Sun 25 Sep, 2005 03:25 pm
It's bad enough that we have to trust god with our money buy why do we have unicorns on it as well?
what do u have against unicorns?
unicorn(s) you ragamuffin of a man, plural unicorn.
Nothin' unique about the corn on this site.
Corn? Holy tortilla, now we can make whisky.
Lotta moonshine is what all this is.
this is as good as the Bank of Hell
Years ago I had a design assignment for a plaza in the midst of business buildings. This was in a sort of beginning course in landscape architecture. The problem was, as I remember, do something with this space.
So I designed with lines a wall and a pond and a unicorn drinking from it.
I got my only B in that course because the language was wrong - I forget the exact words - it didn't relate to business buildings.
Sometime later there were sculpted horses in a plaza in texas.
I bring this up not for my flimsy design background but about animal representation. I guess I don't want to see redwood bears all over cities in the u.s.a., or cute sea otters on table mats. Still, there is a primeval draw to a good sculpture or painting or poem about a bird or a horse...
OK, this is getting painful. Dys has made this little puzzle too difficult. It takes a pretty good knowledge of Latin and a good (or twisted) imagination. All of you have great imaginations, but I'm not sure about those of you who have had Latin--I'll bet MA and Osso come with a little Latin or, in osso's case a little Italian. :wink:
Welll, I don't have a dollar bill at hand, but I don't remember any unicorn on it. I'll look next time I run across a dollar. On the other hand, there is a website that sells unicorn bills of various denominations through Paypal; it says they look real.
I can't think of a latin or italian phrase or sentence to summarize the import of any of this, will wait with bated breath for the answer.
E Pluribus Unum?
Went right by me. Thx, Diane.
There is no phrase to be found. It simply came to him when reading the e pluibus unum on a dollar bill. The sound of it is what went through his cryptic mind.
I have a feeling that there will be a huge groan when he finally tells what the puzzle is all about.
It's bad enough....
When our cities buildings lie empty as new ones are being built overseas for peole who don't know a light switch from a doorknob!