Mother in Law chapter II

Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 10:24 am
shewolf, i root for you from the bottom of my heart. i think doing something/anything - la ittle job here and there, alanon meetings, seeking to clear your record - that all will help with the way you feel. it's empowering. i don't have any words of advice, just of encouragement. i wish i could take you out for some of that viennese coffee and rich succulent chocolate Sacher torte.
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 10:47 am
Clarification: Al Anon is not for drinkers--Al Anon offers support for the families of drinkers.


Noddy24 wrote:

You and Mr. Wolf agree that drastic change will be necessary.

No. Im not sure he has reached that position yet. And that scares me to death.

Mr. Wolf's ambivalance about his mother's habits must be a source of considerable stress for you--and I'd guess that the lack of a formal marriage contract increases the stress.

Check out: http://www.al-anon.alateen.org/

The two of you (and Bean--after all, you can't leave her with grandma when grandma is drinking) will be able to sit down with other people who have to cope with alcoholics on a daily basis. Mr. Wolf will be thrilled to find out that he's not alone.

By the by, come Christmas do you hum, "Grandma got runned over by a reindeer?"
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 11:18 am
shewolfnm wrote:
Let me spill a little personal stuff here.

I dont have my nursing license anymore. I will never get it again.
4 years ago I fought with a doctor, almost literally, over the treatment of a patient. This patient had no bowel sounds and yet he wanted to give a type of laxative for treatment. He could have killed this person.
I got angry and arrogant and I took one of his RX's and wrote out what i think that patient should have had.
I was right. That person lived.
He charged me with felony charges... and won.
Because of that, i can not rent at 90% of the apts in Austin.
I can not get state assistance.
I can not get checking accounts.
I can not work in almost ALL places in austin.
I was an idiot. but i am no 'felon'.
but i have to pay for my arrogance for the rest of my life.
and because of that, it is a HEAP for us to be able to move.
That is why we were so excited about moving here because we were able to save money and just buy a house and not worry about trying to find a place to rent.

if this changesyour view of me.. sorry.
I didnt hurt anyone, i just got angry.
But, so everyone understands.. this isnt an easy thing for us to do.
and now that bean is here it is even harder. All because, a few years ago, i got arrogant, and thought I knew it all.
Crying or Very sad

Happened upon this thread and given my profession, found it extremely interesting. I have a couple of questions:
1) The proper procedure for a nurse who disagrees with a treatment plan proposed by residents or attendings in my hospital is as follows:
a)As the nurse being asked to administer a medication, it is entirely
within your rights to refuse to complete an order or
administer a medication that you feel would harm a patient.
This situation, in fact, had happened to me on occasion when I
was a resident and still gaining knowledge and experience, and
in my case, the nurse kindly suggested that I rethink my plan
given information that I may have overlooked. In the absence
of that communication, proper procedure would dictate that you
complete an incident form which would be
turned into your senior nurse who would then discuss the
complaint with the attending physician. The attending physician
would then come and review the patient and would agree, or
disagree with the order and change the management of the patient
or decide to stay the course.
Why did you choose not to follow procedure?

2) In my years of practice, lack of bowel sounds has usually signified small bowel obstruction, which could be due to many things such as cancer, mechanical obstruction (ie, stool) or a viral ileus (slowing of gut motility). While laxatives are contraindicated to treat cancer or viral ileus, bowel rest along with nasogastric tube placement is the appropriate treatment. On the other hand, in a situation that is caused by a mechanical issue such as stool impaction, use of enemas and slow-acting laxatives are indeed indicated. So the question is - what did you prescribe that saved this man's life? I'm not aware of a medication that would be indicated - instead as I said, a more pallative treatment is called for, unless further tests reveal the need for surgery. Why did you need a prescription pad, when the correct treatment was not something that needed to be prescribed? (Incidentally, historically, stolen prescription pads are used to gain illegal access to narcotics, and certainly not to write orders for patients. As I stated - there was no prescription to be written for this man in his situation. Are you absolutely sure you did not use it for your own personal purposes?)

Your indiscriminate and illegal use of a prescription pad does not make sense in this instance, and is certainly concerning, illegal, and indeed a felony. It is not the resident's ego that got you into trouble, but your own lack of ability to follow hospital protocol and your indiscretionate use of a prescription pad in your attempt to practice medicine beyond the scope of your education and experience. You stated that you have a history of addiction issues and obviously are not able to control your emotions or your impulses. It is interesting that you have a fan club here who speaks of your heroic efforts in saving this man's life at the same time they condemn your partner for enabling your mother-in-law in her impulsive, irresponsible and addictive behaviors. Curious that they do not recognize the fact that they are as enabling to you in your destructive impulses as your partner is toward his mother.
I for one, am relieved that you will no longer be working in a hospital setting. The patients will be safer.

And to clarify and provide accurate information for all those on this forum who are taking your word as gospel- in the states in which I have practiced medicine, a physician who is convicted of a felony related to the practice of medicine, is in fact stripped of his or her license to practice medicine- as he or she should be.

And if you don't like your mother-in-law- get the hell out of her house and stop mooching off her. You talk about the example she is setting for your daughter - what about the example you are setting. Get a job, and try to be law abiding next time.
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 11:41 am
erdoc, having only one post on this forum, i am going to assume to you have no knowledge of shewolf other than this thread. and as such, let me remind you that some on here have been interacting with her on a daily basis for a long time now, and know much more about her.

at a glance and from one thread, you should be careful as to how you characterize people. there are many things about her you do not know and your remarks in this thread are unwarranted and just plain hurtful. She is a wonderful, caring, compassionate, loving, awesome mother and you do not know all the facts surrounding what happened.

i suggest you step away from this thread.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 11:47 am
Usually first posters are wellcomed here by other members - and usually they don't post such with their first post.

I have no respect at all for someone, who claims to be a professional and acts such amateurish wrong as you do, erdoc!
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 11:49 am
To be honest: I sincerely doubt that someone "finds" a thread called 'Mother In Law chapter II' is exactly THAt one, where he/she osts the very first and only response. - So neglect that, shewolf, scroll over it.
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 12:00 pm
I have not commented on any of her personality characteristics that she has not alluded to herself within this thread. How else would I have learned any of the details? She obviously wanted to put these facts about her life and situation forward so I can only assume she was inviting comment, and since she did not put parameters around who she wanted comment or advice from, I determined it was within my right to comment on something that I find extremely interesting.

She acted unprofessionally and illegally within a profession of which I am a practicing member. It was in this capacity that I wrote intending mainly to clarify untrue and unfair characterizations that were put forth by the woman involved in the situation. In laymen's terms, the situation as she depicted it could not have happened, unless after stealing the prescription pad, and writing a prescription illegally, she also forged a practicing doctors name to the prescription. This is a serious and illegal infraction and should not be overlooked, or rewarded with praise. To be honest, I am more astounded by the people who praised her for her behavior than with the behavior itself. People do what she did every day... people praising those who perform such illegal acts happens much more rarely. Makes me wonder about the people on this forum and if they are representative of the public at large. One can only hope not...

I'm curious as to how you or anyone else can defend the act she described at the hospital, or her current willingness to live off of her mother-in-law's charity and then proceed to publicly trash the woman on a public forum. And by the way - I don't need you to suggest how I should or should not react or behave. At the risk of being as presumptive as you are, I would suggest that maybe you need to step away and gain a little perspective.... Shocked
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 12:04 pm
Obviously you don't get what this thread (and this forum) is about.

And to be honest: it needs someone else than a just joined member, who tells me in his second post on someelse's thread to step away.
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 12:07 pm
erdoc wrote:
She acted unprofessionally and illegally within a profession of which I am a practicing member.

And she acknowledged as much, even saying she acted in arrogance. She only mentioned it as clarification as to why getting out and renting did not appear to be a viable option.
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 12:22 pm
shewolf, i suggest you ignore erdoc. no one cares what he/she says.
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 12:26 pm
erdoc wrote:
blah, blah, blah

Nurse Ratched has arrived.


(Edited to add erdoc's avatar)
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 12:31 pm
Erdoc, how you managed to graduate medical school with that lack of compassion is beyond me but hey, the medical community is getting worse every day, IMO. And all my doctors prove that there is less concern for health out there and more concern for cash to fund your BMW's and maid service. You are in no place to judge her and let me be among the first to tell you that you are not welcome here if this is the way you treat a respected and well loved member of this community. In all honesty, we all know what she did was illegal and she knows it, but between saving a life and doing something illegal, I'd hope you too would choose illegal. If not, god help the patient you have to treat someday.

You are not welcome here by me and I am willing to stick my neck out in this forum and rick being reprimanded to say so because frankly, I don't appreciate you trashing the name of a friend. This "charity" you speak of with her MIL you know nothing about. It isn't charity because they pay to live there. Not that it matters to you because you've already formed your opinion of her but there is more to this story than your little mind can grasp. So please do us all a favor and back off.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 12:36 pm
Probably a Proctologist. They like messing about in other people's doo doo and making them squeal.......
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 12:41 pm
Lord Ellpus wrote:
Probably a Proctologist.

Some doctors don't get this degree in their lifetime (and really should know that. having lived for nearly 50 year surrounded by them Laughing ).

Others obviously get qualified very easily - as seen in the example above.
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 01:05 pm
Coward that won't post under their real screen name....
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 01:07 pm
That's interesting DrewDad.....
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 01:07 pm
very interesting
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 01:08 pm
Dragon 49-Presumptive again, in assuming that no one cares what I have to say because you don't find it palatable and in agreement with what you think and say. (And to the other fellow - Walter-I was speaking to this person here - Dragon49- who posted directly after my initial post and suggested that I step away).

It matters little to me what anyone's opinion of me or what I have to say, is. In fact, I have given you little to base any opinion on - I have stated almost nothing but absolute facts.

You don't need to worry about ignoring or not ignoring me on this thread or any other. I have seen more than I need to see to ascertain that the quality of discourse on this forum is of little interest
to me.

I prefer to interact with people who are able to see the truth in themselves and others and act accordingly. Nothing will change in this woman's life until she stops blaming the resident, the mother-in-law, and every other patsy she can find to blame her inertia and inability to function productively on.

I'll leave you to continue practicing your enabling and arm chair psychiatry in peace now. I'd just warn you to be careful about who you might libel in the meantime (the resident involved or someone who knows him/her might recognize him or her and the facts of the case as it was described -four years ago, Texas, 34 year old father of two with possible bowel obstruction- and take issue with the fact that the facts of a case in which s/he might have ended in him/her being accused of malpractice are being discussed publicly). Because as a matter of fact, I was directed to this thread by a colleague of mine who read it and found it very interesting. In fact, if I were you, I'd think about deleting that post. There, just saved you from one more potential disaster in your life-maybe you should ask yourself why you keep creating them.
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 01:11 pm
erdoc wrote:

You don't need to worry about ignoring or not ignoring me on this thread or any other. I have seen more than I need to see to ascertain that the quality of discourse on this forum is of little interest
to me.

Laughing That is laughable, really it is, that you would call yourself above us when your first post happens to be in this forum, when according to your large brain and enormous intelligence, it should have been in debate and philosophy...or hey, what about medical, what a novel idea! Oh no, then you'd be giving advice for free and god forbid you actually help someone.
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2005 01:11 pm
Tico, you are surprisingly likable.
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