Mon 12 Sep, 2005 01:32 pm
Doctors could face death penalty for illegal abortions, some say
Quote:Roberts spoke about a bill signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry in June at a Fort Worth church school that requires parental consent before minors can have abortions and places additional restrictions on late-term abortions.
In relation to those changes, Roberts noted that the Legislature two years ago altered the definition of an individual in homicide statutes from "a human being who has been born and is alive" to "a human being who is alive, including an unborn child at every stage of gestation, from fertilization until birth."
this only applies to illegal abortions..
it amazes me that minors can have an abortion without parental consent...because amazingly one can't have surgery without parental consent...
shewolf, do you know whether or not that is 100% true? i just know when i worked as a volunteer in austin, they had to have parental consent when performing surgery on a minor.
Well, it amazes me that the difference between murder and surgical procedure hinges on parental consent.
yes all very important but what about the cricket
We're getting what we asked for. We have allowed the nuts to run the asylum...and now we are reaping what we've sown.
MY GUESS: What we see today will probably look as good to us in hindsight someday the gas prices we moaned and groaned about just last year.
Very, very sad.
roger wrote:Well, it amazes me that the difference between murder and surgical procedure hinges on parental consent.
good point. i didn't mean to trivialize abortion in any way. was just pointing out that for a minor to do anything else with their body that involved a surgical procedure, they had to have parental consent, but when it came to something as major as an abortion, there was no need for it (i guess pregnancy qualifies you as capable of making those decisions even if you are 12-because you were intelligent enough to get pregnant at that age-oh don't get me started).
i thought third trimester abortions were already illegal.
"The only exception was for legal drug use, a mother's action, or a lawful medical procedure. "
Legal drug use... Okay, like a woman takes medication before she finds out she is pregnant and spontaneously aborts.
A mothers action... Coat hangers are okay?
or a legal medical procedure... which would be a minor WITH parental consent.
I can't imagine a minor having an abortion without parental consent other than in cases of incest. In that case a legal guardian needs to be assigned and let them give consent if it is what the girl wants. Either way, a minor should have an adult in charge of giving consent for any medical procedure.
I question that a mother's action is covered as acceptable as a blanket statement without clarification.
i cant get started in this subject either.
so im outta this thread.
but dragon? i dont know if it is true or not.
I just read the article DDposted and it said ' illegal' abortions .
Now .. all it takes is a law passed to tighten up the abortion laws and BAM- they are all illegal..
nasty republican christian holier then thou law makers...........
( grumble grumble grumble)
squinney wrote:"The only exception was for legal drug use, a mother's action, or a lawful medical procedure. "
Legal drug use... Okay, like a woman takes medication before she finds out she is pregnant and spontaneously aborts.
A mothers action... Coat hangers are okay?
or a legal medical procedure... which would be a minor WITH parental consent.
I can't imagine a minor having an abortion without parental consent other than in cases of incest. In that case a legal guardian needs to be assigned and let them give consent if it is what the girl wants. Either way, a minor should have an adult in charge of giving consent for any medical procedure.
I question that a mother's action is covered as acceptable as a blanket statement without clarification.
actually squinney, i remember some story of a woman who asked her boyfriend (in texas) to beat her or hit her in the stomach so that she would abort (which we did as a consequence of the beating) and he got convicted of murder and they didn't even charge her. WTF? let me see if i can find that story...
shewolfnm wrote:yeah...
i cant get started in this subject either.
so im outta this thread.
but dragon? i dont know if it is true or not.
I just read the article DDposted and it said ' illegal' abortions .
Now .. all it takes is a law passed to tighten up the abortion laws and BAM- they are all illegal..
nasty republican christian holier then thou law makers...........
( grumble grumble grumble)
oh, don't get the impression that i am a nasty republican christian holier than thou

i am proudly pro choice, but i don't think a minor (unless legally allowed via emancipation or whatever-incest as brought up by squinney) should be allowed to make a decision as huge as abortion without parental consent.
Thanks for understanding my point, dragon. If she had done it herself, no problem for anyone. If they want to define a baby as an individual from date of conception then she should be charged, too.
They have started down a slippery slope.
dragon49 wrote:
oh, don't get the impression that i am a nasty republican christian holier than thou

i am proudly pro choice, but i don't think a minor (unless legally allowed via emancipation or whatever-incest as brought up by squinney) should be allowed to make a decision as huge as abortion without parental consent.
im sorry. I was in NO WAY aiming that at you .
that is just my opinion on people who try to take a choice away from a woman based on religion.
... didnt i say i was outta here? ;-)
shewolfnm wrote:dragon49 wrote:
oh, don't get the impression that i am a nasty republican christian holier than thou

i am proudly pro choice, but i don't think a minor (unless legally allowed via emancipation or whatever-incest as brought up by squinney) should be allowed to make a decision as huge as abortion without parental consent.
im sorry. I was in NO WAY aiming that at you .
that is just my opinion on people who try to take a choice away from a woman based on religion.
... didnt i say i was outta here? ;-)
hee hee i knew you weren't. actually i kinda have issue with women getting abortions without the father's consent as well (extreme cases outstanding-rape, etc). i am prochoice, but i firmly believe it should be a last resort, not a form of birthcontrol. i also firmly believe it takes two to tango so how can something that is a combination of two people be allowed to be terminated by one of the two? is article about the texas guy who got life in prison for stepping on his girlfriend's stomach (at her request) and aborting their twins-she didn't even get charged because of her right to have an abortion.
texas man gets life
hmmm, this one blurs the line. so if he'd have been a doctor, this would have been ok...
squinney wrote:Thanks for understanding my point, dragon. If she had done it herself, no problem for anyone. If they want to define a baby as an individual from date of conception then she should be charged, too.
They have started down a slippery slope.
that's how it gets done, a nibble at a time. people go, "oh, well that's not so bad. i'll let it pass."
about conspiracy theories...
the only difference between a conspiracy and an agenda is whether or not you support it ?
Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) is already on record favoring
the death penalty for abortionists.
what I don't understand is how these demonic pricks can reconcile being anti abortion with being anti programs to take care of these unwanted and/or disadvantaged babies.
ok so correct if i am wrong...
i am a woman so i have the right beat myself in the stomach thus causing an abortion (or coat hanger myself-ouch)? the father gets no say, if i don't want him to have one, regardless. and if he helps me in anyway, he gets life in prison?
hmm, i have issue with women self aborting. i know you could argue, what's the difference? i say, a legal abortion is safer for the mother and i believe (and anyone out there who knows for sure - feel free to correct me) that most, and i say most, abortions are painless to the fetus (as opposed to mom sitting on the toilet and dropping them in as was the case in the texas man getting life). but then again, it gets into when fetuses feel pain, when they are viable human beings, etc...
definitely a tough one, whether or not the mother can self abort in anyway, shape or form.
self aborting has gone on for thousands of years.
Herbal, physical.. how ever they could do it.
Abortion isnt a new option , and it doesnt belong to only our era.
I agree, both parties woman AND man should give permission.
Parents need to know because it can cause health problems.
Abortion is NOT a decision to be made by the governement or any f-n religious group...