I believe the truths of the Bible can be safely taken literally. I also believe that if you try to read the Bible through your 21st Century understanding, you won't get much of it. You have to read through the eyes of those who wrote it. For me, I believe Adam and Eve, the tree of life, the serpent, and such are metaphors, but that makes the story no less true as to meaning. I also have no need to tell somebody who believes it literally that they are wrong, as we all generally get along pretty well whichever way we interpret it.
dlowan wrote:Tico wrote:I am a born again Christian, Deb. I understand you to be an atheist or agnostic, or whatever. Don't try and bring me down with you.
And do not spell my name wrong.
Calm down, bunny.
Deb wrote:Down is relative, Tico.
Yes, but I think you know what I mean.
I'm sure you'll recover.
Deb wrote:How many literal bible believers are there in the USA? Does anyone know?
You want I should check?
Hold on, I'll go ask around.