Thu 19 Dec, 2024 03:12 pm
As a Canadian citizen I must say I have never heard of USA subsidizing Canada let alone to the tune of 100 Billion until just recently when Donald Trump brought it up. It wouldn't surprise me if other citizens of Canada and opposition to the Liberal Party of Canada hasn't heard of such until recently.
The way for Donald Trump to find his answer is, well when a country subsidizes another country to my understanding that comes with conditions, to wait until he takes over office of the President then look up that information. I mean it's a no brainer to me.
Justin Trudeau hides things from Canadians so it's not like he would share such information with those he is suppose to be held accountable too and pay his salary while he continues to infiltrate the PM chair.
I suspect that the reason that the USA is subsidizing Canada with a hundred billion is so that the Canadian citizen back stabbing Justin Trudeau would sign an agreement (of which a so called official stabbing his own citizens in the back's signature isn't worth the paper it is written on as far as I am concerned and everything he signed should be ripped up, scoffed at and disregarded as soon as possible) is possibly so Trudeau could bank that money in another trust fund unbeknownst to the citizens of Canada as well his opposition then feed kick backs to the radically bias democrats that I suspect would have gave him the money for the following reasons aside from getting kick backs. And sure I am not going to list everything but I'll throw a few things out there.
Turn the Canadian armed forces into a sick woke joke while disheartening the troops instead making them a formidable force with proper equipment and confidence.
Crap on the NATO agreement.
Waste money and time on propagating extremely hateful LGBT factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions on the general public to try and force oppression as well throw away billions to other countries with the agreement to get such funds such as force such factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions upon the citizens of those countries to try and turn those citizens into a sick joke as well. (how is it not hateful to try and force people to lie for you so you can rob them of them right, freedom and liberty to be what they are which is what the LGBT does to others while further lying claiming such as a human right while further trying to make a blame game out of it by slandering citizens opposing such hateful lies and deceptions as the haters?!!) To my understanding this was part of the agreement to the Ukraine while Liberals funded them with tax dollars to push LGBT lies and deceptions and to my understanding send 25 billion to assure as many people get slaughtered in that war as possible, because to my understanding President Vladimir Putin wouldn't go along with forcing WEF's woke garbage upon his citizens to turn them against each other while depopulating his citizens like brainless zombies like they attempt with us in Western civilizations so I suspect they forced upon him to depopulate in other ways which lead to war so he could try and take the Ukraine while depopulating both countries by force of WEF meddling.
Throw away billions upon wasteful garbage like buying armed forces thousands of sleeping bags that are ineffective in below zero temperatures, or funding security so a bunch of LGBT could go around parading lies and deceptions upon the public as something to be proud of.
Waste tax payers money by funding and giving bonuses to once media outlets now propaganda machines to force Trudeau's Misinformation / disinformation upon the public while trying to penalize outlets and those on online social platforms that actually inform the public with genuine news etc.
Keep the borders open for illegal invasion from several countries under the banner of Syrian crisis then used such a crisis as a guise to flood the country with illegal invaders.
Thrust the carbon crisis hoax upon the public and use it as excuse to tax citizens into poverty when not one carbon crisis hoaxer globally has proven that 3% of the planets surface area occupied by humans raises the Earth's atmospheric temperature even so much as 0.000001 degree yet they continue to lie claiming humans are the cause of a problem they have never proven even exists!
Force garbage that isn't even a vaccine upon citizens while attempting to force Canadians into taking that garbage under threat of losing their jobs or not being able to go places without getting jabbed with garbage that isn't even a vaccine. Oh and let's not forget sign away liability so big pharma couldn't be held accountable for the damage their garbage caused / causes while eagerly wasting billions of tax payers money to purchase that garbage. Let's not forget that Sept. 10 2021 the CDC removed the definition of vaccine and replaced it with their rhetoric!
Make criminals out of citizens who stand against the lies and deceptions etc. that Trudeau uses to try and force oppression upon the public while he deliberately waste tax dollars on his radical rubbish while deliberately attempting to crash our economy while deliberately boosting inflation like he did with the trucker convoy.
Do nothing when radicals shut down trainways and roadways while protesting Canada to keep their resources in the ground and become a bumbling idiot on the world economic stage.
Let's not forget wasting billions on Liberal insiders and increasing jobs in government institutions for people willing to go along with Trudeau's lies and deceptions to try and cling to power while wasting as many tax dollars as he can in doing such.
(That is just a few reasons I suspect USA Democrats would be allegedly subsidizing Canada with the 100 billion)
Sad that Trudeau has made every effort to make a mockery of Canada while soaring us into seemingly endless debt, increasing inflation with a carbon hoax, forcing woke garbage and flooding the country with way more people than homes while giving even illegal invaders around $225.00 per day by simply claiming refugee status where as homeless Canadians get in the ball park of $350.00 per month thus assuring illegal invaders take our homes, eat well, clothe well, can afford new cars etc. as we citizens become homeless and starving. It's as if deep state planned this with WEF and Trudeau to deliberately weaken Canada for USA takeover (since deep state obviously works with the WEF agenda there would likely be some agreement along the way for dirty deeds that the WEF would stay out of attempted takeover so they could excavate trillions of our resources etc. that have been lobbied to prevent us for years now from competing on the world stage) of which you doing such to Canada once you come back into power would be a red flag indicator that you are likely the most deceptive deep state around, well that and what you did to the pageant when you owned it by opening the flood gates in the eyes of radical liars and deceivers around the world in Western civilizations to woke garbage thus was thrust upon Western civilizations by allowing some male LGBT to participate in the pageant you owned by our own decision back then. What a mockery and you have been dealing with woke garbage thrust in your face for years now that you greatly helped thrust upon all of us it appears as they did everything they could to keep you from being re elected.
Oh and really funny jokes you got there about Canada being the 51st State because we have a dink in power eager to sabotage the country in every way he and his pea brained consultants paid for by tax payers can come up with in which he infiltrates the PM chair of Canada, when really Donald Trump would you want to be that which has been clinging to your ass for decades? Hey let's let the laughs keep rolling ...
I have a question for you President Elect, are USA citizens too ashamed of their own country to name themselves after their own country instead of naming themselves after an entire continent thus calling themselves Americans instead of Ustatians? I mean you could rename your country something like Igoria and call yourselves Igorians, it would at least show some citizen pride in your own country as opposed to naming yourselves after an entire continent. Even up here in the North we apparently called ourselves Americans after the continent upon which we lived before we formed a country on July 1st 1867, but once we did that we obviously showed some pride (genuine pride not fake pride like lgbt rubbish) in our country thus refer to ourselves as Canadians.
on a side note:
To the YouTube channel "Clyde do something" you do realize it is treason against the citizens of Canada to advocate the takeover of Canada? I mean are you really in it to assist Trudeau with dividing and conquering Canada for the WEF and possibly deep state agenda? Wake up and smarten up Clyde.
What kind of message is it to Canadians to give Jagmeet Singh (or any Liberal or NDP) a pension for being complicit in stabbing Canadian citizens in the back on several occasions compulsively and obsessively? It incites the wrong kind of people to take office with the idea that they will be rewarded for defecating upon the citizens of Canada like some sick joke! You can take the dental and shove it up your rear end Jagmeet and give Canadians back hundreds of billions of dollars you advocated wasting while gloating about dental care of which if we had our hundreds of billions back we could have a decent dental care plan along with rescuing our medical across the country without stabbing Canadian citizens in the back to do it you two faced back stabbing compulsive obsessive liar!
I think Justin Trudeau should be investigated for what he did with the so called 100 billion subsidy that Donald Trump alleges that Canada has been getting from the USA! Where did the money go? If we have been getting that much from the USA then why is our deficit growing?! This is absurd!
To President Elect Donald J. Trump:
I sincerely hope you help your country recover as you get rid of woke garbage and instead of punishing Canada for having a sick joke at the helm clinging to power like a dung beetle clings to it's food, throw us a bone here and there with the understanding that Canadian citizens have been sabotaged, we didn't ask for this. In the past few elections we had no one to vote for to represent us who had a chance to form government because all three major parties were catering to WEF and woke garbage! It is not our fault that our parliament and government has been infiltrated and sabotaged by WEF conspiring against several countries around the world simultaneously for years now! We can help each other become stronger and set a new stage for the world to follow for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life here in Canada, over there in USA as well the rest of the world. For you to think aout and don't forget to share the reason why USA is subsidizing Canada 100 billion when you take office. Thanks.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Owen Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good, be strong!