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Thu 13 Jun, 2024 01:13 am

Unbelievable atrocities have been committed in Gaza for several months. Is it not enough anymore?
Thu 13 Jun, 2024 08:20 am
In case you aren't aware of search engines? And since, you might be oblivious to the fact that this is an international forum? No one knows where you live (and how that actually would reflect on the quality of answers to your question).

You can donate to World Central Kitchen or the ICRC - International Red Cross. Etc....

You can write letters to your government (parliament, congress, president, and/or prime minister).

Thu 11 Jul, 2024 03:27 am

It is not about cooking chicken or writing letters. The problem is humanity and why we don't talk about all the cruelty to children and innocent women? Feel free to give your opinion on the question.
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 04:25 am
Why do you think that talking "about all the cruelty to children and innocent women" does anything to help anyone? The cruelty of humanity is in the news constantly. People have been talking about cruelty to animals for years – as we destroy thousands of hectares of wildlife habitat every day.
0 Replies
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 06:00 am
Is it not enough anymore?

Not according to biden. He and his crew willingly support Israel's illegal occupation, their illegal settlements, their illegal practice of throwing kids in prison without charge, etc.

That's the reality.
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 06:45 am
Glennn wrote:

Is it not enough anymore?

Not according to biden. He and his crew willingly support Israel's illegal occupation, their illegal settlements, their illegal practice of throwing kids in prison without charge, etc.

That's the reality.

Whereas, Trump will build concentration camps for any and all refugees. Deporting literal millions from the country and blocking millions from entering the US. You know this.

Stop lying, Glenn. You don't give a damn about Palestine or Israel or refugees or any kind. You're just picking on divisive things to crap on Biden.
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 07:13 am
Deporting literal millions from the country and blocking millions from entering the US. You know this.

Why is it you want to talk so much about what trump will do while ignoring what biden is doing?

Like so many others here, your answer to biden aiding and abetting of a war criminal in action is to start the what-about-trump idiocy.

But that doesn't address the issue of biden aiding and abetting a war criminal, does it? That's what's being asked in this thread. It's not about trump this time; it's about biden.
0 Replies
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 09:15 am
Why is it you want to talk so much about what trump will do while ignoring what biden is doing?

It might be because Trump has threatened to do a lot worse, in this situation and in many other areas. There's more going on in the USA and the world than the Israel/Gaza conflict. Some of us like to look at more than just one issue.


But don't worry, Netanyahu has post war plans for Palestine, and it looks like just the kind of thing Trump would propose!

The Awful Plan to Turn Gaza Into the Next Dubai

The Netanyahu administration seems to have learned from neighboring petrostates that spectacle can distract from ethnic cleansing.


Few places in the world face a more uncertain future than Gaza, where famine looms and 37,000 Palestinians have been killed in the course of Israel’s brutal retaliation for the October 7 Hamas attacks. But in May, the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly unveiled a (still unconfirmed) plan for the region dubbed “Gaza 2035.”

As outlined in the trade publication The Architect’s Newspaper, the plan envisions postwar Gaza as a tabula rasa, purged of residents, on which Netanyahu can realize a cartoonish, convoluted vision of fossil fuel extraction (an estimated 1.7 billion barrels of oil sit in the Strip’s coastal area), preemptive greenwashing (there’s talk of “electric car manufacturing cities”), and total fealty to the technology and real estate industries to shape the land.

The proposal was accompanied by AI-generated images showing hyper-modern skyscrapers, offshore oil rigs, solar energy fields, and other details that evoke a generic technocratic vision of urban progress. In order to complete the plan by 2035, Netanyahu proposes that after 12 months spent “freeing” the region of Hamas, Gaza will be put under the patronizing supervision of Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Morocco before returning it to Palestinians (if there are any left) under a vague “self-rule” that does not include a path to statehood. To call this plan, set to be carried out in the immediate aftermath of unimaginable suffering, anything but a naked land grab—a bloodthirsty colonial vision if ever there was one—is to mince words.

A curious part of Gaza 2035 is Netanyahu’s plan to connect Gaza via high-speed rail to NEOM, the $1.5 trillion speculative city that Saudi Arabia is building on the back its own, much-less-publicized ethnic cleansing campaign, in which the Howeitat tribe has been forced off its land under threat of imprisonment. Pandering to NEOM—a project to which some of the world’s most prestigious architecture firms have pledged their labor—is part of Netanyahu’s attempt to piggyback on the type of culture-washing that Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have engaged in, with arguable success. When presented with the opportunity to design high-budget buildings, architects are all too happy to serve such problematic petro-­governments, despite their field’s alleged devotion to sustainability and democracy. For Netanyahu’s purposes, NEOM serves as a model of how to use spectacle to distract from ethnic cleansing.

The only problem: NEOM is a pipe dream. In April, Bloomberg reported that instead of the 1.5 million people Saudi Arabia had imagined would be living in the city’s flagship horizontal mega-­skyscraper by 2030, newer projections point to a number more like 300,000. The original plan for 170 kilometers of coastline construction has been shrunk to a meager 2.4 kilometers. While it’s true that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman continues to dump funds into other infrastructure projects along the Red Sea, the extravaganza touted in design magazines for the past few years seems unlikely to materialize.

Gaza 2035 and NEOM have more in common than underlying violence, colonial ambition, and a hypothetical high-speed railway. They both exemplify how architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) firms make easy cash off new-money regimes. Recently, the AEC conglomerate AECOM published a job listing for a design manager to coordinate a USAID project to build water infrastructure in the West Bank and Gaza (presumably to be commenced after Israel razes every single building in Gaza to the ground). This isn’t the first time AECOM has shown an interest in Gaza. In 2017, it helped develop a paternalistic master plan called “Connected Gaza,” a series of modernization projects involving the flow of goods and services through new roads and offshore ports. While the company was careful to use the word “Palestine” and invoke historical complexity in its rhetoric, the plan read like the bog-standard vision of an AEC firm: technocratic, frictionless, top-down, and curiously apolitical.

It’s not surprising that AECOM is taking work in Gaza despite the political situation. It specializes in the “boring” parts of architecture—groundwater and geological monitoring and feasibility studies—that walk so that the glittery skyscrapers can run. Plus the reduction in capacity at NEOM (for which AECOM is slated to work on an airport, among other large projects) means it already has a workplace in the region.

Some may wonder why firms sign on to such speculative projects. Isn’t it a waste of work and talent, since these things may never get built? During the past 40-odd years, AEC projects have mushroomed in newer, cash-flush countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain—places desperate to strut their new power and develop tourism and culture sectors to diversify from oil while the oil money is still in their hands. Because most architecture firms bill by the hour, they can rake in enormous fees for design development: the renderings, proposals, and formal explorations that precede the commitment to actually building something. When projects are so vast, complex, and unfeasible that the design development phase is effectively interminable, they come with far less risk than actually committing to a physical structure, which exposes the firm to legal liability. In megaprojects like NEOM that are unlikely to come to fruition, firms can futz around and rake in cash for as long as the vision stays alive. And when the vision dies, there’s always another MBS or Netanyahu dreaming of a city of glass and steel.

Who doesn’t love getting paid—often quite a lot, judging by the job listings—to dream? Considering the soulless, de-skilled, highly stratified field that architecture has become, these jobs are alluring for a reason. And after all, is it not true that architecture can help make a rotten world better? Beyond the veneer of glitzy, fake eco-cities, AEC firms and individual architects alike often see things like infrastructure as being necessary and unspectacular—an inherent common good. But no project undertaken in the wake of ethnic cleansing, such as in Gaza, is neutral. As I wrote shortly after the war began, profiting from such violence, however visionary or mundane the work may be, is a political act with ethical ramifications. As the jobs open up to remake Gaza according to Netanyahu’s plan, I can only reiterate: Do not take them.

Thu 11 Jul, 2024 09:28 am
Some of us like to look at more than just one issue.

You mean, don't let the president's current material support of war crimes in Gaza influence anyone's opinion of him?

It's war crimes . . .

Anyway, the OP is not asking about conflicts elsewhere. He's wanting to know how to stop the war crimes in Gaza. That would begin with the U.S. president withholding his material support for those war crimes, and for people to stop overlooking it!
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 09:30 am
Stop lying, Glenn. You don't give a damn about Palestine or Israel or refugees or any kind. You're just picking on divisive things to crap on Biden.

It's one thing to overlook a president's criminal support of war crimes; that's bad enough. But you take that kind of oversight to a new level. It appears that, in this thread anyway, you are choosing to overlook a president's criminal material support of war crimes in favor of questioning the sincerity of those who are genuinely sickened enough by the facts to question the motives of that president and his supporters.
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Thu 11 Jul, 2024 10:40 am
It's war crimes . . .

You've said that before. And before. And before that. Meanwhile, advanced economies continue to engage in suicidal ecocide, threatening life as we know it around the globe. I guess because it's not exclusively lethal to woman and children the horror doesn't register with some people.
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 02:41 pm
You've said that before. And before. And before that.

Yeah, and I'll bet you think it's a coincidence that I've said it as often as you and others have refused to address it. Wink

The sitting president is actively aiding and abetting a war criminal. That statement stands as fact. It's too bad the political system has coughed up two such poor quality individuals for you to choose from, but this thread concerns ways in which we might help the victims of the war crimes in Gaza right now. And the obvious answer is to stop aiding and abetting the war criminals. And since that's exactly what President Joe Biden won't stop doing, that was bound to be a part of the solution in this discussion; after all, it's the truth of the matter.
I guess because it's not exclusively lethal to woman and children the horror doesn't register with some people.

You're in the wrong thread. Poster wants to know what can be done about the atrocities being committed in Gaza. He wasn't looking for ways in which to best justify not talking about it.

This is what he is asking about:


Happened just yesterday . . .
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 05:59 pm
What would make you happy Glennn? Do you want the US to declare a war against Israel? Would that stop all the murderous people who are, have been, or would like to be President, just looking for a solution Glennn and it sounds like you might be hiding one.
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 06:07 pm
You must have a problem with solving the problem of war crimes against Gazans by withholding the bombs and munitions that the war criminals are using to commit those war crimes. Yes? No?

In other words, what would make you happy when it comes to stopping illegal occupiers from committing war crimes right now against the population of Gaza?
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 08:40 pm
Well you know Glennn, I'm only a women who retired after 32 year career with DOD. I honestly would looooove to hear what an actual adult would do to fix everything. By the way, if you are not a male I apologize for my misdirection.
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 09:11 pm
That had nothing to do with the question, did it?

I'll try again.

Do you think that withholding the bombs and munitions that the war criminals are using right now to commit war crimes in Gaza is a good way to end those war crimes in Gaza? Kind of a no-brainer, ain't it . . . if you're an adult.

Did you see this:


Should we send more death and destruction to Gazans? Is that the new American way? To buddy-up with that kind of thing?
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 09:34 pm
Geez Glennn, if you don't know just say so. I won't criticize you for your lack of information. Just do what you have been begging, BEGGING, other people to do...How does this get fixed? Is your choice simply to insult people OR bestow on them the correct fix?

If you don't know, just say so. And by the way, you are not the 'superintendent' of this thread.
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 09:48 pm
How does this get fixed?

Why are you pretending that I haven't offered a solution to Israel's war-crimes against the Gazans?? I said I would stop sending the war criminals the bombs and munitions they're using to commit war crimes against Gazans. I said that quite plainly.

If you disagree with my solution to the atrocities being perpetrated on the Gazans by the Israelis via U.S. bombs and munitions, then make your case.

Did you watch that video?

Remember, the thread concerns how to end the atrocities. If not by stopping the shipments of those tools of destruction to war criminals, then what?
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 10:05 pm
And you truly believe that will solve the problem? Will that make Hamas feel guilty and they will stop raiding musicals with para gliders and armed rapists and kidnappers. I'm not in charge of Israel but I bet they would be thrilled if Hamas stopped shooting Jews. If you think that will work send a note to your Senator, Senators love getting help from their citizens (PS don't put a stamp on upside down if it's the American one)
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 10:21 pm
And you truly believe that will solve the problem?

Yes. If you withhold from the Israelis the tools they need to continue committing war crimes against Gazans, they'll stop. You don't understand how that works?

We can discuss the Nov. 7 attack in another thread.

Anyway, what I hear you saying is that because of the Nov. 7 attack, Israel has the right to commit war crimes (including starvation) against the innocent population of Gaza (collective punishment), and that President Joe Biden is right to continue sending weapons of destruction to the perpetrators, ignoring all international humanitarian organizations' call for an end to the war crimes. Is that what you think?

I only ask because you won't say how you feel about a sitting president sending weapons to war criminals.

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