Intrepid wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:Intrepid wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:Intrepid wrote:
The tragedy in New Orleans was very real and heartbreaking. I am not saying it was the fault of the people, I am only pointing out that God can be thanked for the good and should not be condemned for the bad.
Yes, Intrepid...I realize that.
In fact, that is the reason for my question.
So I will ask it again...rewording it using some of your phrasing:
Why, since you people thank your god for the good stuff that you not condemn that god for the bad?
I thought I answered that in the first 3 paragraphs.
Why do you say that your god "...should not be condemned for the bad?"
I understand why you are ducking my question, Intrepid. It is probably the most intelligent way to handle something like this...because any rationalizations you come up with will probably sound as silly to your subconscious as it would to us.
If you were in your position...I'd try my best to duck it also.
I didn't duck your question. You just didn't like the answer.
Oh, you kinda messed up the quoting thing so that it appears that I said some of what you actually said.

Actually, did duck my question....and
you messed up the quoting thing.
Take a look at your post 1553832 - .
It looked to me as though you simply re-posted my post...and offered no comment. did offer a comment...but it was hidden.
In any guys are all on this "you gotta understand faith" nonsense.
And it is pure nonsense.
Whatever perceived problems I have with what you people call "faith" is not an answer to my question.
You can have all the "faith" in the world...but my question deals with...
...If you assign responsibility for the the good stuff to your god...and that the god for it....why do you not assign responsibility for the bad stuff....and give your god some lip for that?
(MY HINT AGAIN: You people are terrified of your god...and with good reason. The god is without a doubt one of the most vicious, murderous, quick-to-anger, slow-to-forgive, petty, barbaric monsters ever dreamed up by humans.)
So...let's try it again:
If you assign responsibility for the good stuff that happens to your god...and profusely thank your god for it....why do you not assign responsibility for the bad stuff to the god and let the god know what you think about such crap?