Sat 17 Sep, 2005 10:44 pm
Isn't it hilarious that most women love it when guys play hard to get? I think it's just funny that they like it when guys do things that would normally be thought of as rude, or selfish, or that they didn't care. Women...
I wouldn't think of it as playing hard to get. I would just get the message...
A lot of women love the game though
It can almost be addicting, but it's sooo fun...
I hate hearing men.women go on about this topic.
I've found that it goes both ways; and once you reach a certain point...
well, you just don't bother to pay attention to these people anymore.
You never thought it was amusing at all watching women continue to see a guy that everyone knows is a jerk, but she just can't see it, or doesn't want to?
Everyone's been there
What about men who continue to see a woman when she uses him, treats him like dirt, and emasculates him every chance she gets?
I think for both sexes it's something like, wow, if they treat me so badly, they must be really great to feel they can get away with it.
I wouldn't think men do this, well maybe a little...
have you ever been in the vicinity of one of these women who get off of treating men badly, because they think they're so hot? Meaning in a situation when there's no men around?
God, they can't get enough of looking at themselves in the mirror, or talking about themselves as if no one else in the room has all the female parts they should have.
I mean, do they think they are the only ones who get laid?
Personally, I think they don't enjoy it as much, too afraid looking human.
I don't think it's fun at all. If you don't want me, then hey, see ya. I'll find someone who does.
Bella Dea wrote:I don't think it's fun at all. If you don't want me, then hey, see ya. I'll find someone who does.
Yeah, same with me... I don't want to look like a fool if nothing works out
Chai Tea wrote:What about men who continue to see a woman when she uses him, treats him like dirt, and emasculates him every chance she gets?
In certain rare cases, men sometimes act as stupid as women :wink: , but really, men and women both make stupid decisions for themselves.
Certain rare cases...

....sorry, that is too funny!