Let's see
1) Highly intelligent
2)Has an extreeeeeeeemely sexy brother (Jeb)
3)Has a good go-get-em attitude
4) Knows how to admit when he is wrong (did Clinton ever do that?)
5)Makes me think of Mad Magazine which was always good for laughs when I was younger.
6)Believes in truth, justice and America (not just the American Way)
7)Once owned a baseball team.
8)Kicked a cocaine and booze addiction
9)Has a charming down to earth wife
10)Has a ton of charm.
11)Doesn't take things so personally that he will lose focus of what really matters...the people of the United States.
12)Invented water
13)Knows how to get people motivated
14)Has the same name as a guy I went to school with.
15)Has never eaten brussel sprouts on live t.v.
16)Doesn't play the saxophone in a demented effort to look hip.
17)Has learned over time to eat pretzels safely
18)Knows his name
19)Does not dance naked in public.
20)Doesn't do sicko things with cigars
21)Owns all the Trini Lopez albums ever made.
22)Never threw Flintstone vitamins at a caveman.
23)Owns a piece of property
24)Knows how to roast a pig.
25)Knows how to raise a barn
26)Didn't vomit on any world leaders
27)Is not afraid to speak his mind.
28)Knows all 12 months of the year.
29)Once got zipped up in public.

30)Never played golf in a thunderstorm
31)Can say 'Gee whiz' and mean it but not be overwhelmed by it.
32)Is the son of both a former President ad former Vice-President.
Those are just a few of the good things about President Bush.