wait a minute I love laguna beach.....sorry so confused so little clarity.
You really love that show?
Oh this is show and tell ? now I am caught with my pants down....oppps!
Luguna Beach? I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about. I just know I kick it in LONG BEACH Baby.
I've never been to Luguna Beach.
Laguna Beach has been compared in topography and climate to St. Tropez, France.
Some of y'all need to read the original post. This is a television show.
Hey your right. A goddamn T.V. show. Never heard of it.
Trust me Amigo, you are better off that way. It's crap!
The show is about a real town, a seaside "village" with cliffs and coves along the ocean in Orange County, CA. The show trivializes the real town which is really like a seaside microcosm with a unique mix of inhabitants. So we got off on discussing the real town instead of the fictional town on the silly MTV soap opera. It has all the depth of a tide pool.
It's worth visiting just to take in lunch, dinner or the martini bar at 221 Forest Ave. restaurant just off the boardwalk on the beach and then a short block away, enjoy a decadent dessert at Cedar Creek Cafe.
Will I run into spoiled kids on the street?
More likely to run into bitchy queens.
ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! run for you lives!!!!
I caught this awesome new reality show. It's called, "C-Span." Well, actually it's not so awesome. No singing or challenges or tribal counsels or anything. How the hell do they get away with calling that crap "reality"?
Garson! Paint thinner and make it a double!
I know, reality television is a joke in general. None of it's real, but they don't want to call them game shows because of how old game shows have the reputation for being so crooked and stacked, so they call it reality.
I've seen more realistic things in a disney movie.
I HATE Laguna Beach! I've only watched like ten minutes of it. This was in two episodes also! Haha. That shows how bad it is. I watch two episodes and can only force myself to watch five minutes of each. Spoiled, bratty, rich, air headed girls that act very immature and have a definite overuse of "like" and "seriously."
Re: Stupid
derricwv wrote:I've only watched like ten minutes of it....very immature and have a definite overuse of "like" and "seriously."
Ironic. You used
like where it wasn't even necessary either. But I agree with you, they're all brats who are spoiled beyond belief.
Oh, oh, he's infected even after ten minutes of exposure. So seriously, like you should try and avoid that show.
Yes, the more someone watches that show, the less intelligent they'll get... Teenage girls are in trouble...
It's like a train wreck. But I get sucked in SO fast.
KetchupLady wrote:It's like a train wreck. But I get sucked in SO fast.
True...I don't watch it much, but when I do it just makes me laugh. However, it's scary to think that teenage girls are watching this and possibly thinking that it is a realistic view of life!