Sat 10 Sep, 2005 04:09 am
I was just wondering. I might visit there.
I thought you said on another thread that you were going for a visit for sure. What's up?
And you were perhaps looking for free lodging? Just remember the words of Scott if you do go.
If you're going to San Francisco
be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet some gentle people there.
Re: San Francisco: Anyone live or used to live there?
chris56789 wrote:I was just wondering. I might visit there.
It is only the most beautiful city in the US. I just showed a visitor the town last night who I knew from another forum. What do you want to know?
I heard they have the worst homeless people situation in the country, and that there are throngs of these homeless bums wandering around begging just about everywhere you go.
kickycan wrote:I heard they have the worst homeless people situation in the country, and that there are throngs of these homeless bums wandering around begging just about everywhere you go.
is this your new employment plan
Hehehe...I also heard they used to get a monthy check for $400 too. How cool would THAT be?!
as the saying goes
it's nice work if you can get it
You're right, Kicky. You can't walk down Sutter Street without being stopped at every single street-corner by a panhandler. I've never seen it to this extent in any other American city. About a year ago, I got into a conversation with one of these latter-day hoboes. He told me he had just arrived in town from New York City. Why come? Because the cops hustle panhandlers in NY and he had heard that they leave you totally alone in SF as long as you don't break any laws. Panhandling in California is not illegal. Apparently, neither is sleeping on park benches or other public places.
It's still a beautiful city, though, no doubt about that.
I've never been to the USA but my father stayed in San Francisco for some years in the past
. He visited a lot of other American cities and he insists S.F. is the most beautiful.
I was there in the late 1960s for a short time. I picked a spot to live near Chinatown, because I love the food. I enjoyed just walking and looking at everything. There was a place called the Coffee Gallery that featured a singer who almost exclusively did Dylan music. It is a beautiful place. If you are very young, you have to contend with not just the street beggars, but getting hit on by homosexuals. They easily take no for an answer and go their own way in every case I was involved in. I would like to go back and see how it has changed.