Farmerman's right about one thing: I HAVE forgotten the point of the discussion (sidetracked), but the hard facts he talks about are not really so hard. They are in fact infused with theory and interpretation. A vibrating whatyamacallit, is an event about which we know nothing except what we've ascribed to it. Facts are little theories. Reality (?) and its properties (???) are our creations, or at least the result of our relationships with the great unknown.
And how would you explain the "great unknown?" c.i.
C.I. Ultimate Reality is not only unknown, it is probably unknowable. But to say that much is to claim that I know at least one thing about it. So I better keep quiet. IF YOU'LL LET ME.
Aww... but we love watching you dance, pussycat
If I believed you, VL, I'd try to waltz throughout your mind.
i don't know what i don't know.
Wise statement, Dysl. I wish the rest of us would realize that profound truth.
i know i don't know. not only what i don't know, but aslo what i know i don't know.
C.I., you've just given me a headache. Or maybe it's the red wine.
Would it be safe to say that we actually "don't know" what we don't know.
Or would that be considered hyperbole?
Not knowing seems very "real" to me!
Bogowo. Yes VERY REAL. Zen buddhist sometimes meditate on the sensation of not knowing. It seems to clear the mind for them.
Anyone who's had a big, fat hemorrhoid, knows exactly what REALITY is!
He knows what the immediate sensation of hemorhoidal pain/itching is. No doubt. And THAT sensation, at that moment, IS his reality. His thoughts ABOUT its nature are more problematical--except as the immediate feeling of having those thoughts. Is THAT hyperboly?
This is getting just too damn silly. The man is seeking the essence of reality and somehow, inevitably, these threads always break down into procto scopic inquiries. Can we keep this on a higher level? Like zits .
Im seeking my center here and Ive seemed to have misplaced it.
FM, it's at where it's at. Can't be helped
Reality, it seems to me would be the opposite of "belief".
That should bring 'em out of the woodwork.
Sorry, JLN, but your headache is beyond my purview and reality.
I agree completely, BOGOWO. Reality cannot be grasped by beliefs; it is immediately experienced, not fashioned into capsules of ideas ABOUT what it may be. Something like that...
C.I. the headache's gone, unreal right now.