can be used in same stamp pattern or a different stamp. Decorate with speckles from paint flicked from brush or decorative brayer-rolled pattern.


Stamp in spaces between your coffee splotches. Load stamp with paint and start in center of your paper with first stamping.

Stamp a second or third time moving outward to the sides of the paper, making a lighter impression as you move outward.

Stamping a balanced but semi-random pattern is easier. Finish your project with a third process, such as paint splatters flicked on from a brush, rolled on with a decorative brayer, or highlight areas of your pattern with a gel metallic pen.


Coffee Decorated White Paper Sack

To do this: dip a mug into coffee and press onto sack, making coffee rings. Apply coffeepot and mug using rubber stamps. Draw first coffee stream using brown marker. Draw second coffee steam with glue and sprinkle with coffee grounds. Draw circles over selected coffee rings with metallic gel marker.

White Gift Bag

To do this: draw a bush with glue and sprinkle with coffee grounds. When dry, glue coffee beans to selected branches. Paint mountains design.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 01:43 am

Amor a la Sombra

by Arthur Montague

Translation Services Provided By:
Gustavo Artiles
3 High Gables, Scotts Avenue, London BR2 0NB
Tel/ Fax: 0208 - 460 1526
Mobile: 0976 690 895

Amor a la Sombra

El deseo sofocaba a Benjamín; su corazón le saltaba para ir a envolver a Ana María cada vez que se abrazaban. Echándose juguetonamente por sobre un hombro su larga cabellera negra, ella le respondía también como en juego, ciñéndolo fuerte, pues su amor era sincero y completo. Era así como había sido, como había sido antes de su separación.

Hoy, Taxas, el padre de Ana María, el hombre que se había interpuesto entre ellos, iba a venir de la montaña. Poderoso agente corredor de café, quería el café -el mejor arábiga jamás cultivado en Centroamérica y el primero sembrado en las Montañas de Maya. Él sabía que Benjamín no iba a venir a Punta Gorda para cerrar el negocio de la venta. Recordaba muy bien la amargura de su último encuentro seis años atrás, como también lo recordaba Benjamín.

* * * *

"Tu padre no era ningún amigo tuyo," Taxas exclamó con sorna. "Su herencia se le devolvió a Witz, el dios de la Montaña Viviente, y a los mopanes, hace años. El café que sembraba no tenía mercado. Terminó en la miseria como los mopanes más pobres en sus aldeas y sus parcelas, en sus parcelitas, que cortaron a tajos en las tierras altas de la selva que habían sido quemadas y despejadas."

"Su café no tenía mercado porque tú te negaste a pagarle su precio," había contestado Benjamín. "Ahora podrías pagarlo fácilmente. El arábiga crecido a la sombra en la montaña está teniendo gran demanda."

"No me interesa," rugió Taxas, y sus espesas cejas se hicieron más profundas. Hizo una pausa para dejar que el mensaje calara. Después llegó al grano. "Como tampoco a ti debe interesarte mi hija. Pedir la mano de Ana Maria, como estás haciendo, es un insulto a mí y a todo lo que he hecho por ti."

"Te he enseñado todo lo del café," dijo Taxas, dónde comprar, cómo comprar, cuánto pagar, dónde vender. Por respeto a tu padre, que era un amigo pero un idiota. Eres como mi brazo derecho. En Guatemala, en México, en Costa Rica: Taxas el corredor, lo conocen por todas partes.

"Tú me ayudaste, te lo admito," prosiguió . "Lo que sabes de café vino de tu niñez en la montaña siguiendo los sueños necios de tu padre. Pero el saber para transformarlo en riqueza, aun viviendo en este país donde no se siembra, ese saber es mío. Jamás vas a ser rico, Benjamín."

"Tal vez sepas que Ana María piensa como yo," fue la réplica de Benjamín. "A ella no le importa mi posición en la vida, comparado contigo."

"Benjamín, voy a decirte cómo es la cosa. Ana María salió en un avión desde Punta Gordo esta mañana. Ya debe estar en Miami cogiendo un vuelo para Londres, donde va a estar en una escuela por lo menos tres años. No vas a volver a verla hasta que esté casada con un alto funcionario en Belmopán."

"¿Quién?" fue todo cuanto murmuró Benjamín, descorazonado.

"Todavía no lo he decidido," fue la petulante respuesta de Taxas. "Ni eso es asunto tuyo. Regresa a trabajar. Tú eres un obrero, nada más que eso. Tu madre era mopán, tu padre un garifuno con sueños más allá de sus posibilidades. Aspira sólo a lo que puedas alcanzar, Benjamín, nada más que a eso."

"Primero alcanzo la montaña. Y después a Ana María."

"¡Vetel de aquí!" gritó Taxas, levantándose de la silla. "¡Vete de aquí! ¡Eres una mierda! Eres tan bajo que hasta los tiburones te escupirían".
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 06:42 am
Yup, we definitely need to do an intervention . . . OK, AE, put the coffee mug down and back away . . . easy now, we're not gonna hurt ya . . .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:04 am
I don't drink that much coffee or tea Setanta. Only one cup a day, on rare occasions two a day. Once in a while I go without coffee all day. I have a lot of energy thats all, and I like to use it. Sometimes Matthew cannot keep up with me.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:06 am
Just jerkin' yer chain, Boss . . . it would appear that, in fact, i drink more coffee than you. Two mugs a day, occassionally three. Ten years ago, i had four or five, sometimes six mugs a day, and drank heavily caffeinated soda in the evening. I made a serious effort to cut back on my addiction, and have reached a low plateau at two coffees a day.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:14 am
AngeliqueEast wrote:
dagmaraka wrote:
i believe setanta is saying that you are a pregnant cow, ma dear... unless i'm completely wrong :-)

Gee, and I thought he was one of the good guys around here. *sigh* Sad

Thanks Dag Crying or Very sad

Ooops! it was a joke, of course. i'd never in my wildest dreams would imagine setanta really calling any lady a pregnant cow! just took set's free association and ran with it. alas, i'll be more careful next time.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:15 am
I don't drink sodas that often either. I like juices or just fresh fruits. I don't think two coffees a day is bad, more maybe.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:16 am
S'OK, Dag, probably too much caffeine all 'round . . .

Here, have a cup of tea . . . Doh ! ! !
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:17 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:18 am
I'm a very sensitive person, I can't change that.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:29 am
Coffee time!!! Very Happy Wake Up!!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:33 am
Amigo wrote:
Coffee time!!! Very Happy Wake Up!!!

Hey, I thought you ran out of here yesterday never to return again. Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:39 am
I came back when it looked nice again. Besides I come here every morning to drink my coffee. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:43 am
Amigo wrote:
I came back when it looked nice again. Besides I come here every morning to drink my coffee. Smile

Hmmm, really, your a silent visitor. Did you see the spanish love story I posted?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:46 am
Amor a la Sombra page 27
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2005 07:51 am
Yea, It looks cool but I still can't read spanish. Looke like a coffee love story.

Gotta go to work. Gotta finish the doggy prison Sad Bye
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