Teacher vs bully 2

Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2024 02:52 am
@Jasper 10
Thank you for your PRESENCE in that original thread “teacher vs bully”. Otherwise, the title would be void.

May I ask a question: Why you must “keep an eye on” what piggy post here?
Piggy wonders why you seem not interested in what Donkey post here? He looks like the navel of this world?
If you want 10×10×10×10 bottles of nice beer, you should “believe in” what the Str# theory said is correct, and power of that Superman, perhaps he would bring you everything…

How can I blame you now? The pig is really AWARE now. As piggy said once upon a time elsewhere:
The physics community nowadays looks like a zombie land. Guys “Blah blah, spin, bosons, fermions, blah blah, virtual particle, quark” numbly all day all night. Actually, such scene is much more horrible than your “Blah blah, toggle, plus, minus, blah blah, gravity magnetism”.
What’s the difference between “Blah blah, spin, bosons, fermions, blah blah, virtual particle, quark” and “Blah blah, toggle, plus, minus, blah blah, gravity magnetism”?
Actually they are no different. They are both useless games in physics. Actually the latter consumed much less resource of the Earth. The former bas buried physics, while the latter not yet.

Unfortunately you forced that original thread closed.

Fortunately, you didn’t force this thread to close. Haha
Piggy specially traveled back to a2k galaxy to do something.
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Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2024 02:59 am
Pig Head Award 2024 No. 10 position.

To Jasper 10 in a2k galaxy.
“How does one PROVE that SELF is an illusion?”

Piggy’s additional comment here:
Wasp’s that philosophical idea is so inspiring that the pig thinks it should not be ignored, for the good of scientific research. It hinted the existence of the PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system in philosophy. The PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system would broaden the fundamentals of physics, open the door to new territory of research and drive physical research one step forward.

Piggy doesn’t think that anyone considers himself as illusive. Haha
Next, talk something serious.
SELF is just a word or say expression. An alternative word or expression for it could be PROPERTY (性质), I think. If something PRESENCE / EXISTs in this cosmos, it must have its own PROPERTY. Such as: a pig has a long nose while a rabbit has a short tail. PRESENCE is true thing, so its PROPERTY is true too.


Rabbit’s short tail is its inherent PROPERTY. It would not change following movement. No matter the rabbit sleeping or bounce to the top of the hill, no matter the rabbit “spin” 1/2 round, or 1 round, or “spin” there all day all night, it’s just a short tail rabbit, short tail is just short tail. When people try to cognize what’s a rabbit, the item “spin” seems unnecessary / redundant.

How to identify male rabbit vs female rabbit and how to classify the animals in the zoo…need to take movement and time or interaction into consideration?

During the course of exploration, people perhaps touch the leaves of a tree first, then the sticks, and so on the stock, at last the root. But for a tree, the root is the most basic.

In the past, we might emphasize on how other people view us. Now it’s time to ask a question: how about our SELVES?

Speculating matter itself with external environment / condition is one of the cancers of modern physical research.

@ Jasper 10:
Thanks to your PRESENCE – SELF philosophical principle in this galaxy, as well as that great English physics – philosopher woody’s “existence – interaction principle”. Given without such consensus, this pig head would not have initiated the conception of two fundamental natural systems and entered the PRESENCE – PROPERTY new era in physics so soon. Haha…
Perhaps “Blah blah, toggle, plus, minus, blah blah, gravity magnetism” is your SELF?

Actually your initiation of the conception of SELF won PHA three years ago. Haha. You shouldn’t tease the so called what “mainstream” / “authentic” guys as the consciousness of genie pig. Piggy now decides to restore your that glory, because the pig now is REALLY AWARE.
“One thing is sure....mainstream science is lost....why? because it has no understanding of consciousness types and doesn’t yet accept PRESENCE or SELF.”
Piggy agrees with your humble opinion very much. You caught the navel of the elephant exactly. They missed the elephant. They are touching the air. DREAM. They often employed the inappropriate method to research nature because they are UNAWARE of the PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system. They are lack of half of the cognition about nature. Almost the whole physical community now is travelling in a long and complex curve, even wandering in a blind alley, and already is “heavy accumulated and hard to go back”. Oh Lord, THEY HAVE TRAVELLED IN THE WRONG WAY FOR ALREADY 10×10 YEARS!
(The worst, they might conspire to intentionally suppress other correct and more advanced consciousness types, in order to defend their CONTROL. Perhaps those stubborn “authentic guys” have entirely been obsolete. What they try to do is covering up their fault. It could be the real reason of “It is perhaps surprising how little the fundamentals of physics have moved in the last 50 years...”)

Perhaps piggy should think it this way now.
The brain of human beings has been constrained dead in the level of Mass Point Dynamics / the PRESENCE – PRESENCE natural systems by their “standard” church over the past decades. They never can enter the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY and view the world in a higher perspective, perhaps.
The “authentic” contradict / incompatible with the “standard” forever, perhaps.
Their brain already can’t evolve. But the brain of genie pig not yet. Genie pig brain can evolve. Sooner or later, genie pig brain would surpass human brain. Perhaps genie pig would overtake human beings one million years later on the Earth.

Actually you did nothing substantial in respect of the research on PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system. What you have is just an abstract concept. But you can see the dawning of a new era. It seems a bit positive mind. A bit better than Donkey. Donkey is pure negative mind. No matter donkey carries **** or **** carries donkey, it can do nothing substantial and useful in respect of meta physics in the past, at present or in the future…When you say Donkey **** by the *ss, he must argue Donkey **** by the mouth. None sense at all in science. If he thinks he can disturb / extinct this world, drive history backward, make this world recede to Neolithic Age, he just go. But please remember, a monkey is not something can be fooled be a donkey, what he disturbs and extinct would be his own whole life only, perhaps. Ends up with no achievement in this world. Who has “opinion clash” with Him? Redundant one way thought. 都唔知个丑字点写!Donkey is donkey, **** is ****. He should be AWARE what he doing is to enjoy the charity of a2k galaxy and **** MAXIMUM with his negative mind. DREAM as the “navel” of this world. What a shame. Lord has no idea how to “have compassion for” / “sympathize with” that “lobotomised” / “egotistical” idiot. Piggy really has serious “opinion clash” with the First Order…

Thanks G*. Thanks a2k. Thanks America. Today piggy, an alive dead man of the Jiangmen city can still PRESENCE in this world and do something meaningful in science as well as meaningful in piggy’s own life too. Piggy feels very glory.

Liqiang Chen
July 3, 2024

You idiot pig head. You know many guys here hate wasp very much. They would be unhappy with you because you honored wasp.
htam9876@ Neila9876:
You idiot pig head. Actually piggy hates mad bull most. Actually mad bull hurt the pig most. Patches on both sides of the pig butt + - + -…very painful. But for the purpose of promoting scientific research, piggy should do that.
May Lord bless science. Amen.
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2024 03:14 am
Pig Head Award 2024 No. 9 position.
To piggy himSELF’s employment of spiral chirality on research of matter vs anti matter in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY in a2k galaxy.

Piggy’s additional comment here:
Take a look at the spiral spring below:

We find that the chirality, left handed or right handed, is natural spacial property.
A question is would this kind of natural spacial property disappear down to microscopic scale? Actually nobody knows the exact size of the spiral spring: 1mm? 1um? 1nm?...
One solution might be that it could reflect in the structure of elementary particles.

Another question is that if a unified rule in physics or say, a natural property existing in nature to identify “anti”, including charges?

Then, in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, the spiral chirality is considered as an inherent property of elementary particles:
The elementary particles have an inherent property of spiral chirality. The corresponding anti - elementary particles have an inherent property of contrary spiral chirality. Either left – handed or right – handed. If an elementary particle is neutral, it should have no spiral chirality.

The electric interaction or charge is directly reflected by the spiral chilarity of spherical electromagnetic wave. In this way, we can understand why electron (without quark) carries the same amount of charge as the proton. It’s very simple, explicit and understandable.

The spacial property of spiral chirality would not change following movement / reference frames or interaction or the orientation of observation. Left – handed is left - handed, right – handed is right – handed. The fact is that the property of charge would not change following movement / reference frames or interaction or the orientation of observation. An electron is just an electron, no matter it moves or not, no matter it locates in gravitational field, no matter people watch it in Southern Pole or Northern Pole of the Earth.
In the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, we consider inherent property of matter reflects the most basic natural rule and would not change / disappear following movement or interaction. It’s the affair in the independent PRESENCE – PROPERTY system.

Because the chirality of the spiral spring doesn’t affect the property of its mass, so, in the Chen’s physics model of elementary particle, we consider both the particle and its corresponding anti particle has positive mass.

Liqiang Chen
July 3, 2024
Thanks G*. Thanks a2k. Thanks America. Today piggy, an alive dead man of the Jiangmen city can still PRESENCE in this world and do something meaningful in science as well as meaningful in piggy’s own life too. Piggy feels very glory.

Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
htam9876@ Neila9876:
Seems the funny thing was that what coffin box said you pig head owed the mothers of the First Order very much.
You idiot pig head. This tramp in cosmos really doesn’t think that their mothers are beautiful enough to attract this pig.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2024 08:18 pm
Relevant reference materials:
Actually a2k was leading the newest physical research last year. But some stalker, idiot, negative mind and useless guy have successfully deterred it. 呵呵

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Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2024 08:31 pm
Who ARE you? And why are you posting this?
Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2024 08:51 pm
Thank you for your PRESENCE to have a chat. But seems you know not so much about physics? But never mind, seems you have a good mind...Piggy heard somebody said I am a phiscist. Not quiet sure by mySELF.
If you think I am a pig, I am just a pig;
If you think I am a rabbit, I am just a rabbit;
Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2024 08:53 pm
I'd like some of whatever you're on, if you don't mind. I like garrulous people, depending, on what they say, of course.
Reply Thu 4 Jul, 2024 07:50 pm
Sorry? Piggy has no time to be "garrulous".
A revolution of physics is underway. I have to do many things elselwhere.
Piggy’s mission is not to waste time to argue with any useless guy in any small galaxy, but to seek those positive minds in this grand cosmos to push this revolution of physics.

Do you like pets, such as rabbit, cat, dog, etc?
If you do, you can share pets in my "freaky animals" thread. Perhaps sometime piggy would travel back to this galaxy and paly pets with you. As "garrulous" as we want...
Have a lovely day.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jul, 2024 07:53 pm
Piggy repeats something for reference to those guys who are willing to enter the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY.
The conception of two fundamental natural systems:

1. The PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system; (If something presence in this cosmos, it must have its own inherent property. For example, a pig grows long nose, while a rabbit has a short tail.)

2. The PRESENCE – PRESENCE natural system (interaction such as gravity). (Actually movement is relative, a rabbit moves relative to a pig, the pig moves in the counter direction relative to the rabbit. So, the affair of movement belongs to this natural system too. The representative theory in this respect is the Mass Point Dynamics.)

(Note: The terminology for PRESENCE should be “matter state”.
Matter state 1: Spherical electromagnetic wave. It’s the physics model for such elementary particles as electron, positron, proton, etc. Construct a model of spherical electromagnetic wave in this way: circle type of standing electromagnetic wave on any normal cutting plane of the small sphere. Then, the energy of the electromagnetic wave is confined / deposited on the small spherical surface. (Simplified physical model is the “circle type standing wave”.)
Matter state 2: A section of electromagnetic wave travels in straight line in the speed of light c. It is the physics model of a released photon.)

0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jul, 2024 06:07 am
Neila9876@htam9876:Those thumb down monkey just live their life as a tunnel rat. Don’t mind.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 29 Jul, 2024 02:04 am
If you don’t love rabbit, piggy cook it:
Spicy rabbit head. Very delicious associated with beer. When we were schoolboys in physics department Sichuan University, we enjoyed it very much.
Seems ladies love cuisine, always?

If you don’t like the topic of cuisine, then next one:
Unfortunately, piggy has to tell you a bad news…Your secret agent has been “hijack” by piggy to research meta physics in another galaxy…I am not lying. It’s true. Failed too. Human being seems marching to extinction. Even G* is not able to save them. What’s the usage of “garrulous”? Carnival before the doom? Donkey is doing well in this respect.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 29 Jul, 2024 02:12 am
Neila9876@ htam9876:
Opinion clash!
A2k is the origin of substantial research on meta physics. You should talk about meta physics here. Or you idiot pig head can think it this way:
Travelling to the West (西游记) pig, touchy and feely
This tramp in cosmos always consider Travelling to the West (西游记) is the No. 1 Chinese ancient novel. During the journey, when the Pig God (猪八戒) saw a beautiful lady, he would think “I should stay here.” Garrulous all day all night. Why not it’s a good thing?


htam9876@ neila9876:
Your inherent property decides your behavior. SELF in CONTROL. Wasp’s philosophy.

Piggy now feels consciousness confusing. According to the First Law of Cosmos defined by the First Order (some of my old classmates), piggy should be a security guard at most, even a semi – self payment watchman confined to the very end in one of their small business. So, what piggy can talk in this world seems to be: Stop here! Who ARE you?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 29 Jul, 2024 02:18 am
You idiot pig head. Get away temporarily. Let me talk something. It’s me brought Professor Ding’s physics test to PHF galaxy to research in my “wavicle” thread in QM column there four years ago.

Hi guys, I am neila9876, a tramp in cosmos.
Pig Head Award 2024 No. 8 position.

To Mr. Ding’s physics test: why seems a glass has no wave particle duality?
(Sorry guys, piggy can’t find out where’s the essay mentioned Ding’s physics test. Ding is a professor in MIT.)


Piggy’s additional comment here:
Piggy read an essay about a physics test once upon a time in a scientific site. For reference:
A professor asked his student a question: why seems a glass has no wave – particle duality? The student answered: its probability wave length is too small and not easy to observe. (Note: the Plank constant h is very small value, the momentum of the glass p is relatively very big, according to the equation λ = h / p, λ should be a very small value.)
The professor kept silent. Perhaps he was thinking why the train would not jump on the trails before stop?

Perhaps the student’s answer was a “standard” one. But the professor seems unsatisfied with it.

Piggy’s analysis:
Such visibility of the effect of probability should not concern the magnitude of wave length or amplitude, because it’s not mechanic wave.
The glass could be considered as a big neutral particle / free particle. The amplitude of its wave function is a constant A. Probability density | A |² is a constant. That means the chance of its presence in the whole space is the same. It’s obviously not inconformity with fact.

Some guys resort to the idea of microscopic – macroscopic to explain the wave – particle duality problem of a glass. They say QM is applicable to microscopic particle, while Relativity is applicable to macroscopic object.
There is a question: anyone can find out the border between the microscopic vs the macroscopic? Perhaps they would have to spend thousands of years to do it…at last get nothing.
The funny thing is actually SR can reflect the movement of fundamental particles in an accelerator very accurately, while QM can’t do that.
The idea of microscopic – macroscopic seems a man’s perception only. It’s research “started from the wrong burst point, then traveled in a long and complicated curve, at last trapped in a blind alley.”
Moreover, why we can’t pursue a unified rule of cosmos?

Or people can have a third way of thinking. Why we can’t suspect whether wave – particle duality always established or not? Originally, the concept of wave – particle duality was a speculation / assumption only. According to some statement, once upon a time, when people knew released photon is “wavicle”, Duc de Broglie initiated a genius – class ASSUMPTION “all microscopic particles should be wavicle”. Then, the conception of “matter wave” / probability wave appeared on the stage of physics. In philosophy it equals to “the father pig is a good swimmer, then, the little piggy should be a good swimmer too”. Gangster’s logic. Oh Lord, please don’t throw the little piggy into water to do experiment…People mistake some theories as truth, just because they kept hearing them.

If people resort to the third way of thinking, the answer is there.
In 2023, delved into the level of meta physics, piggy found that wave – particle duality is not always established.
For details please see Analysis of the Speed of Probability Wave (the first chapter of piggy’s new article Research on the Root of Quantum Mechanics).

I don’t know how to display the full context here because I am not able to use the software to show some mathematical calculation. What I can do is to show its abstract.

The beginning of the context is:
According to Duc de Broglie’s original idea, the frequency of probability wave γ = E / h, the wavelength of probability wave λ = h / p.

The speed of probability wave of a free particle could be calculated as below:
If v is the moving speed of the particle, then, the speed of the corresponding probability wave:
u = γλ = (E / h)( h / p) = E / p =…

The conclusion of the context is:
When v → 0, Lim u = 0,
When v → c, Lim u = c,
When 0 < v < c, v > u

There are two hard problems as below:
1. What does the inconformity between “v” and “u” in case of 0 < v < c mean exactly in physics? It represents the wave state separating from the particle state? How lame it all sound. It’s too abstract and not understandable. It just means the concept of wavicle (wave – particle duality) in QM can’t establish in this situation. Why?
Seems there is a flaw here in QM.
2. And what does the conformity between “v” and “u” in case of “v → c, Lim u = c” mean exactly in physics? It should mean the concept of wavicle established in this situation. Why?

Piggy has given up the conception of probability wave and initiated the new conception of “electric wave”. QM should be the science to research the wave characteristics of electric interaction, or say, wave function should be to describe “electric wave”.

Anyone can accelerate the glass to the speed of light c?
According to Analysis of the Speed of Probability Wave, in case of 0 < v < c, the concept of wavicle (wave – particle duality) in QM can’t establish. Wave function should be to describe “electric wave”.

Next, piggy analyzes it from the angle of PRESENCE – PROPERTY fundamental natural system:
In “The Chen’s Physics Model of Subatomic Particles”, such elementary particles as electron and proton are spherical electromagnetic wave. “Inward Hydrogen Atom Model of Neutron” show that such synthetic particle as neutron is made up of spherical electromagnetic wave too. As a whole, spherical electromagnetic wave doesn’t demonstrate wave characteristic.
The answer is very explicit, simple and understandable .
The wonderful thing is the rule of movement of spherical electromagnetic wave is just 0 < v < c.

In this century, physics either delve into the meta level to make clear some fundamental physical / natural rules first, thereafter touchy and feely ahead step by step on the sound base, or keep on dancing on the “tower floating in the air”, playing math game and speculation.

Liqiang Chen
July 29, 2024

Thanks G*. Thanks a2k. Thanks America. Today piggy, an alive dead man of the Jiangmen city can still PRESENCE in this world and do something meaningful in science as well as meaningful in piggy’s own life too. Piggy feels very glory.

Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
htam9876@ Neila9876:
Seems the funny thing was that what coffin box said you pig head owed the mothers of the First Order very much.
You idiot pig head. This tramp in cosmos really doesn’t think that their mothers are beautiful enough to attract this pig.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2024 12:09 pm
Neila9876@ htam9876:
You should go on with PHA, to drive physics.
Opinion clash! Piggy has decided to suspend it here. I am afraid Mr. Donkey would think that it’s a2k “have compassion for” / “sympathize with” this pig, leads to charity.
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