Aren't all relgions just cults though? I mean some of them are big but really they're just cults.
I couldn't get 'new beginnings' link to work. Will try again later. This sounds like one of those groups that guests of George Noury and Art Bell tell about on very late night radio.
Who are George Noury and Art Bell?
I was going to ask the same thing, dlowan.
I've listened to Bell once or twice. He's into UFOs and wild theories as I recall.
dlowan wrote:Who are George Noury and Art Bell?
They are hosts of a late night talk show featuring the paranormal, space aliens and other weird stuff.
Yes, George Noury has the show weeknights, and Art Bell does it on weekends, and they have lots of interesting guests who have been abducted by aliens, who have recordings of ghosts, who have time travelled, who have seen Big Foot, and who are acquainted with shadow people. One of the more recent was explaining how it is Russian technology that is triggering the hurricanes. Every now and then they have a religionist on who has some....shall we say...unique perspectives on the end times?
The thing is, there are those who are absolutely convinced this is all the real deal.
ROFL. You can get them just about anywhere in the US and in most of Canada I think. What else are you going to do when your're doing paperwork between midnight and dawn?
Why is believing all that weirder than believing in god?
Gee wabbit. Who would have ever thought you had been abducted by aliens.
Foxfyre wrote:Gee wabbit. Who would have ever thought you had been abducted by aliens.
And I have the proof .....
LOL. Yup, the resemblance is almost too uncanny to be coincidental, huh.
Okay, sorry for creating a major thread hijack here. Back on topic.
Somebody up there said aren't all religions cults? No, I don't think so in the sense that cult is identified here. All religions participate in some cultic activities meaning there are rituals and actions intended to enhance or focus on one's relationship with a diety.
A cult as referenced in this thread usually focuses on one central living person, as opposed to a historical founder. This person is generally a charismatic and compelling person who has the ability by various methods of compelling others to conform their thoughts and behavior to his will. Most cults are heavily veiled in religious overtones, but it is the cult leader who invokes worship from his subjects, not a diety.
Shine on, shine on
Sum Yung Moon,
For me and my gal...
Ah, but your logic rests on a wrong info.
I do not believe in your god OR your aliens!
But the fact is that if God exists, He exists whether or not you believe He exists.
For that matter so would aliens.