Tue 6 Sep, 2005 01:19 pm
I have noticed over the past few years that the vision in my right eye is deteriorating rather rapidly. My left eye, on the other hand, still has very good vision. Glasses so far have not help all that much with my right eye and I really don't want to try contacts. It isn't bad to the point of being debilitating, but considering my vision has been 20/20 since I can remember it is quite an annoyance.
So, I was considering trying "The See Clearly Method" which I have heard commercials for on the radio for years. It claims to actually fix blurry eyesight without surgery, contacts or glasses.
Has anybody tried this? Does it work like advertised? Any other suggestions to improve vision?
I don't know anything about the "See Clearly" method, but I am wondering. It IS a bit unusual for one eye to deteriorate rapidly. Have you gone to an ophthalmologist (an MD, NOT an optometrist), to check out if there is any disease or condition that needs attending?
Don't fool around with your eyesight. If there is no medical problem, waiting could make the difference in your eyesight in the long term.
No... I haven't gone to any eye person in a couople of years now. I went when I first noticed it and again a year or so later when I wasn't happy with the results, so I never even considered going back yet again.
You're right about not fooling around with eyesight, though. I guess I never considered it being something serious.
jpinMilwaukee wrote:
You're right about not fooling around with eyesight, though. I guess I never considered it being something serious.
you will regret that statement when you can no longer see..
get yer butt to a doc.
it IS uncommon for one eye to deteroriate and the other not to.
It could be a blood clot.. it could be nerve damage.. it could be, it could be.. it could be..
I would be worried if i were you. That is too close to the brain to ignore.
Almost two years ago, i noticed a blurring in the vision of my right eye. By a year ago in May, it was sufficiently deteriorated that i consulted an opthalmologist. I was given a diagnosis of maculopathy, and told it would clear up on its own. It hasn't. Now, although there is some improvement in the field of vision of my right eye, i have an even more serious loss of vision in my left eye. Both eyes now routinely produce a thick, viscous fluid throughout the day, and when i awake in the morning, it feels as though someone had glued my eyes shut in the night. It typically takes from one to two hours for my vision to clear sufficiently for me to feel safe driving in daylight. I no longer have health insurance, and cannot afford the literally hundreds of dollars for even a simple consultation with the opthalmologist. I feel fairly certain that i am experiencing an age-related degenerative condition known as macular degeneration (the macula is the scructure immediately behind the retina).
Don't put it off, go see an opthalmologist. If they say it will clear up, and it doesn't, go right back.
Wow... you guys are freaking me out now.
It doesn't sound like my loss of vision is as bad as yours, Set, but I too feel a thick feeling kind of layer on my right eye. How fast did your sight deteriorate?
between posts,
make an appointment jp..
( consider that my harping on you.. )
jpinMilwaukee wrote:Wow... you guys are freaking me out now.
It doesn't sound like my loss of vision is as bad as yours, Set, but I too feel a thick feeling kind of layer on my right eye. How fast did your sight deteriorate?
In the right eye, in a matter of about six months i had complete blurring in the center of the right eye. That has cleared up somewhat, but not entirely. In the left eye, the onset was extremely rapid. Within a matter of weeks there was a "black spot" in the center of vision, which has not cleared up in a years time.
To answer the question about "See Clearly" - this program and others have been proven to only have temporary effects, if any. I looked into something like it years ago.
I agree with everyone that you should get it checked out.
Setanta - I too am without health insurance. I am assuming you are in the US (anywhere else except maybe the Congo and we would have insurance). You might want to call a local clinic or community hospital and ask what they can do for you on a sliding pay scale basis. We have found that a number of doctors are very helpful and we pay them in cash for their trouble. It won't help if they have to run lab tests (labs are greedy, greedy souls), but a general office visit should be workable. Good luck.
and jp... see an opthamologist not an optometrist.