I Must say, if you like snow then perhaps Owen Sound is the place for you.
I arrived in Owen Sound in the middle of Sept 2024. I was dropped off (hitch hiking) by a WEF supporter named Yan who spewed all kinds of rubbish but never backed anything up, he instead attempted to claim fact as mere opinion etc. and instead of easily intellectually slaughtering the guy, I decided to let him spew rhetoric until we arrived in Owen Sound when he told me what I already suspected, he was all for the WEF agenda. I thanked him for the ride and that was it. I mean I could have schooled the guy thoroughly but the thought of us crashing into a tree on the side of the car I sat in sort of thing had me thinking at the time it was more important to make my destination.
I Spent my first night along side Walmart then my second night I moved into a bush across from the Hospital (where I wound up for 3 weeks) as a temporary measure to give me time to scout out Owen Sound to find a location where I could prepare for the winter. I finally found a spot far enough away from downtown that I was confident I wouldn't get ransacked, was on a bit of a slope to try to evade flooding, was well hidden from residential areas surrounding me and looking like a good spot to set up and prepare for winter with some protection from the elements. Being I was running short on time and between two residential areas (I didn't want to make too much noise to evade stirring up curiosity) I decided I would insulate the 6 man tent I had just picked up with blankets, drop sheets and tarp of which I did.
As I recall it rained every day from the end of October throughout November and I had no problem with flooding at that time. Then it would snow heavily then rain when I started to notice flooding in the lower end of the slope in my tent where I made a bail can to get rid of the water as the rain melted the snow. It snowed, then rained again and again and I must have bailed about a hundred liters of water if not more and then it finally got cold enough for it all to stay frozen. I think a mole or other type of rodent chewed a hole in the tarp at the bottom of my tent.
From there I have never seen so much snow or shoveled so much snow in my life. I wanted too see about using the housing program to get into a hotel long enough to fix my tent but after almost two weeks they got back to me telling me that living in Owen Sound for 4 months wasn't long enough for them to assist. When it gets warm again I am destined to face flooding. Not only that but I wanted to get rid of all of the wet material on the bottom layers of my flooring and get rid of all of the moisture. Every time I cook or boil water, it appears that the water sits on my walls and drips down onto anything touching the sides of my tent. It freezes especially in the corners so it slows the decent but doesn't get rid of the problem. Since they wouldn't assist me, I gave up on the thought of making my living conditions more sustainable and focused on shoveling snow pretty much every single day as it snows pretty much constantly. I have a vent at the front and at the rear of my tent but appears to do very little with getting rid of the moisture. When my pants get caked in snow I have too brush it all off before entering my tent to reduce the amount of snow turning to water in my tent where it is next to impossible to dry anything in such temperatures. My butane stove, well I shoot for the comfort zone for survival which I call between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius because butane is costly of which isn't warm enough to dry anything significantly especially with so much moisture already in my tent.
On Tuesday January 21, 2021 we were already caked in snow and it was forecasted that we would be getting one hundred centimeters of snow by the weekend as well that night it was suppose to drop to minus 18 degrees. Since I clear my tent every time it snows to keep it from collapsing, the banks around my tent were becoming large so I decided to go out and move all of the snow banks back a few more feet so I would have somewhere to throw the new snow yet to fall after clearing the snow off of my tent yet again. It took 3 hours and I had to yet re shovel my hundred foot or so path from my tent to a parking lot so I could get in and out of there without being caked in snow which took hours. Sad thing is that every time I shovel that path, the wind fills my path in again so it is an ongoing battle on almost a daily basis.
In this included video at around minus 18 degrees Celsius after 3 hours moving the snow banks back as my face, beard and mustache froze, which I shaved it all off yesterday to get rid of my face freezing up with moisture collection, at around 21:59 (9:30 pm) I wanted to show you all, all of the snow and my insulated tent but unfortunately in the video it is somewhat hard to see much but I completed the video and am sharing it now.
Like it states in the video (when minus 18, you tend to be very discrete / to the point and may miss a few details) I have never asked any of you for anything, as in for my own selfishness. I only ever requested right of passage on crown land and Canadian parks (which I never got to my knowledge) and asked those on my official contact lists that if they could afford it to consider donating to a place that serves ready made meals to the unfortunate of which I will not name the place publicly. My sacrifice to be able to fight the WEF is to own nothing (I'm not happy but do make myself laugh from time to time) because they can't threaten to take away what you don't have so I have been homeless and living out of a tent / shelter etc. since June 3rd 2022. Look at all of the activists and youtubers etc. who have been threatened to have it all taken away unless they comply with WEF / liberal sick and filthy rubbish for years now. I'll never comply with their rubbish and am proud to make the sacrifice to be able to fight these sick and filthy intellectual cowards on international levels.
The Liberal and NDP coalitions actions while conspiring with the WEF against the citizens of Canada disgusts me. Again the punishment for tyranny was execution but that punishment was never replaced when capital punishment was abolished in Canada so we are left with no measures to get rid of these low life extremely regressive (tie-rants) stabbing Canadians in the back with every chance these sick individuals get! Then they have the nerve to try and silence Canadians while screwing us. It's like having a rapist cut your tongue out, fingers off, eyes plucked and ears stabbed so you can't report their sick behavior as they continue to screw you. Again with Western civilizations (many countries) under attack simultaneously for decades now with the same sick and filthy WEF lies and deceptions behind such attacks (which is factual evidence of conspiracy unfolding on international levels) I would love to see all WEF members put behind bars and all of their wealth given back to the countries they have been using officials infiltrating those countries for the WEF to steal from those countries. This great reset will help our economies and reduce our debt at the expense of those who are constantly robbing us with the assistance of officials stabbing us all in the back for the WEF. They all deserve to pay the price for their actions. They push their sick and filthy lies and deceptions at tax payers expense from country to country thanks to officials willing to stab citizens in the back for them while running debts through the roof as all those conspiring with their sick agenda are rewarded and anyone opposing such disgusting filth has been made out to be the criminal for standing up for citizens of your country.
They even attempt to make parties with allot of public support out to be criminals (like Germany cowards in criminal political parties wanting to ban what they label as a far right party because apparently a huge majority of citizens support the right wing party) to evade being held accountable for their crimes against the citizens of the country they so eagerly are willing to stab in the back for the WEF agenda. Here in Canada the Libs and NDP cowards are working towards passing Bill C-63 so evade being held accountable for their crimes against citizens. They must all my for treason and tyranny, never forget and never let it go!
Anyway, it didn't snow 3 feet but it has snowed allot and every time it snows I get thoroughly angry thinking about back stabbers like Jagmeet, Trudeau, and complicit NDP and Liberal members willing to throw us citizens under the bus (making us homeless and starve etc. we all know the list goes on and on) thus supporting conspiring against the citizens of Canada sitting warm and comfy for stabbing us all in the back while I freeze in the cold hence a part of what drives my passion lately, that and I care about the well being and sanity of current and future generations and seek to make criminals pay. Come spring this year is my 25th anniversary of fighting the good fight as it was Spring in the year 2000 when I began contacting officials of Canada and the UK, and then in years to follow tens of thousands of elected appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries. I am proud to have lasted so very long and not once contested with so much as a shred of validity on the foundation of any primary issue I address after all of these years but came across plenty of liars especially as of late desperately scrambling to try and make what is into what their delusional heads would rather it be all the while still ignoring what facts prove on the foundations of especially primary issues I address.
Hang in there people and let's get justice.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Owen Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good, be strong!