Do Everyone A Favor ....Stay Home

Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 06:35 am
au1929, a true conservative would never defend that putz. A true stooge maybe...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 06:42 am
woiyo wrote:
au1929 wrote:
Spoken like a true conservative. How the hell can you keep defending that putz.
He is the embarrassment of this nation.

Spoken like a true MORON!!! How can you, with all the information available, look only to the President and point the finger of blame?

Do you not pay State and Local taxes? Is NOT the Government closest to you responsible to initiate action and REQUEST the services of the Federal Govt when needed?

The Federal Govt will have to answer for their slow reaction such as.. Why did FEMA, after being issued the disaster status on SATURDAY delay action?

You have a Democratic Mayor and Gov down in La. who also have some answering to do.

But for you to just point a finger at the Federal Govt is either stupid or ignorance.

You should know by now that pointing out the failures of anybody other than President Bush is a crime. We must not mention that Ray Nagin was the big voice of "Go to the Convention Center and Go to the Superdome, you will be taken care of." He just decided to herd the people in there and then give them no help at all. What, the city of New Orleans doesn't have emergency food and water supplies for this sort of thing? Hard to believe. Some police officers have complained how they could not even get Nagin to respond to their calls for aid in this entire debacle. I keep pointing out that blame must be shared by all officials at all levels not just the President but Liberal Democrats never want to look anywhere that will take them off their current self-pity, self absorbed focus.
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 06:54 am
kickycan wrote:
au1929, a true conservative would never defend that putz. A true stooge maybe...

Who on this thread is defending GW??

You all want to play the partisen game? Go ahead and show how narrowminded you really are.
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 06:56 am
Okay, so you aren't defending GWB. You agree that he's a putz then?
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 06:59 am
IBlanco DID request federal assistance several days BEFORE Katrina hit.

As I pointed out on another thread, this is a disaster of magnitude supposedly never seen in the US. Cities and states can't possibly have everything on hand to deal with such a disaster, nor can they be expected to be able to continue functioning at top speed when all infrastructure is wiped out. That's why they asked for federal assistance three days prior. That's why FEMA had pre-staged assistance.

Would you really expect your local officials to take equal responsibility for failure to handle a disaster of this magnitude when all infrastructure is destroyed?

With four hurricanes hitting Florida last year, it wasn't left to Jeb to deal with and the response was much quicker.

Oh, wait. I forgot. Jeb was in a swing state during an election year.
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 07:09 am
squinney wrote:
IBlanco DID request federal assistance several days BEFORE Katrina hit.

As I pointed out on another thread, this is a disaster of magnitude supposedly never seen in the US. Cities and states can't possibly have everything on hand to deal with such a disaster, nor can they be expected to be able to continue functioning at top speed when all infrastructure is wiped out. That's why they asked for federal assistance three days prior. That's why FEMA had pre-staged assistance.

Would you really expect your local officials to take equal responsibility for failure to handle a disaster of this magnitude when all infrastructure is destroyed?

With four hurricanes hitting Florida last year, it wasn't left to Jeb to deal with and the response was much quicker.

Oh, wait. I forgot. Jeb was in a swing state during an election year.

I expect local authorities to START THE PROCESS. They failed and the idiots at FEMA and Homeboy Security compounded the failure.

Where was the Police Dept, Fire Dept, National Guard etc...

There is plenty of blame at ALL LEVELS. But for some to just look at the Feds as the reason is dim witted. Who told these folks to go to the Superdome where there was inadequate supplies and instruction?
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 07:19 am
Talking about morons are you trying to imply that the federal government headed by your beloved 'putz' did not screw up? Even the putz himself said they did.
He turned FEMA into an agency used for political patronage. Have you perhaps noted the background and experience of the current director
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 07:30 am
FEMA packed with W's pals

Campaign pros get top jobs


WASHINGTON - The three top jobs at the Federal Emergency Management Agency under President Bush went to political cronies with no apparent experience coping with catastrophes, the Daily News has learned.Even if Bush were to fire embattled and suddenly invisible FEMA Director Michael Brown over his handling of Hurricane Katrina, the bureaucrat immediately below him is no disaster professional, either.

While Brown ran horse shows in his last private-sector job, FEMA's No. 2 man, deputy director and chief of staff Patrick Rhode, was an advance man for the Bush-Cheney campaign and White House. He also did short stints at the Commerce Department and Small Business Administration.

Rhode's biography posted on FEMA's Web site doesn't indicate he has any real experience in emergency response.

In addition, the agency's former third-ranking official, deputy chief of staff Scott Morris, was a PR expert who worked for Maverick Media, the Texas outfit that produced TV and radio spots for the Bush-Cheney campaign. In June, Morris moved to Florida to become FEMA's long-term recovery director.

"The Bush administration has apparently transformed FEMA from a professional, world-class emergency responder into a dumping ground for former campaign staff and political hacks," said Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan).

FEMA also is hampered by several midlevel and regional director's jobs currently held by acting directors.

"Just like our military, FEMA should be immune to this kind of political staffing. It should be run by career emergency response professionals," Maloney added.

Traditionally, the Commerce and Labor departments have long been Washington's dumping ground for presidential pals and campaign operatives - not the disaster relief agency.

Government sources blame Bush's first FEMA director, Joe Allbaugh, with turning FEMA into a patronage shop.

He was chief of staff when Bush was Texas' governor and later headed the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign.

"He stacked the deck with political appointees," a knowledgeable source said of Allbaugh, who had a reputation for running an efficient FEMA operation until he left the job in March 2003.

FEMA is overseen by the Department of Homeland Security. Officials at both agencies did not return phone calls or E-mails yesterday.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 07:46 am
woiyo wrote:
squinney wrote:
IBlanco DID request federal assistance several days BEFORE Katrina hit.

As I pointed out on another thread, this is a disaster of magnitude supposedly never seen in the US. Cities and states can't possibly have everything on hand to deal with such a disaster, nor can they be expected to be able to continue functioning at top speed when all infrastructure is wiped out. That's why they asked for federal assistance three days prior. That's why FEMA had pre-staged assistance.

Would you really expect your local officials to take equal responsibility for failure to handle a disaster of this magnitude when all infrastructure is destroyed?

With four hurricanes hitting Florida last year, it wasn't left to Jeb to deal with and the response was much quicker.

Oh, wait. I forgot. Jeb was in a swing state during an election year.

I expect local authorities to START THE PROCESS. They failed and the idiots at FEMA and Homeboy Security compounded the failure.

Where was the Police Dept, Fire Dept, National Guard etc...

There is plenty of blame at ALL LEVELS. But for some to just look at the Feds as the reason is dim witted. Who told these folks to go to the Superdome where there was inadequate supplies and instruction?

what is it about "The governor asked for federal assisitance three days BEFORE the hurricane hit" that you don't understand?

And where were the locals and state boys? They were there, on the ground, trying to bail out the Titanic with tea cups because the Lusitania was nowhere in sight.
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 07:56 am
On 8-26 - Gov declares State of Emergancy. Chaos erupts of roadways. No evacuation order given.

8-27 - GW declares State of Emergancy in LA which shoudl start-up FEMA.

8-28 - Now the Mayor orders evacuation. GW declares State of emergancy in MS. and orders federal assistance.

8-29 - Katrina downgraded. Levees break later in the day.

8-30 - Now Military move in at FEMA request.

As you can see, nowwhere does the Gov request ANYTHING from the Feds until it is too late.

This is a screwup from the Mayor to the Gov to the Feds.

If it makes you happy to just blame GW, so be it. Yet the facts are what they are, should you care.
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 09:41 am
But you do agree that Bush is a putz, right?
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 10:13 am
woiyo wrote:
On 8-26 - Gov declares State of Emergancy. Chaos erupts of roadways. No evacuation order given.

8-27 - GW declares State of Emergancy in LA which shoudl start-up FEMA.

8-28 - Now the Mayor orders evacuation. GW declares State of emergancy in MS. and orders federal assistance.

8-29 - Katrina downgraded. Levees break later in the day.

8-30 - Now Military move in at FEMA request.

As you can see, nowwhere does the Gov request ANYTHING from the Feds until it is too late.

This is a screwup from the Mayor to the Gov to the Feds.

If it makes you happy to just blame GW, so be it. Yet the facts are what they are, should you care.

As we can see from what? The unattributed fiction YOU fabricated?
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 10:20 am
From an outsider's point of view, it would seem that GWB is now coming across as a total F*ckwit, who is being "groomed" by his backstage image consultants in an effort to come across as a hero, leading the mopping up operation personally, and making sure that all the right media outfits are there to witness it.

I almost cried when he was filmed, kissing that black woman and her poor little babe in arms....the ultimate in propaganda.

Basically, he and all the caring politicians, who saw to it that the New Orleans flood defence budgets were severely cut for the past several years, are now trying to bolt the door after a bleeding great horse has been set loose.


Snippet: "From the June 18, 2004 Times-Picayune:

"The system is in great shape, but the levees are sinking. Everything is sinking, and if we don't get the money fast enough to raise them, then we can't stay ahead of the settlement," he said. "The problem that we have isn't that the levee is low, but that the federal funds have dried up so that we can't raise them."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 11:45 am
woiyo, Your timeline could have just as easily read:

Aug 26 - 4 p.m.: The National Hurricane Center warns that Katrina is expected to reach dangerous Category 4 intensity before making landfall in Mississippi or Louisiana. Hours later, in anticipation of a possible landfall, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco declare states of emergency.

Aug. 27 - During the day, residents of Louisiana's low-lying areas are told they must evacuate; residents in other low-lying areas are urgently advised to do so. President Bush declares a state of emergency in Louisiana. Highways leading out of New Orleans are converted to one-way routes away from the city.

Aug 28 - 10 a.m.: New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin orders mandatory evacuations as the storm seems to beat a direct path to the city. During the day, Bush declares a state of emergency in Mississippi and orders federal assistance.

Aug. 29 - 7 a.m.: Katrina makes landfall on the Louisiana coast between Grand Isle and the mouth of the Mississippi River. 11a.m. Katrina makes another landfall near the Louisiana-Mississippi state line. Two major flood-control levees are breached, and the National Weather Service reports "total structural failure" in parts of New Orleans. A section of the roof of the Louisiana Superdome, opens. 10 p.m.: Katrina is downgraded to a tropical storm.

Aug. 30 - New Orleans is left with no power, no drinking water, dwindling food supplies, and steadily rising waters. Efforts to limit the flooding are unsuccessful and force authorities to try evacuating the thousands of people at city shelters. The U.S. military starts to move ships and helicopters to the region at the request of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Aug. 31 - Two days after Katrina makes landfall, Bush gets off his butt and flies over New Orleans and announces a major federal mobilization to help the victims.

Sept. 1 - Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announces that 4,200 National Guard troops trained as military police will be deployed to New Orleans to get control of the hungry, thirsty dying masses before bringing them food and water.

Sept. 2 - Hungry, thirsty, dying masses under military police control are finally brought some food and water.

Guess it all depends on what one chooses to emphasize.
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 11:59 am
What you include from the CNN timeline is purely speculation and exageration. Guess it depends on wether you want to discuss facts as they are or fiction.
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 12:17 pm
And where on the timeline for the 26th did you get that chaos erupted on roadways?
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 12:44 pm
From the time line..."• Highways leading out of New Orleans are filled with bumper-to-bumper traffic. Several major interstates are converted to one-way routes away from the city. "

If you look at the picture, you will see basiclly NO ONE going into the city. Why did not the Police Dept open up both sides of the hwy to avoid the CHAOS!!!
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 01:28 pm
They did. That's why you don't see anyone coming into the city. That's why it says they converted all lanes to outbound direction.

They did it to lessen chaos, but on your timeline you say "chaos erupts."

I'll ignore that you have it on the 26th, when it was the 27th. Minor detail.
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 01:50 pm
squinney wrote:
They did. That's why you don't see anyone coming into the city. That's why it says they converted all lanes to outbound direction.

They did it to lessen chaos, but on your timeline you say "chaos erupts."

I'll ignore that you have it on the 26th, when it was the 27th. Minor detail.

If all lanes were used I would expect to see cars going the other way, not going inbound as the picture clearly describes.
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 01:53 pm
The 'picture' has no attribution, no location, date, or link. It could be from any time.

I clearly recall seeing CNN footage of both sides of freeways being used to evacuate.

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