I'm sure you have seen these. They look like this:
Do NOT click on them (e. g.
if you open one in error, just back out). Don't try to answer them. Don't reply to them. Don't tag them. Don't vote. Don't thumb up or down. Don't even report them.
Let the Mods find them. We will; don't worry, as they inevitably have a twin which is correctly formed but still spammy. Report the correctly formed twin topic if you wish but NOT the malformed one.
These things happen because a spambot is moving too fast for the software and has caused an error.
Why shouldn't you report it?
While we appreciate your diligence, any interaction with such topics screws up YOUR permissions to use the site. Often the symptoms are that you can see the forum, you can log in, and even PM people or sometimes vote topics and posts up or down, but you can't post. Instead, you get an error message saying that you killed a hamster.
YOU ARE NOT SUSPENDED. It's just that your permissions have gotten screwed up.
The only fix for this is for a developer to go in and manually readd you.
This, as you can imagine, takes some time.
So, hands off the malformed topics, please. We thank you for your diligence and your attention. We know you want to make A2K a better place. But eek, leave the malformed topics alone.
Thank you.